NAME________________________________ BIOLOGY 2401

NAME___________ BIOLOGY 2401
1. Write the symbol of the below elements.
a. Sodium d. Phosphorus g. hydrogen -
b. Chlorine e. oxygen h. iron -
c. Potassium f. calcium –
i. magnesium -
2. Define the below terms.
a. electrolytes–
b. free radical –
c. radioisotope 3. A substance that dissociates in water and releases hydrogen ions is known as
a/an acid/base and will cause the pH to go up/down. Substances that slow pH
changes by donating or accepting hydrogen ions to change strong acids or bases
into weaker acids or bases is known as a _________.
4. A change of pH from 7 to 9 would result in _____ times fewer hydrogen ions.
This would make the solution more acidic/basic. A change of pH from 7 to 3
would result in ____ times more hydrogen ions. This would make the solution
more acidic/basic.
5. Breathing slower than normal would cause the CO2 to increase/decrease and
would result in hypercapnia/hypocapnia. This would result in the formation of
more/less carbonic acid. This would result in a rise/lowering of pH and would
result in acidosis/alkalosis.
6. Two atoms with the same atomic number but different atomic masses are known
as __________________. An atom that has an unequal number of electrons and
protons and that carries a charge is known as an _________.
7. A bond formed between atoms in which there is a sharing of electrons is known
as a covalent/hydrogen/ionic bond. A positively charged ion is known as a
cation/anion. Cl- is an example of a cation/anion.
8. Substances held together by ionic/covalent bonds dissolve in water.
A reaction in which electrons are lost by a molecule is known as a
oxidation/reduction reaction.
9. In a solution the substance that something is dissolved in is called the
solute/solvent while the substance dissolved in another is called the
List three functions for ions in the body.
Bonus. Answer the below questions.
a. List the three buffer systems observed in the body fluids in the acid, base, and
buffer lab.
b. Hypoventilation will increase/decrease the PCO2 in the blood and will cause
the blood pH to increase/decrease. A decrease above normal of PCO2 is
known as hypercapnia/hypocapnia.
c. The most abundant cation found in the extracellular fluid would be
______________ while the most abundant anion found in the intracellular
fluid would be __________.