Waterbury VSEA Chapter Meeting Minutes – June 22, 2011

Waterbury VSEA Chapter Meeting Minutes – June 22, 2011
The meeting was held in the Skylight Conference Room at noon.
Secretary’s Report:
Heather Pembroke made a motion to accept the April 2011 minutes. Vaughn
Works seconded. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tim Cropley reported that we had received our Chapter Rebate of $1994.86.
After expenses were deducted for payment of the Vermont Mountaineers
Chapter outing, the balance is $2555.48. There is still a $200 outstanding
expense for the VT Mountaineers outing. Gerold Noyes made a motion to
accept the Treasurer’s report, Vaughn Works seconded. The motion was
President’s Report:
Tracey Tapley reminded everyone that the Vermont Mountaineers outing is
on July 1, 2011. $800 had been approved to sponsor a Chapter outing, $600
of this was used to sponsor the July 1 game and another $200 is allotted to
pay for concession tickets at the game. The first 50 Waterbury members who
come to the VSEA table will receive a $4 voucher towards concessions. The
VSEA Member Recruitment committee has signed up with Six Flags New
England for another outing on August 16, 2011.
Tracey asked the members in attendance at the meeting to introduce
themselves and tell where they work.
Tracey mentioned that the Chapter authorizes funds to help with Annual
Meeting expenses. This year, Annual Meeting is in Colchester on September
10. The Chapter reimburses for mileage to the meeting or help with hotel
expenses for those staying overnight. Last year we capped the
reimbursement amount at $1000 with a maximum of $100 per member
towards hotel cost or reimbursement of actual mileage up to a $100
maximum. Scott Melen made a motion that we authorize $1000 towards
Annual Meeting reimbursements with the provision that the money be used
to reimburse mileage first and any money left from the $1000 to be used to
reimburse hotel rooms. Heather Pembroke seconded. Discussion: Tim
Cropley mentioned that Annual meeting is changed this year. The Council will
meet all day Friday and the banquet will be held Friday night instead of
Saturday night. Annual Meeting will be held first on Saturday morning with
the Unit Meetings being held Saturday afternoon. Scott stated that the
rationale for his motion was that, since there is no banquet on Saturday
night, there would be less incentive for members to be booking rooms. Tim
stated that, with the banquet being held on Friday night, there would be a
need for rooms on Friday night instead of Saturday. Scott amended his
motion to propose that $1000 be authorized for Annual Meeting
reimbursement with a limit of $100/member towards room expenses or
actual mileage costs. Tim mentioned that the mileage reimbursement is
made at the GSA rate of 51¢ not the VSEA rate of 45¢. Suggestion: If the
GSA rate puts us over the $1000 limit, use the VSEA rate. The motion was
The Chapter usually contributes towards Door Prizes at the Annual Meeting.
With the change in the way the meeting is being run this year, we don’t know
what the Special Events Committee is planning for Door Prizes. Tracey will
check with the Special Events Committee to find out their plans and we will
then vote on our Chapter contribution at our next meeting.
Our Chapter Annual Meeting will be held on August 3, 2011 in the Hazen
Notch Room of the Summit Center. We will have elections of Chapter Officers
and Chapter delegates to the VSEA Council. This is also the opportunity to
change Chapter Bylaws. There are a few that need revision. Let Tracey know
if you want a copy of the Chapter Bylaws. Changes need to be to Tracey 2
weeks prior to the Chapter Annual Meeting so that they can be warned with
the agenda. Please have changes to Tracey by July 18, 2011.
Old Business:
Heather Pembroke asked about Bargaining Team informational meetings that
were being held around the state. Vaughn Works reported on the Waterbury
meeting. Members inquired about health care savings, request to be sure to
get the 3% pay reduction back and retirement issues (these are not
bargainable). A new law states that the Legislature can’t change a bargaining
agreement from the Labor Board. They can only approve or reject the
agreement. There was also discussion around getting steps back retroactively
or at least getting them back and the possibility of a COLA increase with the
3% reinstated wages.
New Business:
Door Prize:
For Attendance (none for bring your own plate this time): Vicki Conti - $25
Gas card
Next Meeting:
Chapter Annual Meeting, August 3, 2011 at noon in the Hazen Notch Room of
the Summit Center.
Submitted by:
Vicki Conti
Chapter Secretary