June 2013 - Heidelberg Borough

June Council Meeting
June 18, 2013 – 7:00 PM
The June 2013 Heidelberg Borough Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, in the
Heidelberg Borough Community Room, 1639 East Railroad Street, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance led by Council President Raymond Losego.
Roll Call:
President Losego
Vice President Duda
Councilman DeBar
Councilman Ferris
Councilman Kosol
Mayor LaSota
Solicitor Kaleugher
Manager Kauer
Chief Barkley
Motion to hire Antonio Ruiz and Emily Bielewicz as probationary part-time Police Officers.
Motion was made by Vice President Duda, seconded by Councilman Kosol; motion carried
unanimously. Mayor LaSota introduced the newly hired officers to Council and the public
present, and gave the oath of office and swore-in the new Police Officers.
Ratify and pass the minutes from the 14 May 2013 and 21 May 2013 Council Meetings.
Motion was made by Vice President Duda, seconded by Councilman Kosol to accept the
minutes; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to acknowledge receipt of the June 2013 Borough Treasurer’s report was made by
Vice President Duda, seconded by Councilman DeBar. Motion carried unanimously.
Approve and pay the bills. Motion to pay the bills was made by Councilman Kosol, seconded
by Councilman DeBar; motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment – (Agenda Items Only)
No citizens present had any comment regarding the Agenda items.
Borough Manager’s Report
The Borough Manager reported that the Borough through a partnership with Allegheny
County Economic Development is accepting applications to participate in the Pro Bono
Vacant Property Recovery Program for the acquisition of side yards. He stated that
should you have a vacant lot next to your principle residence within the Borough and you
are interested in acquiring it; through this program you could purchase it free and clear
for approximately just the appraised value of the land. More information is posted on the
website, deadline to submit applications is July 15th.
Solicitor’s Report
Solicitor Kaleugher reported that all of his month’s activity is outlined on his submitted
written report to Council.
He also informed Council that in regards to the County Vacant Property Recovery
Program, interested applicants must be to-date with their real estate taxes. The Solicitor
also reported that he reviewed the draft Sanitary Sewer Feasibility Study. He stated that
it is anticipated that ALCOSAN sewer fees to increase to approximately $1,300 per
customer, per year.
In regards to the Jordan Tax Confidentiality Agreement he informed Council that he
suggests that the Borough Manager be delegated as the sole contact for receiving tax
reports as outlined within the agreement.
Lastly, Solicitor Kaleugher reported that last week he met with the Borough Manager,
Chartiers Valley School District Business Manager and the school solicitor regarding the
delinquent real estate taxes owed on the Starfish Holdings properties. He stated that a
complaint has been filed into the Courts to tax sale the properties.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor LaSota reported summary police statistics for the period May 1 through May 31,
2013. In this period, the Heidelberg Police responded to 67 calls for service, had four
physical arrests and collected $1,593.81 in fines.
The following activities were highlighted:
 On May 29th he attended the Three Rivers Wet Weather meeting in Green Tree
Borough. He stated that at this meeting, County Chief Executive Fitzgerald
presented information regarding ALCOSAN’s efforts to include green
infrastructure in their planning efforts.
 On May 30th he attended the Allegheny Land Trust meeting in East Liberty.
 On June 14th he attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the Allegheny Land
Trust to preserve 48 acres of green space in Sewickley Township.
 On June 17th he attended the Chartiers Valley Education Foundation Meeting at
the CV Middle School.
 On June 18th he attended the Local Government Academy Board of Directors
Meeting that was held at the Gateway Engineers offices in Green Tree.
Chief of Police’s Report
Chief Barkley reported that in the past month requests to back up neighboring police
agencies were up. He reminded the public that the HPD offers vacation home checks of
your property should you be out of town.
The Chief also reported that both newly hired part-time police officers should complete
field training by June 24th. Lastly, Chief Barkley reported that SHACOG is currently
deliberating establishing their own Drug Task Force.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Motion to appoint Miss Carrie Nolan to the Heidelberg Civil Service Commission with a term
that is set to expire June 19, 2015. Motion was made by Vice President Duda, seconded by
Councilman Kosol; motion carried unanimously. Mayor then gave the oath of office and
swore-in Miss Nolan as the newest Civil Service Commissioner.
Motion to authorize the execution of an Administrative Agreement by and between the
Borough of Heidelberg and the South Hills Area Council of Governments for the
administration of the Second Street Stairs and Wall Project. Motion was made by Councilman
DeBar, seconded by Councilman Kosol; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to authorize the Borough Engineer to submit the Sanitary Sewer Feasibility Study
to ALCOSAN and the appropriate regulatory agencies. Motion was made by Councilman
DeBar, seconded by Vice President Duda; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to authorize the execution of a Confidentiality Agreement and Authorization
Contract by and between the Borough of Heidelberg and Jordan Tax Services regarding the
collection of Earned Income Taxes and naming Joseph Kauer as the authorized contact. Motion
by Vice President Duda, seconded by Councilman DeBar; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to remove Antonino Balsamo from the current police hiring eligibility list. Motion was
made by Councilman Kosol, seconded by Councilman DeBar; motion carried unanimously.
Mayor LaSota reported that SHACOG is currently working on drafting the newest
contract for joint solid waste removal. He stated that the industry is leaning on moving to
automated collection that would only require one employee per trash truck. He stated
that the next meeting is scheduled for June 21st in Moon Township, and that at the recent
Annual SHACOG Dinner he was recognized with a plaque for his recent tenure as
SHACOG President.
Councilman Kosol reported that the Public Works Crew is currently in the process of
constructing the foundation needed for the Community Room Parking Lot. Once the
Public Works has all of the earth and stone work complete, PENNDOT is to pave the lot,
without any monetary charge, through a renewed Agility Agreement.
Vice President Duda reported that “Monthly Seniors” is now underway and a routine
event. The next senior event is this Wednesday, June 19th, 1:00PM at the Community
Room. There is to be a movie shown, snacks and drinks will be provided, no charge to
attend and all are welcome. He also reported that this summer’s first Family Night is this
Friday, June 21st, 6:00PM at Heidelberg Park. He added that there will be a DJ and free
No report.
Councilman Duda reported that Congressman Tim Murphy is to attend this Friday’s
Family Night at Heidelberg Park; he is to present the fire company with a check for a
recently received FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant that enabled the purchase of
new fire helmets, boots and radios.
Councilman DeBar reported on the code items for the past month. He reported on the
permits issued since last council meeting:
Permits Issued since last meeting:
o Occupancy Permits – 1
o Zoning Permits – 3
o Ordinance Violation Notices Sent Out – 19 (complaints regarding: high
grass, trash, and expired vehicles)
Councilman DeBar reported that the Public Works removed the signs to the former
Wrights Seafood Inn, notice was given to the property owners via both certified mailings
and a legal advertisement in the newspaper to remove them before the Borough did the
work. He stated that a separate lien will be placed against the property for this work.
Lastly, it was reported that the Raceway Historical Marker has been reinstalled, it was
repainted due to recent chipping.
Mayor LaSota reported that the East Railroad Street Façade Program deadline to submit
grant applications is Monday July 1, 2013 to the Borough Office. He also reported that
he recently met with Mr. Jim Scalo, owner of Burns and Scalo, the developer of the
Goodwill site on Washington Street. He stated that he sought them to erect a brick wall
to screen the loading area versus the proposed fence. Mayor LaSota stated that Mr. Scalo
is going to analyze what it would cost to erect the proposed wall.
Public Comment (General)
No Citizens had any comment.
Good of the Order:
Councilman Kosol thanked the Heidelberg Volunteer Fire Department for their ongoing
efforts to support the Borough and allow us the use of the social hall for PENNDOT
Motion to adjourn was made by Councilman DeBar, seconded by Councilman Kosol; motion
carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Kauer
Borough Manager