3rdGrade Science—4th Grading Period 3.L.1. Understand how plants survive in their environments. Objectives and Clarifying Objectives 3.L.2.1 Remember the function of the following structures as it relates to the survival of plants and their environments: Roots: absorb nutrients Stems: provide support Leaves: Synthesize food Flowers – attract pollinators and produce seed for reproduction 3.L.2.2 Explain how environmental conditions determine how well plants survive and grow. 3.L.2.3 Summarize the distinct stages of the life cycle of seed plants. 3.L.2.4 Explain how the basic properties (texture and capacity to hold water) and components (sand, clay and humus) of soil DE: Discovery Education Fourth Quarter Unit of Study: Life Science-Plants Essential Questions Learning Targets (The Learner Will) What is the main job of the plant stem? What happens inside a plant stem? What structures allow a stem to keep a plant alive? Why are roots important to plants? Where and how do roots grow? How do roots benefit a plant’s environment? How do flowering plants reproduce? How do animals interact with flowering plants to help them reproduce? What do plants need to grow? What are the stages of the plant life cycle? Why do plants need seeds or spores? How do plants change and grow through their life cycle? What are the different types of soil? What are the main properties WTL: Write to Learn Key Vocabulary Explain the role that stems play in keeping plants alive. Examine the structure of a plant stem. Explain the basic function of roots. Describe how roots spread out under a plant holding soil in place and supporting the plant. Describe how root hairs help roots absorb water and nutrients from soil. Explain how flowers attract bees and birds to the plant and how this interaction helps the plant reproduce. Cone Flower Leaf Photosynthesis (?) Plant Root Seed stem Illustrate the necessary ingredients to successful plant growth: soil, water, adequate temperature, sunlight Draw and label the stages of the life cycle of a seed plant. Grow a plant from seeds and document their observations in a science journal with pictures and written description. Describe the properties of soil that make plant growth possible. environment Seed, germination, seedling, conifer, life cycle, seed plant Sand, clay, humus, organic, inorganic, compost 3rdGrade Science—4th Grading Period determine the ability of soil to support the growth and survival of many plants. Week of each soil type? UNIT: Life Science Objective: Resources: Literacy and Technology 3.L.2.1 Plant Structures Discovery Education Wordbook Online World Book Online: PLANTS UNIT DE UNIT: Investigating Plants Discovery Education Wordbook Online DE UNIT— Investigating Plants 3.L.2.2 Explain how environmental conditions determine how well plants survive and grow 3.L.2.3 Summarize the distinct stages of the life cycle of seed plants. DE: Discovery Education Discovery Education Wordbook Online Fourth Quarter Instructional Tasks: World Book Online: Life Cycles of Plants and Animals DE UNIT: Investigating Plants WTL: Write to Learn Reading: WorldBook Online: PLANTS Hands-On Activities Purple Celery Flower Power Seeking Out Seeds Bean-y Babies Rooting Around DE READING PASSAGES: World Book Online: Write to Learn Butterfly Garden: Apple Earth Growing Up What’s the Missing Link? World Book Online: PLANTS Power of Pollination Sprouting Radish Seeds Seed Race 3rdGrade Science—4th Grading Period 3.L.2.4 Explain how the basic properties of soil to support the growth and survival of many plants. DE: Discovery Education WTL: Write to Learn