Springbank Community High School 32226 Springbank Rd. SW

Springbank Community High School
32226 Springbank Rd. SW
Calgary, AB T3Z 2L9
To whom it may concern,
As a student teacher in my classroom for the fall of 2013, I saw tremendous
growth in Tracey Wells as a new teacher. Her easy-going manner allowed her to build
connections with the students in the classroom. She built a strong rapport with the
students and began to show a little of herself and her sense of humor. When she required
their attention, she received it. She began to develop her own presence in the classroom.
She was thoroughly prepared for every class. She used excellent examples,
from both history and contemporary society to help students understand the specific
outcomes and provided support in their learning. The students knew they could come to
her if they had a question, and did so readily.
Tracey is a very thoughtful and deliberate teacher. Each sentence she spoke
and inquiry she guided was planned to increase students' understanding. She engaged the
students in critical questioning. The flow of the classes was excellent and the pacing
allowed the students to engage in learning. Her use of the technology available enhanced
the lesson and the pace and flow of the lesson was excellent.
It is without hesitation that I recommend Tracey for a teaching position. Please feel
free to contact me at Springbank Community High School (403 246 4771) or via email
(hfansher@rockyview.ab.ca) if you have any questions.
Heather Fansher, PhD