Short Training Initiative KOI-14 “Discovery, Exploration and Exploitation of Free Data and Tools for supporting the Adaptation of Agriculture and Forestry to Climate Change” APPLICATION FORM Personal data Name: Surname: Sex: Date of Birth: Nationality: Country of residence: Contact address: Telephone / Fax: E-mail: Food restrictions: Are you linked to programmes/projects of VLIR-UOS or Belgian development cooperation? Have you participated in one of the previous KOI in Leuven (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012)? This application is for: Participation in full KOI-14 (31-mar to 11apr-2014) Participation to part of KOI-14 A VLIR-UOS-KOI-scholarship (for full KOI only) Yes (Give details) - No Yes (Specify year) – No 2005 2007 2008 2009 2012 Yes - No Yes – No Specify dates Yes - No Will you bring your own laptop? If yes, which operation system has your computer? Yes - No Window XP Windows 7 Windows 8 Other (please specify) Educational antecedents Highest diploma obtained (Give details): From which institution, country: In which year? Other relevant diplomas obtained: Current occupation (Choose and give details) Student (specify programme, institution) Researcher (specify research theme and level (MSc. PhD, …), institution) Teacher / Trainer (specify level and type of programme, institution) Employee of government (specify department and content of job) Employee of private organisation (specify type of business and content of job) Employee of non-governmental organisation (specify NGO’s field of activity and type of job) Self-employed (specify type of business, field of activity) Without employment since DD/MM/YYY Give other relevant occupation of the past Thematic and Technical experience Which is your thematic domain? Check and provide details where appropriate Land inventory Land evaluation Land use planning Agriculture, forestry and/or rural development Water management Urban management Facilities management; Energy production and distribution Environmental protection and management Climate change Other (please specify) What is your technical expertise? Check one or more and provide software used where appropriate Land survey, GPS Remote Sensing Spatial analysis Spatial data infrastructures Spatial database management Other Expectations Which skills would you like to acquire ? Check one or more and add a selfassessment of your knowledge level of the items you want to learn. Use following codes: No knowledge (0),Beginner (1), Practitioner (2), Expert (3), Programmer (4) General purpose GIS-software: Quantum GIS / MapWindow GIS / SAGA Relational database management system software: PostgreSQL/PostGIS Image processing software: GRASS / ILWIS Statistical analysis software: R Web server software: GeoServer Data modelling: Unified Modelling Language Open Linked Data Working with sensor webs Smartphone applications Other (please specify) I solemnly declare and confirm that the above information is fully true Done at (Date & Place) Signature