Tutorial 2 - Madison County Schools

Tutorial 2
Editing and Formatting Document
Spelling and Grammar Checker
 Red wavy line: word is either misspelled or not in Word’s
 Green wavy line: grammatical error.
 To use Spelling & Grammar Dialog Box:
 Your insertion point needs to be at the beginning of the
 Click the Review tab, Proofing group, click the Spelling &
Grammar button.
 Although, this is a useful tool it should not replace
 When you want to delete an entire word or multiple words,
you can select the text, then press either the delete button or
start typing over the selected text.
Moving Text in a Document
 Dragging & Dropping: select the text you want to move,
press and hold down the left mouse button while you drag
the selected text to a new location, and then release the
mouse button.
 Selection bar: white space in the left margin.
 Clipboard: temporary storage place in your computer that
holds text and graphics until you need them.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
 Cut: removes something in a document and places it in the
Paste: places a copy of what is in the Clipboard into the
document at the insertion point.
Copy: copy text to the Clipboard, leaving the material in its
original location.
Clipboard task pane: special part of the Word window that
displays the contents of the Clipboard. The last item cut and
copied to the Clipboard is the 1st first item in the Clipboard
task pane.
Clipboard stores up to 24 items.
Find and Replace
 When you are working in a long document, the quickest &
easiest way to locate text is to use the Find & Replace
 Find tab: finding a word or phrase in a document.
 Replace: find a word or phrase and replace it with something
 Go to: moving the cursor directly to a specific part of a
 Alignment: refers to the way a paragraph lines up
horizontally with the right margin.
Left: text is aligned on the left but uneven on the right.
Right: text is aligned on the right but uneven on the left.
Center: text is centered between the left and right margins.
Justified: full lines of text are spaced between both the left
and right margins, and the text is not uneven. (ex. text in
newspaper columns)
Indenting Paragraphs
 Indent: move the entire paragraph to the right.
 Indent markers: on the horizontal ruler allow you to see at a
glance a paragraph’s current indent settings.
 Hanging indent: where all the lines except the first line are
indented from the left margin.
 Right indent: where all the lines of the paragraph are
indented from the right margin.
Format Painter
 Makes it easy to copy all the formatting features of one
paragraph to other paragraphs.
Bullets and Numbering
 Bullet: emphasize a list of items by adding a heavy dot.
 Numbering: lists items in a sequential order.
Bold and Italic
 Toggle: clicking the same button to turn a feature on and off.
 Help make specific words or phrases stand out:
 Bold
 Underline
 Italic
Helpful Keyboard Shortcut
 Bold: CTRL + B
 Italic: CTRL + I
 Underline: CTRL + U
 Single Space: CTRL + 1
 Double Space: CTRL + 2
 Select entire document: CTRL + A
 Cut: CTRL + X
 Copy: CTRL + C
 Paste: CTRL + V
 Key tips: can be displayed by pressing the ALT key.
 Theme: a designed collection of formatting options that
include colors, graphics, and background images.
 There are 20 different themes.
 Each document theme is designed to convey a specific look
and feel.