
C1 1 Fundamental ideas - answers
3. All the elements in each column (labelled 1 to 7 and 0) down the periodic table. group
6. The electrostatic force of attraction between positively and negatively charged ions. Ionic
7. The smallest part of an element that can still be recognised as that element. atom
9. The number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. Mass number
10. A substance made up of only one type of atom. element
11. The number of protons (which equals the number of electrons) in an atom. It is sometimes
called the proton number. Atomic number
12. A substance we start with before a chemical reaction takes place. reactant
13. A tiny positive particle found inside the nucleus of an atom. proton
14. A dense particle found in the nucleus of an atom. It is electrically neutral, carrying no
charge. neutron
15. A substance made as a result of a chemical reaction. product
17. An arrangement of elements in the order of atomic numbers, forming groups and periods.
Periodic table
19. An area in an atom, around its nucleus, where the electrons are found. shell
1. A set of numbers to show the arrangement of electrons in their shells. Electronic structure
2. A substance made when two or more elements are chemically bonded together. compound
4. A way of describing what happens in a chemical reaction by showing the names of all
reactants and the products they form. Word equation
5. The attraction between two atoms that share one or more pairs of electrons. Covalent bond
8. A balanced chemical equation showing the formula of each reactant and product in the
reaction. Symbol equation
16. Tiny positively charged object composed of protons and neutrons at the centre of every
atom. Atomic nucleus
18. A tiny particle with a negative charge which orbit the nucleus in atoms or ions. electron
Dr Barker 2011