Title: Integrated Residue Management Systems for Sustained Seed Yield of Kentucky Bluegrass Without Burning - Phase I (Year three of a three year proposal) Duration: 3 years (2002-2005) Research Areas: 1A. Crop Management; 1B. Weed, Insect, Disease Control; 1C. Plant Nutrition; 1D. Straw and Stubble Removal Systems; 2B Economic and Social Analysis of Residue Handling Methods On- and Off- Farm Investigators: Donn Thill, Prof. Weed Sci. (0.2 FTE); Jodi Johnson-Maynard, Assist. Prof. Soil Sci. (0.2 FTE); Joe McCaffrey, Prof. Entom. (0.1 FTE); Larry VanTassell, Head Dept. of Agric. Econ. & Rural Soc. (0.1 FTE); Bob Smathers, Agric. Econ. Spec. (0.1 FTE); and J. D. Wulfhorst, Assist. Prof. Rural Soc. (0.1 FTE); John Holman, Ext. Support Scientist. (0.1 FTE). Cooperators: Growers: David Mosman, Craigmont, ID; Chris Ramsey, Rockford, WA; Industry Rep.: Lawrence Lampert, Dye Seed Co.; Steve Bateman and Tom Pyle, Jacklin Seed Div.; Dave Tellesson, Seeds Inc.; EPA: Mike Silverman, grant coordinator; Coeur d' Alene Tribe: Alfred Nomee, Liaison to UI; Nez Perce Tribe: Julie Simpson, Envir. Spec. and Paul Brusvan, Agronomist; Idaho DEQ: Raylan Roetman, Air Qual. Sci. Officer; Ken Hart, Ext. Educ., Lewis Co.; David Clark, Ext. Educ., Benewah and Kootenai Co., ID; Statistical Analysis: Bahman Shafii, Dir. Statistical Programs CALS, UI; Wes Chun, Assoc. Prof. Plant Path. Statement of Problem: Alternative management systems must be developed that eliminate or substantially reduce the need to burn Kentucky bluegrass residue yet sustains productivity and economical seed yield. Sustained bluegrass seed productivity historically has relied on openfield burning of post-harvest residues that has been associated with significant air quality issues and public health impacts. To sustain the future of bluegrass seed production, an important source of income for farmers in northern ID and eastern WA, the goal must be to encourage in situ decomposition and/or removal of straw residue. In the absence of burning and without enhanced straw decomposition or efficient removal methods, bluegrass acreage in this area will decrease dramatically. Justification: Approximately 70 to 80% of the nation’s Kentucky bluegrass seed is produced in northern Idaho and eastern Washington (Mahler and Ensign 1989). Established bluegrass stands prevent erosion and nutrient loss to surface water, protecting soil and water quality (Ghidey and Alberts 1997, Painter et al 1995). Non-thermal Kentucky bluegrass seed production reduces the economical seed crops from ten or more to about three (Chastain et al 1998; Murray 1996; Murray and Johnston 1995) due to increased weed, disease, and insect damage and longer floral induction periods from the accumulation of straw residue. Increased stand density also contributes to decreased seed yield as stands age. Baling and mowing are less effective than more thorough residue removal treatments, especially in older stands, and are more expensive than burning. Seed yield of aggressive, elite cultivars, with long floral induction requirements usually decline more rapidly than yields of common non-aggressive cultivars (Murray et al 1997a, 1997b). Due to shorter stand life, more frequent bluegrass establishment decreases economic opportunities for sustained bluegrass seed production, increases the potential for soil erosion and may impact the social and political dynamics of growers in local communities of this region. Grass seed growers in northern ID usually burn bluegrass residues, while growers in eastern WA use non-thermal residue removal methods. Mandatory regulations that restrict or eliminate burning of bluegrass fields in Idaho are anticipated. Effective and economical non-thermal and reduced thermal management practices must be developed and tested before restrictions are imposed; otherwise the viability of this economically and environmentally sound industry will be threatened severely. Residue management systems must be developed and tested in long-term, large-scale, on-farm trials that represent typical grower field conditions to properly assess treatment effectiveness on residue levels and impacts on grass seed production. This includes appropriate agronomic, ecological, environmental, economic and sociological studies and analyses. Kentucky bluegrass production areas in northern ID include the Camas and Palouse Prairies and parts of Benewah and Kootenai Co. Baling may allow development of non-thermal (bale and mow) and reduced thermal (bale and burn) residue management systems. However, the adoption of bale and burn practices depend on a market for the straw and if any burning will be allowed in the future. On the Camas and Palouse Prairies, there is limited local market for baled straw and transportation costs limit the practicality of baling. Alternative non-thermal residue management systems, such as in situ straw decomposition during a fallow year, need to be developed for these production regions. This project focuses on understanding and managing processes and reactions controlling decomposition of bluegrass straw. The effect of herbicides, used to suppress bluegrass growth in chemical fallow systems, on the decomposition rate is unknown. Application of glyphosate (Roundup) increased, decreased, or did not affect the decomposition rate of various residues (Grossbard and Wingfield 1978, Grossbard and Harris 1979, Pollard 1979, Hendrix and Parmelee 1985). Decreased decomposition rates most often are reported when herbicides are applied to plant residues, while enhanced decomposition rates result from treatment of living vegetation. There are no reported studies of herbicide effects on bluegrass decomposition rates or processes. A detailed study of decomposition processes in untreated and herbicide-treated residue will result in information that can be used to develop more efficient nutrient management plans accounting for nutrient fluxes from the decomposing residues; establish new management techniques such as the addition of N or microbial consortiums to increase decomposition by enhancing natural processes; and develop profitable and environmentally acceptable practices that will increase acreage of bluegrass. Kentucky bluegrass requires a high N application rate that is often applied based on potential yields and precipitation (Mahler and Ensign 1989). Over application of N may result in nitrate contamination of groundwater and decreased seed yields due to lodging. Detailed N budgets must be calculated. Leaving residues to decompose in the field may reduce the need for N fertilizers. In situ residue removal resembles natural systems where litter decomposition is a major source of nutrients to the soil (Schlesinger 1991). Where bluegrass is grown for turf, leaving clippings resulted in equivalent quality turf compared to twice as much N fertilizer when clippings were removed (Heckman et al. 2000). Integrated approaches to residue and N-fertilizer management in grass seed production systems have not been fully evaluated. Objective: Design and test economically sustainable Kentucky bluegrass management systems that minimize or eliminate the need for open-field burning of residues, thereby substantially improving regional air, soil, and water quality. 1. Develop non-thermal or reduced thermal systems that optimize straw decomposition and maintain or increase Kentucky bluegrass seed yield. 2. Compare nutrient cycling efficiency and soil quality factors in burned, reduced thermal, and non-thermal Kentucky bluegrass systems. 3. Investigate the aboveground insect pest and predator relationships in bluegrass systems. 4. Examine the economic efficiency of each bluegrass production system including the associated production, price and financial risk. 5. Identify potential key social and economic costs and benefits of in situ decomposition and/or “bale and burn” management practices versus current open-burning practices. 6. Disseminate information to growers, field consultants, extension educators, and scientific audiences. Procedures: General (Thill): Large-scale, long-term, on-farm experiments have been established. Each experiment contains two to four main treatments replicated four times. Each plot is 25 to 70-ft wide by 300-ft long. All production operations are performed using field scale equipment. One half of each plot contains only main treatments (see below), while the other half is used for smaller plot experiments (fertility trials, pest control and monitoring, etc.). Main plots are managed using agronomic practices typical to the area. Weather stations at each location record air and soil temperatures, precipitation, and total solar radiation. Panicle number, grass seed yield, 100 seed weight, and percent seed germination are determined for each main plot treatment. Post-harvest residue biomass is measured immediately after grass seed harvest and periodically thereafter in each plot. Phase I is the first 3 yr of the experiment. Phase II will be years four through six. At least three cycles of a system are necessary to determine the longterm effects of treatment on grass seed production, macro and micro fauna, and residue decomposition. Kootenai Co. Site: 'Alene' bluegrass was seeded during spring 2001 and the first seed harvest was summer 2002. Treatments are full-load burn; bale + burn; bale + mow + harrow; and bale + mow + harrow yr 1, bale + burn yr 2, full-load burn yr 3 with the same sequence of treatments repeated in years 4, 5, and 6. Grass seed is harvested every year in each treatment. Straw is baled and removed immediately after harvest and specific plots mowed and harrowed. Plots will be burned when the grower burns the rest of the field to achieve a "typical" burn. The non-burn plots will be protected from fire. Lewis Co. Site: 'Quantum Leap' was seeded in spring of 2000 and the first seed crop was harvested during summer 2001. Main treatments are grass seed harvest in 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008 followed by non-thermal residue management during a fallow year (no grass seed harvest) in 2003, 2005 and 2007; and non-thermal residue management during a fallow year in 2002, 2004 and 2006 followed by grass seed harvest in 2003, 2005 and 2007. Plots are mowed immediately after seed harvest. Sub-plot fallow year treatments are mowing or glufosinate (Liberty) applied about 2 to 3 weeks after bluegrass growth resumes in the spring, followed by mowing about 3 to 5 weeks after spraying. Objective 1 (Johnson-Maynard and McCaffrey): Following mechanical treatment to reduce residue particle size and increase surface area available for microbial attack, chemical and biological treatments are applied to determine viable methods of enhancing in situ decomposition. Nitrogen Treatments: Decomposition rate is measured in mechanically and mechanically + N-treated sub-subplots within subplots at the Lewis Co. site to determine if N applications will increase residue decomposition and seed yield. N fertilizer treatments is applied based on the C:N ratio of the residues. Straw biomass following harvest is collected in each plot, dried, weighed, and the total elemental composition determined. The C and N content is determined by dry combustion. The residue decomposition rate is determined by periodic sampling (Stott et al.1990). Biological study: Changes in the decomposer communities, in both untreated and herbicide treated straw is monitored at the Lewis County site. Decomposition of the residues is monitored as described above in the N experiment. Fauna is considered in terms of their functional ecology. Surface-active macro fauna are collected in pitfall traps placed at the soil surface of control (no herbicide) and herbicide treated plots. Mesofauna (micro arthropods) is extracted from decomposing residues in Tullgren funnels and separated into springtails, mites, and others. Objective 2 (Johnson-Maynard and McCaffrey): N cycling in each treatment at both sites is studied using both static and dynamic methods. N in soil solution sampled at 10 to 100 cm is measured to determine dynamic processes occurring and the potential risk of NO3- contamination to ground water throughout a season using porous cup suction lysimeters. Soil solution is sampled every 2 wk until the soil dries to levels where soil water can no longer be extracted. Total N is determined by dry combustion. Inorganic forms (NH4+ and NO3-) are determined using an auto analyzer. Soil samples are taken to 1 m within each treatment during the first fall of the experiment to establish baseline N data. Samples are taken in the fall of each year to track changes in N availability. Indicators of soil quality include chemical, physical, and biological parameters. N status and availability (described above) are used to assess soil quality in terms of chemical properties. Physical properties important to water movement and storage, and aeration are studied using bulk samples and intact cores. Bulk density is determined using the mass and volume of intact cores (Blake and Hartge 1986). Water retention is determined using a pressure plate apparatus and plant available water is calculated as the difference between water content at field capacity and permanent wilting point. Aggregate stability is determined by wet sieving (Kemper and Rosenau 1986). Saturated hydraulic conductivity is determined on intact cores using a constant head method (Klute and Dirksen 1986). Biological indicators include microbial biomass C and N that are determined using the fumigation extraction method (Joergensen 1995). Mesofauna are extracted periodically during the season from 15 cm deep core samples (Southwood 1978). Springtails, mites, and other arthropods are separated into families and suborders and classified as to their ecological function with regard to nutrient cycling. Earthworm numbers, species, and ecological niches are determined by removing a known volume of soil and hand sorting. Objective 3 (McCaffrey): Arthropods, including spiders, harvestman, carabid and rove beetles, and Collops spp. are sampled periodically during the season using pitfall traps and sweep-net samples in each plot at both locations. Carabids are well known predators of slugs in cereal systems in Europe (Ayre and Port 1996) and could be significant biological control agents for slugs commonly found in grass seed fields (David Mosman, personal comm.). Slugs are sampled periodically during the season using refuge traps (Bolton et al. 1996) to estimate their relative abundance across treatments. This periodic survey of predators will help to explain the relationships of the predators and slugs in time and space. Objective 4 (Van Tassell and Smathers): The economic analysis will assess the production, price and financial risk associated with each of the six bluegrass production systems. Cost and return (CAR) estimates will be developed for each system. Ownership costs will be allocated over the productive live of the assets required for each system using established capital recovery methods (AAEA, 1998). A deterministic comparison of the profitability of the production systems will be conducted using the CAR estimates, actual bluegrass seed and straw yields and actual output prices. To quantify production, price, and financial risk, a stochastic simulation model will be developed using @RISK (Palisade, 2000). The base model will be the sixbluegrass enterprise budgets obtained from the CAR estimates. Empirical probability distributions for seed and straw yields will be incorporated into the model to account for production risk. Historical bluegrass seed prices have been obtained, and cyclical and long-term trends will be modeled using harmonic regression techniques tools (Van Tassell et al., 1989). Residuals from these trends will be modeled and simulated to account for price risk. A planning horizon covering the bluegrass stand life will be used in the stochastic simulation. Random draws from each price and yield distribution will be obtained each year of the simulation while maintaining historical correlations (Palisade, 2000). The appropriate yields from each system, along with input and output prices, will be used to determine yearly income and cash flow. For iteration, the net present value of each system will be determined by summing the present values of the yearly income streams. Net present values will be compared using stochastic dominance techniques (Hardaker et al., 1997). Differences in net present values and other key economic indicators will also be examined using appropriate t-statistics and chi-square statistics. Objective 5 (Wulfhorst and Smathers): Change in management and/or production may result in socioeconomic impacts to growers related to land tenure and community well being (Salamon 1993). Bluegrass growers currently face a traditional information-subsidy-technical assistance approach (Napier 2000) to developing economically and socially viable alternatives to open-field burning. Growers will be contacted through purposive sampling techniques at each study site to participate in key-informant interviews to describe ecological, economical, and sociological risk perceptions related to bluegrass production options. Data will be analyzed within a conservation risk model to determine overall likelihood patterns of adaptation and decision-making regarding changes to bluegrass burning policy in Idaho, including special attention to Indian sovereignty relating to the two study areas (Wunder 1996). Objective 6 (Holman): Information will be disseminated to growers and the general public by field consultants, county extension educators and scientists. Activities include annual field tours at each site and presentations (GSCSSA annual meeting and winter extension meetings put on by field consultants and/or county extension educators). Publications will include popular news articles and extension bulletins (preliminary data will be published in the PNW Conservation Tillage Handbook Series and/or UI CIS at the end of phase I and an extension bulletin will be published at the end of phase II). Findings will be presented to scientific audiences in refereed publications (Weed Technology, Soil Science, Journal of Applied Seed Production, etc.) and presentations (regional and national professional meetings). Timeline: Summer 2001 - determine plot locations and establish plots, collect residue and soil samples, applied residue management treatments (Lewis Co. only); Fall 2001 - install weather station, collect additional samples; Spring 2002 - applied residue management treatments and herbicide, collect residue and soil samples; Summer 2002 - field tours, harvest plots (year 1), collect samples, apply residue management treatments; Fall 2002 (both locations) - collect residue and soil samples; Spring 2003 through summer 2005 - same sequence of events as previously stated, except grass seed harvest will occur at both locations. This will complete phase I of the study. Phase two will be fall 2006 through summer 2008 with a similar sequence of activities. 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