Course Syllabus: Instructor: Art 8 Drawing and Painting Laura Sarff Description: This class is designed for students to expand and develop the fundamentals previously introduced. All elements of art are emphasized while students explore a variety of art materials and techniques, working within the two-dimensional range of drawing and painting. Projects range from more advanced drawing and shading, as well as mixed media and painting . All units and projects address one or more of the following St Vrain Valley Art Standards: Observe and Learn to Comprehend The visual arts are a means for expression, communication, and meaning-making. Envision and Critique to Reflect Visual arts recognize, articulate, and implement critical thinking through the synthesis, evaluation, and analysis of visual information. Invent and Discover to Create Generate works of art that employ unique ideas, feelings, and values using different media and technologies. Relate and Connect to Transfer Recognize, articulate, and validate the value of the visual arts to lifelong learning and the human experience. Scope: The course will revisit concepts previously taught in relation to the art elements and art standards before introducing new concepts and processes. The course has been designed to give students a variety of art experiences in a sequential process, building on previous learning while progressing to more advanced learning. Curriculum: Units will cover an extensive drawing module and shading techniques, plus color study and mixed media, as well as a study of various art styles, periods and famous artists. Within each unit a variety of projects using an assortment of media are offered. Using the skills and knowledge from previous experiences, students will explore mixed media materials, oil pastels, chalk pastels, watercolors, markers, tissue, scratchboard and other art media. Techniques to improve drawing skills as well as methods to help make art experiences more successful will be covered. Units and projects will vary in length and complexity. In addition to advancing their art production skills, students will be exploring personal expression and communication through the visual arts. The class is designed for students to expand and develop the fundamentals previously introduced in two-dimensional art areas. Projects and units incorporate previous learning while advancing students knowledge and skills to a higher level. Within each unit students will observe an introduction to the unit as well as specific project, a hands-on demonstration of the media and techniques to be used, and a presentation of examples, both professional and student created. Slides, power point presentations, DVD’s, videos, examples, and other resources may be employed. Most units have a culminating assessment quiz, but the majority of grades are earned by completion of the assignment within the stated rubrics distributed prior to the start of the project. The semester will cover the following areas and projects: Drawing: Shading: Projects – extensive learning activities for drawing using right brain approaches. Drawing exercises: contour, blind contour, grid, gesture, upside down, etc. Techniques applied to two major projects, scratchboard and famous face portraits. Art Element focus – line, form, shape, space Projects – extensive learning activities using a variety of media. Shading applied to two major projects, scratchboard and famous face portraits. Art Element focus – shape, form, space Color/Painting/Mixed Media: Projects – extensive learning activities using a variety of media including pastels, oil pastels, oil sticks, colored pencil, marker, tempera paint, watercolor, tissue, paint sticks, acrylic, etc. Media applied to two major projects, expressive personal portrait and famous painting reproduction. May also be applied to additional projects depending on available time, possibly including acrylic on canvas or watercolor. Focus on study of famous artists as well as use of materials and techniques. Art Element focus – shape, form, color, space Also incorporated in most projects: Balance Contrast Unity Emphasis Pattern Principles of Art Communication Plan: Parents are welcome to check grades and postings at any time on designated school web sites. Progress reports may be sent home for all students on occasion, and if a student is not earning a grade of B or higher, the form must be signed and returned within two days of issue. Parents will be notified by email or telephone if there is an issue with a student’s grade or behavior, and all parents are encouraged to use the school email to contact me any time there is a question or concern. The email address is I will reply to any email sent as soon as possible. Homework Policy: There is no homework and no textbook. All work is to be completed in class, with ample time allotted to do so. Students do not need notebooks, folders, planners, etc., and will be expected to keep all papers, handouts, projects, tests or quizzes in the classroom in the designated storage areas. All work will be returned to students at the end of the semester. Late Work Policy: Late work is expected to be completed within the school established guidelines of two days allowance for each day absent. Work not completed by the end of a unit when supplies are put away and no longer available may not be made up at school. Students will have to improvise on their own outside of the classroom to finish work that extends past the unit deadlines. Work that is not complete or not handed in will not earn credit. Reassessment Policy: Alternative projects and extra credit are not accepted as replacement for grades earned on assigned work. Students are welcome to adjust, re-start, or re-do their work as desired during an active unit or project; however, once the unit is complete and supplies have been cleared, students may not repeat or re-do any art assignment. Worksheets and learning exercises MUST be redone until a passing grade is achieved. Tests and quizzes culminate entire units and are final, not open to reassessment. Discipline Policy: Students are expected to follow all school and classroom guidelines and rules. Should a student be unwilling to cooperate, a number of options may be utilized, including removal from the classroom for a time-out period in the hall or in another classroom, removal from the class for the entire class period, referral to the office, having the student make a phone call on the spot to a parent to explain their behavior, or other options as necessary. Minimum Expectations: Students are expected to follow all school rules and classroom guidelines. They are expected to participate in all assignments and class activities to the best of their ability. They are expected to complete all assignments in a timely manner.