Periods 2,3,4 - Standard Social Studies 7 Acad.Plan

Class: Social Studies 7
Periods: 2, 3, 4
Teacher: Mr. Bruns
Phone: 206-393-4783 (ext. 1946)
Google Calendar: you can find a link to this on my website
Course Summary/Goals: This 7th grade course will first cover the Five Themes of
Geography, and then proceed into the geography, history, and government of Washington
State. The 2nd semester of this course includes the study of World History from 5001500 AD, in Europe, Central America (Maya and Aztecs), and the Middle East.
Furthermore, research skills will be taught to assist students with long-term projects in
these areas.
The goals for this class are to help the student:
 Examine concepts and themes encountered in the study of Social Studies.
 Communicate effectively when writing and speaking for any purpose or audience
 Apply the skills and ideas learned in this class to life beyond school.
 Work productively in groups and independently.
 Strengthen study skills.
 Learn the specific skills and concepts outlined in Wash. State’s Essential Learnings.
Common Core/Power Standards:
Standard #1 – Students can examine different sources, collect information, and show
what they know through a variety of products.
Standard #2 – Students can identify and explain the characteristics of different types of
Standard #3 – Students can interpret the geography of a place and explain how it affects
the human culture through movement, region, human/environment interaction, location
and place.
Standard #4 – Students can analyze and explain important events in world history and
Washington State history.
Instructional Materials/Textbooks Used: Students will bring either a pen or pencil
everyday. We will be using two textbooks:
 The Washington Journey and The Medieval World and Beyond – World History
Students will be issued their own book and use it at home and/or in the classroom.
 Each textbook will also have an online version for easy home-access. Links to
these can be found on my website.
Assessment Activities: In Social Studies, student performance will be assessed in a
variety of ways. Regular tests and quizzes are to be expected, as well as:
 in-class assignments and homework
 discussions
 individual and group projects
current events (during the Wash. State government portion of the course)
oral presentations – individual and group
Grading Criteria/Procedures: The trimester grade in this class is based on the total
points awarded in various categories. How the work in each category affects your total
grade may vary from trimester to trimester, depending on what is emphasized during the
trimester: 1.Homework 2.Tests & Quizzes 3. Projects and presentations 4. In-class work
Points will be converted to letter grades as follows: A=93-100; A-=90-92; B+=87-89;
B=83-86; B-=80-82; C+=77-79; C=73-76; C-=70-72; D=60-69; F=59 and below.
Homework Procedures/Expectations: All assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. are posted in
the classroom and on Google Calendar. Students are to check this information everyday
and write due dates in their planners. Assignments are either collected at the beginning
of the period or reviewed during class time.
Late Work Policy: Unless a student has an excused absence, any assignments turned in
late will only receive partial credit. If you are absent the day work is assigned, you will
have extra time to complete the assignment if the absence is excused. Late work will be
accepted until the end of that particular unit, receiving a maximum of 70% of the
points possible.
What to do when you’ve been absent: When the student returns from an absence they
should check with the teacher before or after class, or during team tutorial to see what
work/assignments were missed during the time away from school. You can also check
the calendar on the teachers website for those assignments as well.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Bring all necessary materials to class.
2. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
3. Be kind and respectful to peers and staff.
4. Be responsible about turning in work on time and putting forth your best effort.
Important note about Washington State Graduation requirement:
State law requires that all students study Washington State history, geography, and
government. This requirement for high school graduation is met in the seventh grade
here at Kellogg. Students will be informed of the specific projects and tests (6 total) that
fulfill this requirement and must receive an average grade of 70% (C-) or higher for those
assignments. Students who do not meet the grade average will need to take a Washington
State history/government course during the summer or in high school in order to meet
this graduation requirement.