Sample Abstract Template

Title in Bold and Title Case
1. Affiliations
Text, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing, not to run over one page with 2.54 cm margins.
Paragraphs should be used to separate main parts:
Objective of the work
Methodological detail, particularly if deviation from standards and norms
Main Results of the study
Implications, meanings, conclusions that can be drawn from the data
No tables or figures should be included on page 1 of the abstract. There is no minimum
word count but sufficient detail must be presented to allow review.
On the second page, please provide data that support your abstract. These can be in the
form of graphs or tables (but the same data should not be repeated). The data must fit
on one page with 2.54 cm margins and all text should be 12 point. Please include
captions for all tables and figures.