preparation of a national spatial plan project

Consulting Services for Preparation of a National
Spatial Plan, Jamaica
2010 – 2012
Office of the Prime Minister
 Preparation of a National Spatial Plan to provide a spatial
framework to guide national development and investment
 National Development Plan, Vision 2030 identifies Jamaica
as the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do
 An integrated approach to ensure the delivery of an
effective National Spatial Plan:
 Compatible and comparable land use, equitable allocation of
resources, maintenance of environmentally sensitive areas.
 To Prepare a National Spatial Plan:
 To specify broad spatial planning objectives and guiding principles for
national and regional development;
 To improve governmental capacity to formulate, coordinate and implement
integrated urban and rural development policies and programmes in order
to address spatially unbalanced development;
 To set a national context for spatial planning at the regional and local level;
 To strengthen inter-sectoral coordination of the country’s development
within a spatial framework that provides the public/private sector with a
clear context of Governmental investment decisions and commitments.
The Consultancy
 The NSP is a CDB/GOJ funded project that requires:
 Team Composition: A multi disciplinary team with
requisite experience to undertake national planning;
 Project Duration: 18months;
 Support: Secretariat support by OPM, Full Technical
Support by NEPA.
Project Interrelationships
 A Project Advisory Committee
 Three (3) Sub-committees
Policy, GIS/Technical Services, Operational /Review
 Ministries, Agencies, Departments:
 Office of the Prime Minister
 Planning Institute of Jamaica
 National Environment and Planning Agency
 Parish Councils, Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation,
Portmore Municipal Council, Negril Green Island Authority
 Communities, Civic Society , NGOs, Professional Groups
Project Expectations
 The Project is expected to be SMART:
 S- Specific
 M - Measurable
 A – Attainable
 R – Realistic
 T – Time bound
Project Expectations
 The Project should observe but not be limited to the
following principles:
 Integrated in Approach
 Participatory/Consultative
 Modern
 Adaptable
 Dynamic
Project Deliverables
 The Project is expected to produce the following key
 Situational analysis of spatial development,
 Development scenarios outlining alternative strategies,
 Assessment of key economic sectors ,
 Implementation Action Plan.