February Council Meeting
February 15, 2011 – 7:00 PM
The February 2011 Heidelberg Borough Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, at the
Heidelberg Borough Building, 1631 East Railroad Street, within the Borough Office Conference
Room, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Council President, Raymond Losego.
Roll Call:
President Losego
Vice President Kosol
Councilman DeBar
Councilman Duda
Councilman Ferris
Mayor LaSota
Solicitor Kaleugher
Manager Kauer
Chief Barkley
Recognitions and Presentations
o Warning Meteorologist Fred McMullen from the National Weather Service
presented Heidelberg Borough Council and Mayor LaSota with Official
“StormReady” Community Status. He commended the Borough for its
Emergency Management efforts as it relates to severe weather preparedness.
Mayor LaSota then read the proclamation from the NWS to the Borough to the
o Mayor LaSota presented Larry and Annie Klein of Walnut Street with the 2010
Mayoral Service Recognition Award. Mayor LaSota read the proclamation and
gave them a snow shovel for their countless hours of community service around
the Borough.
Ratify and pass the minutes from the January 11 and January 18, 2011 Council Meetings.
Motion was made by Councilman Duda, seconded by Vice President Kosol to accept the
minutes; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to acknowledge receipt of the February 2011 Borough Treasurer’s report was made
by Councilman Debar, seconded by Vice President Kosol. Motion carried unanimously.
Approve and pay the bills. Motion to pay the bills was made by Vice President Kosol,
seconded by Councilman Duda; motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment – (Agenda Items Only)
No citizens had anything to comment regarding the Agenda items.
Borough Manager’s Report
Manager Kauer reported that the Southwest Allegheny Tax Collection Committee met on
January 19th. At this meeting officers were re-elected, same officers as 2010. The
committee is on track for the Earned Income Tax collection transfer starting January
2012. He also reported that the seven communities that participate in the SHACOG
Vactor program met on January 20th. The Vactor truck operator retired after 33 years of
service to the COG. The communities formed an interview committee and will be
putting out an ad shortly seeking interested parties. Special attention will be given to
persons with prior Vactor experience. SHACOG hopes to have the new operator on
board come the start of the 2011 Vactor program in late-March / April.
He also reported that he submitted application to Allegheny County Economic
Development for 2011 Allegheny Together consideration. He stated that his goal was to
seek this support to help expand and sustain our business community. Allegheny
Together offers various programs to help promote and invest in local businesses.
Furthermore, the Manager reported that application was also submitted to the PA LCB
for 2011/12 LCB grant funding for additional police patrols. In regards to grants, he also
informed Council that the Borough received notice that two of our 2010 CDBG
applications were denied as result of lack of funding at the County level. The projects to
be denied as result were the Ellsworth Ave – Phase 4 paving project and the demolition
of 1629 Walnut St- Rear. Council will need to decide what it wants to do as it relates to
Ellsworth Avenue. With such, this appears that Rt. 50 ADA Ramps Phase 3 will be
awarded. We will need to attempt to work something out with PENNDOT regarding
these ramps otherwise; we may have to turn this grant back.
The Manager reported that he attended the ALCOSAN basin planning committee
meeting on Thursday, February 10th at Scott Park. The planning consultants are still
working on the alternatives model – no alternatives were discussed and they did state that
the model is still evolving attempting to possibly reduce the number of proposed facilities
needed in the basin. Handouts from the meeting are included in everyone’s packet and
are available here in the Borough Office. At this meeting, within the plan the proposed
secondary interceptor and five facilities are still being considered. Lastly, Manager
Kauer informed the officials that he had the privilege to represent the Borough and give a
brief talk on ongoing and proposed projects going on within the Borough to the members
of the Southwest Communities Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, February 15th.
Solicitor’s Report
Solicitor Kaleugher reported that all activity is highlighted on his written report to
Council and he entertained questions.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor LaSota reported the police statistics for the period January 1, 2011 through
January 31, 2011. He stated that the department responded to 53 calls for service, had 3
physical arrests, and collected $1,312.24 in fines.
The Mayor also reported that on January 19th he represented the Borough at the Local
Government Academy Board of Directors Meeting that was held at the LGA offices at
the Community College of Allegheny County. He also reported that on January 25th,
along with others from the Borough, he attended the National Weather Service’s
“SkyWarn” class that was held here in the Borough at the HVFD Social Hall. He
explained that this training prepared Borough officials to matters of weather readiness.
Chief of Police’s Report
Chief Barkley reported that the Heidelberg Police Department hosted that monthly
SHACOG Police Chiefs Committee Meeting on February 2nd. There were 27 chiefs in
attendance, a presentation from IbisTek was given regarding police cruiser upgrade
equipment and he thanked the Heidelberg VFD for use of the hall for the meeting. The
Chief also informed Council and Mayor that the Department still has $3,200 in LCB
grant funds for patrols and is in the process of scheduling the additional shifts.
The Chief also informed the officials that the District Attorney’s office has provided the
department with new case law regarding “disorderly conduct” charges and that profanity
alone does not warrant such charges.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Motion to reappoint Mrs. Dolly Kosol to the Heidelberg Zoning Hearing Board with a three
year term that is scheduled to expire December 31, 2013. Motion was made by Councilman
DeBar, seconded by Councilman Duda; motion carried with Vice President Kosol abstaining.
Motion to reappoint Mrs. Bessie Kwasniewski to the Heidelberg Planning Commission with
a four year term that is scheduled to expire December 31, 2014. Motion was made by Vice
President Kosol, seconded by Councilman DeBar; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to reappoint Mr. Albert Kosol, Jr., to the Heidelberg Planning Commission with a
two year term that is scheduled to expire December 31, 2012. Motion was made by Councilman
DeBar, seconded by Councilman Duda; motion carried with Vice President Kosol abstaining.
Motion to reappoint Mrs. Mary Anne Morgan to the Heidelberg Planning Commission
with a four year term that is scheduled to expire December 31, 2014. Motion was made by
Councilman DeBar, seconded by Vice President Kosol; motion carried unanimously.
Mayor LaSota then swore into office the above referenced reappointees.
Motion to authorize the Borough Manager to notify the residents listed on Delinquent Tax
List No. 1-2011, further authorizing the Borough Solicitor to initiate litigation against the above
listed parties in accordance with Act 1 of 1996 and Act 20 of 2003. Motion was made by
Councilman DeBar, seconded by Councilman Duda; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to provide Allegheny County Council with a letter of support for their campaign to
request a statewide property tax reassessment moratorium. Motion was made by Vice
President Kosol, seconded by Councilman DeBar; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to authorize the procurement through the Pennsylvania State CoStars purchasing
program of a 2011 JCB, Model 3C-14 Backhoe / Front Loader with broom and additional
digging attachments at a price not to exceed $73,363.60, furthermore authorizing a fiveyear municipal lease with a $1 buy out at conclusion of the lease of this equipment through
First Niagara Bank at an interest rate not to exceed 3.61%. Motion was made by
Councilman DeBar, seconded by Councilman Duda; Mayor LaSota commented that he is of the
opinion that this machine will be a significant increase in the duties of our Public Works
supervisor and a bold step forward for the Borough. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor LaSota reported that he represented the Borough at the January 20th SHACOG
Board of Directors Meeting that was held at the Dormont Borough Building. He stated
that the annual SHACOG Dinner has been scheduled for April 28th at the South Hills
Country Club. The Mayor also informed Council that the COG has changed health care
providers staying off a potential $25,000 increase. The next meeting of SHACOG was
reported to be held in Heidelberg.
Vice President Kosol reported pothole patching is to be starting this week. He urged
residents to call the Borough office if there is one missed.
Councilman Duda reported that work continues on the design and site layout for the Park
Restroom Building Project. It is anticipated to have a preliminary design back for
Council to consider putting out for bid at the March Council Meeting. He also reported
that all of the Christmas Decorations and Banners were taken down and stored away last
Thursday. He gave special thanks to Councilman Ferris for letting the Borough borrow
his bucket truck.
Lastly, Councilman Duda reported that Heidelberg Borough is now on Facebook. He
stated that newsflashes, reminders and event info will be posted on there as well. We
encourage Facebook participants to become “friends” of the Borough.
Vice President Kosol reported that there have been no meetings of the Flood Authority.
Councilman Duda reported that the PENNDOT Traffic Signal Preemption project is
moving forward in the Borough. The sensors have been installed at all of the
intersections, however are not activated as of yet. He stated that the traffic controller
box at First Street is to be upgraded to make the preemption equipment operational.
There is a problem with the electrical service to the traffic signal that needs to be rectified
before the project can be completed.
Lastly, Councilman Duda reported that the SKYWARN class on January 25th was well
attended. There were 21 people from the Borough in attendance including some
residents, the Police Chief, Mayor, Council President, staff and firefighters. The class
was very informative.
Councilman DeBar reported on the code items for the past month. He reported on the
permits issued since last council meeting (January 18, 2011).
o Ordinance Violation Notices Sent Out following complaints received – 7
(Snow and Ice on Sidewalk Issues)
o Zoning Permits – 1
o Occupancy Permits - 1
Mayor LaSota reported that on January 26th, that both he and the Borough Manager met
with PENNDOT regarding the $6,000,000 paving reconstruction project of Route 50 that
is planned to improve Route 50 in Heidelberg this summer. He stated that work is to take
place from Bridgeville to Carnegie. Mayor LaSota informed Council of his displeasure
that the engineers of this paving project were not aware of the $2,400,000 Heidelberg,
Scott and Carnegie Streetscape project that is going on in this very same area.
He also reported that he Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee meet
on January 27th here in Heidelberg to discuss concerns with Route 50. The next meeting
is scheduled for February 23rd in Carnegie and the topic to be discussed is “Downtown
Lastly, he informed Council that both he and the Manager are to meet again with
PENNDOT officials on February 22nd to review the proposed ADA improvements on Rt.
50 that are part of their resurfacing project.
Public Comment (General)
Mr. John Clawson, 408 Second Street, owner of Muzzy’s Bar, requested Council to
consider legislation that would allow him to vote in Heidelberg in addition to his rights to
vote where he resides in a neighboring community. He was advised that this is a state
matter and not in the purview of Borough Council.
He also questioned the status of the streetscape project. Mayor LaSota informed him that
the project is currently awaiting for approval to start design. Mr. Clawson complained
that he doesn’t want to start personal work or improvements to his property as he doesn’t
know what will be completed through the streetscape program near his property.
Lastly, Mr. Clawson questioned the practicability of the ADA Ramp at the bottom of the
Second Street steps. Manager Kauer informed him that that ramp is to allow for persons
with disabilities to access the bus stop that is at that location.
Borough Council recessed for an Executive Session to discuss a legal matter at 7:45 PM and
reconvened at 7:50 PM, no action was taken.
Motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Duda, seconded by Councilman DeBar; motion
carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 7:52 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Kauer
Borough Manager