
K. Mączewski 1, E. Janczar 1
Surveyor of Mazovia Voivodeship Office in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Directive of the European Parliament and the Council, establishing the
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community obliged Poland –
Member State of the European Union to establish national infrastructure for spatial
information. Polish infrastructure for spatial information is the element of the
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community, as point (5) of the
Directive proclaim.
On the basis of establishing and maintenance of the infrastructure for spatial
information is the principle of interoperability - the ability of two or more components
to exchange information, understand exchanged information and use this information.
The foundation of data interoperability is:
1) data model;
2) homogenous system of objects identification;
3) standardization of the data structures;
4) using homogenous definitions and dictionaries for the same type of objects or
principles of transformation of dictionaries.
It should be emphasized that implementing principles of interoperability which
result from The INSPIRE Directive requires data harmonization. By data harmonization
it is meant to act on legal, technical and organizational perspectives, which are
undertaken to achieve coherence of spatial data sets and their adaptation to common
In the article 24, section 1 the Directive obliges Member States to enforce the law,
regulations, executive and administrative acts necessary to comply with the Directive.
Bill of the infrastructure for spatial information, which is currently1 into legislative
process, is the answer for this obligation. This act defines principles of establishing
infrastructure for spatial information in Poland and simultaneously amends geodetic and
cartographic law, defines detailed principles of georeference database functioning,
which are the basis of SDI. Bill2 of the above-mentioned act appoints competent
minister of public administration as entity responsible for establishing, maintenance and
development of the infrastructure for spatial information in Poland, who is also
authorized to delegate part of the tasks to be realized by the Main Surveyor of Poland –
central organ of public administration, competent of geodetic and cartographic matters.
This fact strengthen importance of geodetic and cartographic data as basis
(georeference) in establishing other spatial data as components of infrastructure for
spatial information and incline to elaborate model of the data, which create
infrastructure for spatial information.
According to the above, Self Government of the Mazovia Voivodeship, together
with Main Surveyor of Poland, President of the City of Płock and the County Chief
According to the date 25th January 2010.
Government project from the day 21th January 2010, after the reception from the Commission of Administration
and the Interior.
Official of Piaseczno are realizing Project titled “Working out and implementing
innovative methods of integration of cadastre data, base map and Topographical
Database (TBD) and modernisation of services provided by Geodetic and Cartographic
Service”3, co - financed from the grant within the European Economic Area Financial
Mechanism. Objective of the Project is to elaborate integrated model of geodetic and
cartographic (reference) data, which are collected in undermentioned databases:
1) database of detailed geodetic control networks;
2) cadastre data;
3) database of geodetic register of utilities;
4) database of topographic objects database included in the scope of Base map;
5) database of Topographical Database with Digital Terrain Model for
voivodeship level;
6) hydrographic and sozologic databases;
7) register of real estate prices and values.
Objective of the Project is also to prepare substantive contribution to the
ordinances, in connection with planned amendment of geodetic and cartographic law.
Elaborated within the Project idea of integrated model of the data was based on
verification of user needs and business processes which will take place within sharing
data, identifying data, which should be included to the Infrastructure, eliminating
redundant data and optimization of sharing those data.
Data models in accordance with INSPIRE Directive in the range of using
international standards, were elaborated in accordance with ISO 19 100 standards.
Proposed within the Project4 solution bases on General Spatial Model, derived from
it General Geodetic Model and Particular Georeference Models. General Spatial Model
is the genotype for models of all object of national infrastructure for spatial information
and is the basis for establishing harmonized spatial data set of national infrastructure.
Main element of General Spatial Model is General Object (GO), which is the
highest level generalization of all objects and its representation is General Spatial
Object (GSO) which is the part of data sets creating infrastructure for spatial
In specifications elaborated within the Project was proposed for General Object to
possess following attributes:
1) idIIP – identifier, unique within the scale of country; uniqueness is provided by
identifier structure built in accordance with INSPIRE Directive, every instance of
spatial object from national SDI has its own, unique identifier;
2) startObiekt the date of establishing spatial object (implementation in the
3) startWersjaObiekt - the date of establishing new/next version of the object;
4) koniecWersjaObiekt - the date of the end of the version in database;
5) koniecObiekt - the end of objects live;
6) referencja - multiple attribute showing objects related with this particular object.
General Spatial Object has also attributes: geometria:Geometria – value which shows if
any feature of the object is modeled as the geometry
This idea allows all attributes dedicated to General Object to be inherited by all
types of objects managed by particular organs leading SDI, which will make possible to
Information about the Project and specifications for elaborated model of the data is available at
create sets of infrastructure in accordance with the interoperability principle. General
Geodetic Object is derived from General Geodetic Model and is expansion of each
General Spatial Object, which is managed by Geodetic and Cartographic Service.
In specifications elaborated within the Project it is recommended for General
Geodetic Object (GGO) to possess, except the same as General Spatial Object, follow
attributes :
1) rodzajReprGeom - the enumeration type defining field feature of the object,
presented in database as geometry,
2) katIstnienia - the enumeration type defining if the object (are) is exploited, turned
off, destroyed etc.,
3) zrodloDanychAtr - - the enumeration type defining acceptable sources of acquiring
attribute data of the object,
4) zrodloDanychGeom - the enumeration type defining acceptable sources of acquiring
geometrical data,
5) uzytkownik – defining person/institution who/which do the update,
6) uwagi - remarks concerning the data acquisition,
Particular Georeference Object (PGO), except attributes from GGO, consists
attributes which are dedicated to individual objects.
The principle of inheritance ( tree) is shown on the figure below:
idIIP: IdentyfikatorIIP
startObiekt: DateTime
startWersjaObiekt; DataTime
koniecWersjaObiekt: DataTime
zrodloDanychGeom: ZrodlaDanych
inforamcjadodatkowa: CharacterString
Below are mentioned detailed principles of georeference data interoperability within
Geodetic and Cartographic Service:
1) databases of detailed geodetic control networks, cadastre, databases of geodetic
register of utilities, base map are the basic component of georeference spatial
data and current TBD update;
2) databases with the same document being basis for their update cooperate
through IT systems and through the network services;
3) each object is implemented into database only once, there is no copy/replica of
the object in other database;
communication and cooperation among georeference databases and IT tools is
carried out using the INSPIRE services,
Because within infrastructure will be available data from different entities and
different data sets, for effective use of those data it is necessary to provide homogenous
principles of identifying objects from infrastructure for spatial information. It was
assumed that within SDI could also exist objects which will not be reference for other
objects and for those objects do not have to be define unique and invariable identifier
In accordance with the INSPIRE Directive recommendations in the range within the
scope of the support for measures and technical solutions through international norms,
in the elaborated data model was defined IdentyfikatorIIP in accordance with INSPIRE
Generic Conceptual Model specification. Class IdentyfikatorIIP has three attributes:
1) namespace, which identifies data source;
2) local identifier, given by data supplier , unique among namespace;
3) identifier of the version of SDI object.
The namespace is composed of two parts:
1) two - letter country code – according to ISO 3166;
2) mark of spatial information resource to which objects belong to.
Requirement of identifier invariability is accomplished when namespace and local
identifier are unchangeable. Third element - identifier of the version of SDI object
changes each time when version of SDI object changes, which allows to distinguish
Another very important element, which is necessary for the effective
implementation of the principles of interoperability is to indicate for the object other
objects which are related to it and for which it is a reference or which are referenced to
it. Principle of the reference between object types in SDI was provided by defining
optional attribute for General Object: reference. This feature by giving object identifier
within national infrastructure for spatial information (IdentyfikatorIIP) allows for
mutual connection between object instances.
Developed data model will be used into the regulations of amendments to the
Cartographic and Geodetic Law.
Assumptions of the Project stipulate implementation of the elaborated data models
as well as logical principles and formal procedures in IT systems elaborated within this
Project. Processes ensuring mutual data exchange will be realized in accordance with
point (17) of the Directive with using network services.