Homework 4 Covers Chapters 7 Use the Project Talent data set. 1. Perform a multiple regression by regressing Math on Gender, SES, Sociability, Reading, and Mechanical Reasoning entering the predictors in this order. a. What is the interpretation of the t-tests for SES and Sociability? Be sure to include the null and alternative hypothesis being tested, the degrees of freedom, the pvalue, and your conclusion and decision about Ho at a 10% level of significance. SES Ho: B2 = 0 Ha: B2 ≠ 0 t-stat: 1.63 DF: 19 p-value: 0.119 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is greater than 0.10 we would not reject Ho. Plausible that the addition of SES makes no significant linear contribution to prediction of Math Achievement when Gender, Sociability, Reading, and Mechanical Reasoning are in the model. Sociability Ho: B3 = 0 Ha: B3 ≠ 0 t-stat: - 0.11 DF: 19 p-value: 0.912 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is greater than 0.10 we would not reject Ho. Plausible that the addition of Sociability makes no significant linear contribution to prediction of Math Achievement when Gender, SES, Reading, and Mechanical Reasoning are in the model. Regression Analysis: Math versus Gender, SES, Social, Reading, Mech The regression equation is Math = - 19.4 - 0.63 Gender + 0.231 SES - 0.050 Social + 0.237 Reading + 1.28 Mech Predictor Constant Gender Coef -19.36 -0.635 SE Coef 14.14 3.101 T -1.37 -0.20 P 0.187 0.840 1 SES Social Reading Mech 0.2312 -0.0501 0.2370 1.2820 0.1415 0.4476 0.1826 0.4641 1.63 -0.11 1.30 2.76 0.119 0.912 0.210 0.012 b. State the null and alternative hypotheses being tested by the ANOVA table in output. Include the F-statistic, p-value, and your decision and conclusion about Ho. Ho: All slopes equal 0 Ha: Not all slopes equal 0 F-stat: 8.83 p-value: 0.000 Decision/Conclusion: Reject Ho and conclude at least one slope does not equal 0. Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total Source Gender SES Social Reading Mech DF 1 1 1 1 1 DF 5 19 24 SS 1769.93 761.91 2531.84 MS 353.99 40.10 F 8.83 P 0.000 Seq SS 401.28 582.95 48.57 431.08 306.04 c. Create an ANOVA table that shows the contributions of each of these predictors using the Sequential Sum of Squares from output. The addition of these sum of squares should equal the SSR (Sum of Squares Regression) found in the ANOVA table of your output. Source Regression Gender SES|Gender Social|Gender,SES Reading|Gender,SES,Social Mech|Gender,SES,Social,Reading Error Total SS 1769.93 401.28 582.95 48.57 431.08 306.04 761.91 2531.84 DF 5 1 1 1 1 1 19 24 MS 353.99 401.28 582.95 48.57 431.08 306.04 40.10 d. For each of the Sequential SS conduct the partial F test for that variable. Be sure to include the null and alternative hypotheses being tested, the degrees of Freedom, the p-value from both the F-table in text (this will be a range) and by using Calc > 2 Probability Distributions in Minitab, and your conclusion and decision about Ho at 10% level of significance. Note that this will include five (5) partial F tests. Gender Ho: B1= 0 Ha: B1 ≠ 0 F-stat: F 401.28 / 1 401.28 4.33 (761.91 306.04 431.08 48.57 582.95) / 23 92.63 DF: 1, 23 p-value from table: 0.05 < p < 0.10 p-value from Minitab: 0.0488 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is less than 0.10 we reject Ho and conclude that Gender is a significant linear predictor of Math Achievement. SES Ho: B2= 0 Ha: B2 ≠ 0 F-stat: F 582.95 / 1 582.95 8.29 (761.91 306.04 431.08 48.57) / 22 70.35 DF: 1, 22 p-value from table: 0.005 < p < 0.01 p-value from Minitab: 0.0087 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is less than 0.10 we reject Ho and conclude that SES is a significant linear predictor of Math Achievement when Gender in model. Sociability Ho: B3= 0 Ha: B3 ≠ 0 F-stat: F 48.57 / 1 48.57 0.68 (761.91 306.04 431.08) / 21 71.38 DF: 1, 21 p-value from table: 0.50 < p < 0.10 p-value from Minitab: 0.4189 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is greater than 0.10 we fail to reject Ho and conclude that Sociability is not a significant linear predictor of Math Achievement when Gender and SES are in model. Reading Ho: B4= 0 Ha: B4 ≠ 0 3 F-stat: F 431.08 / 1 431.08 8.07 (761.91 306.04) / 20 53.40 DF: 1, 20 p-value from table: 0.01 < p < 0.025 p-value from Minitab: 0.0102 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is less than 0.10 we reject Ho and conclude that Reading is a significant linear predictor of Math Achievement when Gender, SES and Sociability are in model. Mechanical Reasoning Ho: B5= 0 Ha: B5 ≠ 0 F-stat: F 306.04 / 1 306.04 7.63 (761.91) / 19 40.10 DF: 1, 19 p-value from table: 0.01 < p < 0.025 p-value from Minitab: 0.0124 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is less than 0.10 we reject Ho and conclude that Mechanical Reasoning is a significant linear predictor of Math Achievement when Gender, SES, Sociability, and Reading are in model. NOTE: This last partial F-test is related to the conditional t-test in the regression portion of output. That is, the t-statistic for Mechanical Reasoning is 2.76 with a pvalue of 0.012. Squaring 2.76 gets you 7.62 which is the partial F-statistic (with rounding error). The p-values are the same (again including some error for rounding). This relationship is only true for the last variable entered in the model. e. Compute by hand the partial coefficient of determination (i.e. partial R2) and partial correlation for adding Reading to model already containing Gender, SES, and Sociability. Be sure to correctly identify the direction of this correlation. SSE ( x1, x 2, x3) SSE ( x1, x 2, x3, x 4) SSE ( x1, x 2, x3) Partial R2: SeqSS (Re ading ) 431.08 0.288 28.8% (761.91 306.04 431.08) 1499.03 R y24|1, 2,3 Interpretation: This indicates that the effect of Reading in reducing the variability in Math Achievement when Gender, SES, and Sociability are already in the model is 28.8% 4 Partial r: square root of partial R2 which is √0.288 = 0.537 and is positive since slope for Reading is positive when these four variables are in model to predict Math Achievement. f. Repeat part d using Minitab to find the partial correlation and paste your Minitab output of this correlation below. Pearson correlation of RESI3 and RESI4 = 0.536 P-Value = 0.006 g. Conduct the partial F test to determine whether Gender, SES, and Sociability together account for a significant amount of variability in Math Achievement. Be sure to include the null and alternative hypothesis being tested, the degrees of Freedom, the pvalue from both the F-table in text (this will be a range) and by using Calc > Probability Distributions in Minitab, and your conclusion and decision about Ho. Ho: B1 = B2 = B3 = 0 Ha: At least one of the slopes does not equal 0 F-stat: F (401 .28 582 .95 48 .57 ) / 3 344 .27 4.82 (761 .91 306 .04 431 .08) / 21 71 .38 DF: 3,21 p-value from table: 0.01 < p < 0.025 p-value from Minitab: 0.0105 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is less than 0.10 we would reject Ho and conclude that at least one of the slopes does not equal 0 meaning at least one of Gender, SES, and Sociability is a significant linear predictor of Math Achievement. h. Use Minitab > Basic Statistics > Correlation to get the correlation matrix of the six variables. Copy and past your output. Which variable has the strongest relationship with Math Achievement? The weakest? Strongest: Mechanical Reasoning (r = 0.797 Weakest: Sociability (r = - 0.219) Gender -0.091 0.666 Reading -0.528 0.007 0.506 0.010 0.121 0.566 -0.317 0.123 -0.202 0.332 SES -0.225 0.279 0.146 0.487 0.502 0.011 -0.095 0.652 Math -0.398 0.049 0.528 0.007 0.797 0.000 -0.219 0.294 Reading Mech Social Mech Social SES 0.557 0.004 5 i. Compute the test statistic to determine whether the correlation between Reading and Sociability in the population is equal to zero with a two-tailed test and alpha of 5%. Use Minitab Calc > Probability Distributions to get p-value. Check your conclusion (i.e. p-value) to that found in the correlation matrix. Ho: p = 0 Ha: p ≠ 0 t-stat: t = r√(n-2)/ √(1-r2) = -0.317√(25-2)/ √(1-(-0.3172)) = - 1.603 DF: 23 p-value: 0.122 Decision/Conclusion: Since p-value is greater than 0.05 we would fail to reject Ho and conclude that the population correlation between Reading and Sociability is not different from 0. j. Compute the 95% confidence interval for the correlation between Reading and Sociability. Remember to transform your interval back from the Fisher’s value to the population correlation using Table B8. z ' z(1 / 2) z ' z (1 / 2) n3 where z’ = (n 3) 0.325 1 1 r12 ln 2 1 r12 where z ' 1 1 r 1 1 (0.317) 0.325 ln ln 2 1 r 2 1 (0.317) 1.96 0.325 0.418 0.743 z ' 0.093 (25 3) From Table B8 this converts to 0.63 p 0.09 Since this interval contains 0 we would fail to reject Ho at the 5% level of significance. k. How would you interpret the correlation between Gender and Mechanical Reasoning (remember that Males were coded as 0 and Females as 1). How could we have made this correlation positive? The correlation of – 0.528 implies that Males scored higher on Mechanical Reasoning than Females (i.e as the value of Gender increased from 0 to 1 the Mechanical Reasoning scores decreased). If one wanted to change the direction you could simply recode Females as 0 and Males as 1. 6