November 2013 - Heidelberg Borough

November Council Meeting
November 19, 2013 – 7:00 PM
The November 2013 Heidelberg Borough Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, in the
Heidelberg Borough Community Room, 1639 East Railroad Street, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance led by Council President Raymond Losego.
Roll Call:
President Losego
Vice President Duda
Councilman DeBar
Councilman Ferris
Councilman Kosol
Mayor LaSota
Solicitor Kaleugher
Manager Kauer
Chief Barkley
Ratify and pass the minutes from the 8 October 2013 and 15 October 2013 Council Meetings.
Motion was made by Vice President Duda, seconded by Councilman DeBar to accept the
minutes; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to acknowledge receipt of the November 2013 Borough Treasurer’s report was
made by Councilman DeBar, seconded by Vice President Duda. Motion carried unanimously.
Approve and pay the bills. Motion to pay the bills was made by Councilman Kosol, seconded
by Councilman DeBar; motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment – (Agenda Items Only)
No citizens present had any comment regarding the Agenda items.
Borough Manager’s Report
The Borough Manager stated that his report has been submitted to Council and that he
deferred comment on its items for the Redevelopment Committee. The submitted
Borough Manager’s report included the following items regarding the East Railroad
Streetscape Project:
Columbia Gas Sidewalk Restoration:
95% of the Sidewalk in the 1600 and 1900 blocks of Route 50 have been reconstructed in
the past month as part of the contract by Columbia Gas to relocate their gas service lines
on Route 50.
Work outstanding includes the ADA ramp at Fourth Street and a small repair in front of
the Borough Building.
Streetscape Project – Liberoni Contract
All conduit has been trenched on east side of Route 50
All light poles on the east side has had their foundations set
Tree pits have been dug and continue to be formed in concrete
Approximately 65% of the sidewalk in the east sections of the 1700 and 1800 blocks
have been reconstructed
Work has begun on the construction of the bump out at Fourth Street.
Second Street Wall
Existing Wall and Steps have been completely demolished and removed
New retaining wall is complete
Framing work is complete
Concrete work is currently underway in regards to the new steps, curbing and sidewalk.
Miscellaneous Repairs on Route 50
DPW has been installing the new decorative traffic signage. We had to order four more
sign sets to ensure that all signage on Route 50 will be of the new standard.
Façade work is underway at Steinbergers, new awnings have been installed at Chartiers
Animal Hospital, Kim’s Dog House and Muzzy’s Bar, and the retaining wall at C&D TV
Shop is almost complete – all under the Borough’s façade program.
We have received confirmation from all property owners in the 1600, 1700 and 1800
blocks to agree to partner with the Borough to relocate electric service lines to Oak Way.
I’m currently working with Wishman Electric to complete these projects.
Borough Property at 1643 East Railroad Street – the siding work is now complete and the
contract has been paid and closed out. The contractor did an excellent job; it really
transformed a once neglected property into an attractive building on Route 50.
Solicitor’s Report
Solicitor Kaleugher reported that all of his month’s activity is outlined on his submitted
written report to Council. He also reported that Bargain Land, 1906 East Railroad Street,
has appealed their recent Zoning Hearing Board decision regarding their request for
additional signage at their leased property to Common Pleas Court; the status conference
is scheduled for December 19, 2013.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor LaSota reported summary police statistics for the period October 1 through
October 31, 2013. In this period, the Heidelberg Police responded to 64 calls for service,
had three physical arrests and collected $676.45 in fines.
The following activities were highlighted:
 On October 19th, he represented the Borough at a meeting of the Allegheny Land
Trust, also attended by State Representative Jessie White
 On October 22nd, he attended a Local Government Academy seminar regarding
wet weather issues.
 On October 28th, he attended the Chartiers Valley Education Foundation Board
Meeting that was held at Chariters Valley Middle School. He stated that the
Foundation is currently organizing another Trivia Night Fundraiser on March 29,
2014 at the HVFD Social Hall.
On November 1st, he attended a seminar on the future of public libraries that was
held at the University of Pittsburgh, University Club.
On November 4th, he represented the Borough at the Local Government Academy
Board Meeting.
On November 6th, he represented the Borough at the Planning Meeting of the
Chariters Valley School District. The meeting involved the early stages of
planning regarding capital improvements at the Middle and High Schools.
On November 12th, he presided over his 66th wedding ceremony at Raccoon State
Park, and the lovely couple made a donation to the Recreation Fund.
On November 13th, he represented the Borough at the South West Communities
Chamber of Commerce Meeting that was held at Guardian Self Storage in Collier
Town Square.
On November 14th, he attended a seminar at Phipps Conservatory regarding
Green School Initiatives, it is hoped to incorporate these principles at upcoming
capital outlays at the CV School facilities.
On November 18th, he represented the Borough at the Chartiers Valley Education
Foundation Board Meeting; he stated that three new board members have been
added to the Foundation.
Chief of Police’s Report
Chief Barkley reported that employee valuations have been completed for all officers.
He also stated that ammunition has been ordered for the 2014 qualifications and that all
officers have been scheduled for mandatory in-service training in early 2014.
The Chief also reported that the HPD received the Silver Award from AAA for Traffic
Safety in 2013. He also reported that Walgreen’s gave the Borough a large supply of
children’s candy for Santa to pass out at Heidelberg’s Light Up Night. He thanked
Walgreen’s for their support.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Motion to authorize the advertisement and public display of the proposed 2014 Municipal
Budget. Motion was made by Councilman Kosol, seconded by Vice President Duda; motion
carried unanimously.
Motion to authorize the advertisement and public display of Ordinance No. 611, an
Ordinance of the Borough of Heidelberg, Allegheny County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
fixing the tax rate for the year 2014. President Losego reported that this Ordinance maintains
real estate millage at 6.95 mills, no tax increase. Motion was made by Vice President Duda,
seconded by Councilman Kosol; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 6-2013, a Resolution of the Borough of Heidelberg, Allegheny
County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing job descriptions for the position of Chief
of Police, Police Sergeant and Police Officer. Motion was made by Councilman DeBar,
seconded by Councilman Kosol; motion carried unanimously.
Motion to authorize the Borough Solicitor to prepare Resolution No. 7-2013, a Resolution
that would establish the 2014 sewer user rates at $9.98 per thousand gallons of water used and
$6.27 per month service charge. President Losego remarked that the fee passes on the
ALCOSAN rate increase of 17%, Heidelberg portion of fees to remain at 2008 values. Motion
was made by Vice President Duda, seconded by Councilman Kosol; motion carried
Motion to authorize the firm Hosak, Specht, Muetzel & Wood, LLP, to perform the CITF
Grant Audit for the Tri-Community Revitalization Project at a cost not to exceed $2,500.
The Borough Manager remarked that the audit is to be paid with CITF Grant Funds and is a
mandate of the grant award. Motion was made by Councilman Kosol, seconded by Councilman
DeBar; motion carried unanimously.
Mayor LaSota reported that the SHACOG Board of Directors met on October 17th at
Dormont Borough. He stated that this was the first time since he has attended the
SHACOG Meetings that the host community did not attend their own meeting. He stated
that it was discussed that West Mifflin Borough has applied to become the newest
member municipality of SHACOG. The next meeting is scheduled for November 21st at
Bethel Park.
Councilman Kosol reported that Robinson Pipe was in the Borough on October 28th and
29th installing spot liners on the sanitary sewer lines on Collier Avenue, Short Street and
Madison Avenue. The work was completed under a shared-bid contract administered on
our behalf by SHACOG. This project restored three segments of pipe through new spot
liners that avoided full excavation of these sites.
He also reported that reconstruction of the Second Street Public Steps and Retaining Wall
is underway. Construction of the wall is complete and the contractor is currently working
on the concrete sections of the project including pouring new steps, curbs and sidewalks.
Work should be completed shortly.
Vice President Duda reported that the Monthly Seniors program is picking up interest.
The October 17th event was a positive event with 12 seniors participating making crafts.
The next event is planned for Thursday, December 5th, Noon to 3PM here at the
Community Room. They are planning a Christmas party. Mr. Duda also reported that
Heidelberg’s First Night of Lights is scheduled for Saturday, November 30, 2013, 6PM to
8PM at the Ellsworth Avenue Playground. There will be live music, bon-fires, visit from
Santa, hay-rides, petting zoo, free hot coco and cookies. It was also commented that the
Heidelberg Park Comfort Station was closed for the season and winterized on November
Mayor LaSota reported that on November 9th and 16th, he and the First Lady trimmed and
winterized the Gas House Garden. He stated the site is now ready for winter.
Councilman Kosol reported that there have been no meetings of the Flood Control
Authority. He also reported that Congressman Murphy is currently working with the
Army Corps of Engineers to seek additional funding to do necessary improvements to the
tributary streams that lead into Chartiers Creek. These tributary streams were the source
of much of the area’s flooding this past July.
No report.
Councilman DeBar reported on the code items for the past month. He reported on the
permits issued since last council meeting:
o Occupancy Permits – 3
o Building Permits - 1
o Ordinance Violation Notices Sent Out – 3 (complaints regarding: trash)
Mayor LaSota reported that Congressman Murphy visited the Borough on Tuesday,
November 5th to review the ongoing progress related to the Streetscape Project. Since the
last Borough Meeting the sidewalks within the 1600 and 1900 blocks of Route 50 have
been reconstructed, light pole foundations and tree pits have been set in the 1600 and
1700 blocks and much of the sidewalk in those two blocks have been reconstructed as
The Mayor also reported that an application was submitted to the Allegheny League of
Municipalities nominating the Borough to be considered a 2014 Banner Community.
The Allegheny County Banner Community Program recognizes municipalities that
practice good governance by remaining active with local organizations, its officials attend
training opportunities, the town participates in shared services with neighboring
communities, it has sustainable practices and finance, and delivers community events that
engage the community.
Public Comment (General)
Mrs. Dolly Kosol, 1746 West Railroad Street, expressed her concerns regarding the
proposed purchase of the Wrights Seafood Inn properties by Action Housing for the
proposed development of an apartment building. She stated her concerns with Section 8
housing and how the Borough should work to save Wrights Seafood Inn. She also stated
that Borough Council needs to communicate better amongst its members.
Good of the Order:
Councilman DeBar supported the comments of Mrs. Dolly Kosol and stated that he
never knew that Action Housing was interested in purchasing the former Wrights
Seafood Inn and considering building an apartment building. He also stated that there
should not be any private conversation at the meetings, all should be involved.
Mayor LaSota wished all in attendance and in the Borough a Happy and Healthy
Motion to adjourn was made by Vice President Duda, seconded by Councilman DeBar; motion
carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Kauer
Borough Manager