Shared Dictation – Atoms

Shared Dictation – Atoms
Sheet A
Work with your partner to complete the following sentences by reading each part
aloud. The partner with 'X' next to their sentence starts first. Without looking at your
partner's sheet decide if the sentence is right or wrong. If wrong make it right.
1. X An atom is the smallest piece of _________________________.
2. _________________________ of four parts.
3. X The outside of an atom is electrically
4. _____________________. which are positive, and neutrons which have no
electrical charge.
5. X The positive charge of a proton is equal to _________________________.
6.___________________ unbalanced charges because they are balanced out.
7.X Electrons are negative, protons
8._____________________________________ this is cancelled out by the equal
number of electrons with a negative charge.
9.X The number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom
10.___________________________________________ is the atomic mass.
11.X The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
12._______________________________________________________ are called
Sheet B
Work with your partner to complete the following sentences by reading each part
aloud. The partner with 'X' next to their sentence starts first. Without looking at your
partner's sheet decide if the sentence is right or wrong. If wrong make it right.
1.__________________________________ matter that can exist.
2.X An atom is made up _______________________________.
3.______________________________________ and electrons are found on the
outside part of the atom.
4.X The centre, or nucleus, of an atom has in it protons
5.___________________________, but opposite, the negative charge of an electron.
6.X In an element, the positive and negative charges are called
7.____________________________ and neutrons are neutral.
8.X The protons in the centre of an atom give the nucleus a positive charge, but
9._____________________________________ is the atomic number.
10.X The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
11.___________________________________ determines what type of element it is.
12.X Atoms that have a deficit or surplus of electrons