May 05 – National Gallery of Canada

Nov 30– National Gallery of CanadGrade 11 GROUP A
am- Mrs. Evans(am),
9:15 AM- Meet in Atrium
pm- Mrs. JingJing Li
9:30 AM – Buses leave / Go to group entrance / Register / Divide into pre-arranged
10:00 AM- 10:30 AM – Quick Tour of the European Gallery (Gothic to Baroque)
with Ms. Amor
10:30-11:00 Grade 11 stay in this area and do Sketchbook #1 assignment
- Mrs Evans and Batul
Nov 30 – National Gallery of Canada GROUP B am –Mrs. Amor, Mrs Garcia
9:15 AM- Meet in Atrium
pm- Mrs Garcia
9:30 AM – Buses leave / Go to group entrance / Register / Divide into pre-arranged
10:00 AM- 10:30 AM Quick Tour of the European Gallery (Gothic to Baroque) with
Ms. Amor10:30-11:00- IB1 student continue to the Impressionism and Post Impressionism
Section with Mrs Amor
11:00-12:00 – Lunch at the gallery cafeteria or lunchroom.
11:00-12:00 – Lunch at the gallery cafeteria or lunchroom.
12:00-1:00 – Tour on symbolism in art- Gallery Staff
12:00-1:00 – Tour on symbolism in art- Gallery Staff
1:00-2:15 – Sketchbook #2 Assignment Grade 11
1:00 – 2:15 – Finish up the quick tour (Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism etc),
Sketchbook assignment # 2 and look around the gallery.
2:20 – Meet back at the Group entrance to head back to C.B. You need to be ready
at this time please.
Sketchbook Assignment # 1(half hour):
1) Choose an artwork in the European Gallery (Gothic to Baroque). Stay near
your supervisors.
2) Draw a quick thumbnail sketch write down the period of the piece.
3) Using the How to Read A Painting sheet to help you. Analyze the painting
including how the artist used the Principles of Art . Also included:
Interpretation – what does/could it mean? What do you think the artist is trying to
convey with this art work?
Value Judgement – do you like or dislike this work of art? Why?
Sketchbook Assignment # 2:
Time to view other areas in the gallery that you visited in the tour or the modern
Complete a second analysis based on Assignment #1if you have time complete a
more detaild sketch
Simple Rules of the Gallery Trip:
Sit on the bus.
Your supervisors are nice people with responsibility. Treat them this way.
Respect the silence of others. Use low voices.
Eat and drink in the caf only.
Touch only your sketchbook, and pencil, NOT ART PLEASE
Do your best to be on time, others will have to wait if you are late.
Have fun, ask questions, respect the wishes of the supervisors, get into art!
2:20 – Meet back at the Group entrance to head back to C.B. You need to be ready
at this time please.
Sketchbook Assignment # 1:
1) Select a work of art highlighted during the guided tour (or another work of art
you’d like to respond to we may split up and some can go to the modern section of
the gallery). . Stay near your supervisors
2)Make a 15 minute drawing of that artwork.
Include the artist’s name, title of the work, media, and dimensions.
3) Using the How to Read A Painting sheet to help you. Analyze the painting
including how the artist used the Principles of Art . Also included:
Interpretation – what does/could it mean? What do you think the artist is trying to
convey with this art work?
Value Judgement – do you like or dislike this work of art? Why?
Simple Rules of the Gallery Trip:
Sit on the bus.
Your supervisors are nice people with responsibility. Treat them this way.
Respect the silence of others. Use low voices.
Eat and drink in the caf only.
Touch only your sketchbook, and pencil, NOT ART PLEASE
Do your best to be on time, others will have to wait if you are late.
Have fun, ask questions, respect the wishes of the supervisors, get into art!
Nov 30– National Gallery of Canada Grade 11 GROUP C-am- Batul
9:15 AM- Meet in Atrium
pm Mrs Amor, Batul
9:30 AM – Buses leave / Go to group entrance / Register / Divide into pre-arranged
10:00 AM- 10:30 AM – Quick Tour of the European Gallery (Gothic to Baroque)
with Ms. Amor
10:30-11:00 Grade 11 stay in this area and do Sketchbook #1 assignment
11:00-12:00 – Lunch at the gallery cafeteria or lunchroom.
12:00-1:00 – Tour on symbolism in art- Gallery Staff ( there are two gallery tours
you will be divided half on each tour- I will be counting 1-2-1-2)
1:00-2:15 – Sketchbook #2 Assignment Grade 11
2:20 – Meet back at the Group entrance to head back to C.B. You need to be ready
at this time please.
Sketchbook Assignment # 1(half hour):
4) Choose an artwork in the European Gallery (Gothic to Baroque). Stay near
your supervisors.
5) Draw a quick thumbnail sketch write down the period of the piece.
6) Using the How to Read A Painting sheet to help you. Analyze the painting
including how the artist used the Principles of Art . Also included:
Interpretation – what does/could it mean? What do you think the artist is trying to
convey with this art work?
Value Judgement – do you like or dislike this work of art? Why?
Sketchbook Assignment # 2:
Time to view other areas in the gallery that you visited in the tour or the modern
Complete a second analysis based on Assignment #1if you have time complete a
more detaield sketch
Simple Rules of the Gallery Trip:
Sit on the bus.
Your supervisors are nice people with responsibility. Treat them this way.
Respect the silence of others. Use low voices.
Eat and drink in the caf only.
Touch only your sketchbook, and pencil, NOT ART PLEASE
Do your best to be on time, others will have to wait if you are late.
Have fun, ask questions, respect the wishes of the supervisors, get into art!