Word Processing Terminology

Word Processing Terminology
1. Application: Synonym for software program.
2. AutoCorrect: The feature in Word and other MS Office components that
automatically corrects spelling or replaces text with pre-determined entries.
3. Clipboard: When text or objects are copied or cut from a document, Word
places them on what it calls the clipboard, a temporary file used to store the
information. Word makes the text or objects available to reinsert in the
document or other Microsoft Office files.
4. Copy: When text or objects are copied or cut from a document, Word places
them on what it calls the clipboard, a temporary file used to store the
information. Word makes the text or objects available to reinsert in the
document or other Microsoft Office files.
5. Cursor: A blinking line that indicates the location where entered text or
objects will be placed in the document.
6. Cut: The command that removes selected text or objects from the document
and places them on the clipboard. Although the text or object is removed
from the document, it can still be placed in another part of the document or
used in another application, provided the clipboard contents are not purged,
(deleted or erased).
7. Document: A synonym for file. The text and/or objects entered in a word
processing program are saved as a document.
8. Footer: An area at the bottom of the printed page, outside the document's
margins, that can be customized to provide more information about the
document and/or the user who created the document. Similar to a Header.
9. Format: To apply attributes such as font size, font color, typefaces, borders,
etc. to elements of a document.
10.Gutter: The area between two adjacent columns within a document.
11.Header: An area at the top of the printed page, outside the document's
margins, that can be customized to provide more information about the
document and/or the user who created the document. Similar to a Footer.
12.HTML: Abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language, text that contains
formatting tags that enable a document to be displayed in a web browser.
13.Hyperlink: An element within a document that, when clicked with the
mouse, takes the user to a place in a document, on the internet, or on an
14.Indent: The space between a page's margin and where the text begins.
Generally, the first line of a paragraph is indented, and the remaining lines in
the paragraph are flush against the margin of the page.
15.Justify: To align horizontally so that text and other objects are spread evenly
across the page. Justified text appears as a block with even left and right
16.Landscape: If landscape orientation is selected, the vertical edge of the page
is smaller than the horizontal edge of the page. The opposite of portrait
17.Legal Size: The second most common size of paper in the U.S. Mainly used
for contracts and other legal documents. The dimensions are 8.5 X 14
18.Letter Size: The standard size paper in the U.S. The dimensions are 8.5 X 11
19. Margin: The space between the edge of the page and where text and/or
objects can be placed in your document.
20. Paste: The command that inserts text or object on the clipboard into the
document. The elements remain on the clipboard until purged.
21.Portrait: The most commonly used page orientation. The vertical edge of the
paper is larger than the horizontal edge.
22.Print Preview: A feature that allows the user to view on the computer screen
the document as it will appear on the printed page.
23. Ruler: The guide at the top and side of the document area that shows the
position in inches of the margins, tab stops, indents, and elements within the
24.Scroll Bars: The gray bars at the right side and at the bottom of the window
frame that allow the user to move through the viewable area of the
25.Special Characters: In the context of word processing, special characters are
characters that are not represented on the keyboard. They include symbols,
such as currency signs and bullets, as well as accents and letters from
different alphabets.
26.Symbols: In the context of word processing, a symbol is a character that is
not a letter. Common symbols include currencies, arrows, mathematical
operators, and bullets.
27. Toolbar: A row of buttons that can be used to access commands and
options. There are more than a dozen toolbars available in Word, organized
into different categories. They can be turned on and off and customized to
suit the user's needs.
28. Wizard: A Microsoft feature that guides the user through a process such as
creating a document. The wizard is essentially an interactive help file that
prompts the user for information and then uses the responses to complete a
process. In Word the wizards generally help set up documents.
29. Word Processing: Using computer hardware and software to type and edit
documents such as letters and reports.
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