Student Friendly Math Rubric Score 6 Exceptional awesome goes beyond 5 very good clear strong 4 pretty good gets the job done 3 good try unclear 2 incomplete confusing 1 may or may not make an effort hard to understand Understanding Support for Thinking Finds all important parts of problem Has full understanding of math needed Uses unusual, creative thinking Finds most of the important parts of problem Has good understanding of math needed Finds more than one way to solve problem Uses many ways to show thinking like diagrams, designs, analyses, Does more than problem asks Finds one or more ways to solve problem Uses several ways to show thinking like diagrams, chars, graphs, etc. May experiment, design or analyse May compare problem to another, predict Uses one way to solve problem Some ways to show thinking may be missing May experiment, design or analsyse Writes a clear, convincing, thoughtful answer Writes to an audience Diagrams very clear May or may not solve the problem Mathematical thinking is unclear of limited Chooses wrong ways to solve problem Has trouble writing ideas May or may not write to an audience Diagrams or charts not clear Doesn’t explain thinking Uses ways to solve problem which don’t fit the problem Writes in a confusing way May or may not write to an audience Answers difficult to understand Makes little or no attempt to explain results Writes in a way that is very hard to understand Finds most of the important parts of problem-some less important are missing Understands most of the math needed Finds a few of the important parts of problem Understands some of the math needed Thinking gets mixed up Might miss the big idea Little understanding of the problem Finds less important part of the problem Understands bits and pieces of math needed Doesn’t understand the problem Communication Writes clearly Makes sense Writes to an audience Diagrams clear Addresses all parts of the problem Writes to an audience Writing may be unclear Source: ACU Assessment informing our teaching: Practical ideas and approaches for busy teachers – Doug Clarke and Ann Downton, August 2006