Waterbury VSEA Chapter Meeting Minutes

Waterbury VSEA Chapter Meeting Minutes – April 20, 2011
The meeting was held in the Chapel conference room. Tracey welcomed Conor
Casey, VSEA Legislative Coordinator, Robyn Maguire, Political Organizing Coordinator
and Chris Teifke, new Operations Director for VSEA to the meeting.
Secretary’s Report:
Vaughn Works made a motion to approve the 2/23/11 minutes. Al Lewis seconded.
The minutes were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tim Cropley reported that we have $1408.42 in the account before today’s expenses.
There will be approximately $1200.00 after today. Lucas Herring made a motion to
accept the treasurer’s report. Holly Peake seconded. The report was approved.
President’s Report:
Tracey Tapley asked everyone to introduce themselves, where they worked and
what, if any, VSEA positions they held. This exercise was to help members become
familiar with each other and who their representatives were for VSEA – Council
members, Trustees, Committee members, Bargaining Team, etc.
Tracey reported that we received a thank you note from the Waterbury Food Shelf
staff for our food donation from the last meeting.
At the October 2010 meeting, we approved $800 to be used for a Chapter outing.
Since the outing with the Frost Heaves did not happen, Tracey contacted the
Vermont Mountaineers. We are co-sponsoring their game on July 1, 2011. Our share
of the cost is $600 and will give us the 1st pitch of the game, 2 advertisements,
mention in 10-15 radio spots, posters and the right to set up an info table where we
can do give-aways. There will be 125 tickets available to members.
Employee Appreciation Day will be held on Monday, May 2, 2011. We are trying to
get donations of ice cream from Ben and Jerry but so far have not had any luck. If
we need to purchase this, we will need to approve funds. Lucas Herring made a
motion that we approve use of up to $250 for this event. Ann Horsman seconded.
The motion was approved. The event will be held at the top of the green, the little
horseshoe area. It will be in the Chapel conference room if it rains. Volunteers are
needed to scoop ice cream. This will be held from 11:00 to 1:00 and shifts will be for
½ hour with 2-4 people needed per shift. Please contact Tracey Tapley, Holly Peake
or Vicki Conti to volunteer.
VSEA President Bob Hooper is retiring on 4/30/11. John Reese has been appointed
as interim President by the Board of Trustees to finish Bob’s term which expires at
this year’s VSEA Annual Meeting in September.
Guest Speaker:
Conor Casey gave a review of the VSEA Legislative Agenda.
H.448, Retirement Bill, which increases the retirement contribution by 1.3%, will
pass this session. It replaces the other options which had been suggested by the
Legislature. The 1.3% increase begins 7/1/11 and will sunset in 5 years or whenever
the retirement fund is back at 100% funded. This bill also includes a law to prevent
the Legislature from making changes to a contract after it has gone to last best offer.
There is also protection for those retiring in the next few years from being affected
by the 3% pay cut.
H.202 – Health Care – VSEA supports the principles of the Health Care as a Human
Right campaign but has not taken a stand on this legislation, yet. VSEA was not
neutral on collective bargaining rights. We retain the right to collective bargaining for
$176 million General Fund Reductions – there is no language in the budget to lay off
workers but the Administration still has an implicit right to do so. $12 million was
saved in the budget from work force reductions (retirements). The hiring freeze
almost met this number. Some money will come back when contracts are
Voluntary Furloughs – the Non-Management bargaining Unit is the only one
considering it in contract negotiations. No formal proposal offered for it by the State,
Vermont State Hospital – State looking at building a new facility rather than send
patients to other hospitals and facilities.
Public Records Bill – free inspection of public records. The Senate voted yes, the
House voted no.
Child Care Workers – they are lobbying to come under the State coverage. VSEA is
hoping they don’t get added to the VT State Employees Retirement Plan and Health
Old Business:
There was none.
New Business:
The Waterbury Chapter Annual meeting will be held in August. Tracey encourages
members to consider running for President.
Door Prizes:
Carol Carpenter won for ‘bring your plate’ drawing. Tom Joslin won the general door
prize drawing.
Next Meeting:
June Meeting Location and Date TBD.
Submitted by:
Vicki Conti
Chapter Secretary