Collections Care and Conservation Policy.

Peterborough Local Studies and Archives Service
Collections Care and Conservation Policy
Vivacity has a duty of care for the collections that are under its stewardship and to
make them accessible now and for future generations whilst ensuring the collections
long-term preservation and safety. This document outlines the Local Studies and
Archives Service’s policy towards collections care and conservation taking into
account current and long term needs of the collection whilst understanding the need
to be economically and environmentally sustainable.
The purpose of the Care and Conservation Policy is to set a framework for:
 The preservation of the collections and buildings in the care of the archive
 Preventative and remedial conservation of the collections
 Use and access to collections
Peterborough Local Studies and Archives aims to improve the condition of all items
in its care, in accordance with Benchmarks in Collections Care, PD5454:2012 and
limited resources.
The Buildings
The archives are stored in a building owned by Peterborough City Council and
maintained by Amey on behalf of Peterborough City Council. We will work with
colleagues in the council and its contractors to ensure the building functions
satisfactorily for the storage of archives. Maintenance of the building and servicing of
equipment in the archives is the responsibility of Peterborough City Council.
Housekeeping of the store rooms and public areas is the responsibility of Vivacity.
The Collections
The archive is aware of the risks to the collection from environmental factors, poor
handling and storage materials and methods.
The details are listed in the Conservation and Collection Care Plan and include:
 monitoring and improving environmental conditions including temperature, relative
humidity, light and dust
 managing the threat from pests
 housekeeping
 documentation of the condition of the collection and of any treatments carried out
on objects
 storage materials and methods
 transport methods
The archive will aim to reduce its energy consumption and carbon footprint by
minimising the use of interventive air handling systems and maximising use of
passive control.
The care of the collections is the responsibility of everyone who works in or visits the
Any concerns regarding the collections should be reported in writing to the Archives
The archive trains all staff and volunteers who handle the collections in the course of
their work. No untrained personnel are allowed to handle items from the collection.
Researchers or other visitors working with the collections will be briefed on how to
handle the items they are working on and will be supervised at all times.
Vivacity does not employ a professional conservator and at present has no intention
to do so. However, we have a contract with the National Conservation Service for
regular advice.
Only suitably trained and qualified conservators will carry out interventive treatment
on objects.
The archive will keep detailed records of all treatments carried out on objects,
including the name and contact details of the person or company.
Framework for improvement
As part of a commitment to continual improvement in collections care and
conservation, Vivacity will undertake Benchmarks in Collections Care and use this as
a basis for an Action Plan to improve collections care.
Revised May 2015.
Next revision due: May 2020