Advanced Biology

Advanced Biology
Chapter 6 Vocabulary
agriculture: the practice of farming
monoculture: farming strategy in which large fields are planted with a single crop, year after year
green revolution: the development of highly productive crop strains and the use of modern agricultural techniques to
increase yields of food crops
renewable resource: resource that can regenerate quickly and that is replaceable
nonrenewable resource: resource that cannot be replenished by natural processes
sustainable development: using natural resources at a rate that does not deplete them
soil erosion: wearing away of surface soil by water and wind
desertification: in areas with dry climates, a process caused by a combination of poor farming practices, overgrazing,
and drought that turns productive land into desert
deforestation: destruction of forests
aquaculture: the raising of aquatic organisms for human consumption
smog: mixture of chemicals that occurs as a gray-brown haze in the atmosphere.
pollutant: harmful material that can enter the biosphere through the land, air, or water
acid rain: rain containing nitric and sulfuric acids
biodiversity: biological diversity; the sum total of the variety of organisms in the biosphere
ecosystem diversity: variety of habitats, living communities, and ecological processes in the living world
species diversity: number of different species in the biosphere
genetic diversity: sum total of all the different forms of genetic information carried by all organisms living on Earth
extinction: disappearance of a species from all parts of its geographical range
endangered species: species whose population size is rapidly declining and will become extinct if the trend continues
habitat fragmentation: splitting of ecosystems into small fragments
biological magnification: increasing concentration of a harmful substance in organisms at higher trophic levels in a food
chain or food web
invasive species: plants and animals that have migrated to places where they are not native
conservation: wise management of natural resources, including the preservation of habitats and wildlife
ozone layer: atmospheric layer in which ozone gas is relatively concentrated
global warming: increase in the average temperatures on Earth