Membership Form 2016

We are trying to keep our database current
Please fill out form completely even if you have done this in the past
Membership Form
(Jan. 1 thru Dec. 31)
Depot Artists Association
Arts Depot
PO Box 2513
Abingdon, VA 24212
Name _____________________________________________ Date __________
Address ______________________________________________-____________
City ____________________________ State ____________ Zip _____________
Home Phone ____________________ Work Phone ________________________
E-Mail Address ___________________________________________
Most mailings to members will be sent via e-mail
Dues may also be paid online via our website
Individual $30
Couples $50
Student-$10 Full-time
New Membership
Renewal Membership
I am an active, full-time artist: medium ___________________________
I am a part-time or hobby artist: medium _________________________
 Do you want to show in the Members Gallery?
 Do you want to place items on consignment in bins and display cases?
 Do you want to make a proposal juried Spotlight Gallery?
 Do you want to be represented on the Arts Depot web site?
If Yes, you will be contacted soon regarding this NEW
 Would you like to teach a class? Subject _____________ Adult? Youth?
 Would you like to take a class? Subject ______________ Adult? Youth?
 Are you willing to volunteer for the Depot Artists Association?
If yes, please check any the following areas in which you might help.
Please see reverse side for descriptions.
Gallery Greeter
Reception Greeter
Refreshments for Reception
Provide floral arrangements
Help with Bulk Mailings
Building Maintenance
Gardening, Planting, Watering
Gallery Committee-Hang
Newsletter-Ad sales help
Annual Elegant Elephant Sale
Holiday Open House-decorate
Studio Sitter
Gallery Greeter - Welcome people to the
Arts Depot; tell a brief history of the
building, about the organization, and
about the current exhibits and activities.
Make sales. Hours available at your
Host Reception – Arrange food and
serve punch at an exhibit opening.
Refreshments – Bake Cookies/ Bring
food / drink for receptions.
Holiday Open House - Help to organize,
decorate; bring food, greenery; obtain
door prizes, entertainment; design
invitations, posters and lots more! Select
one (or more).
Education Committee - Review/select
teachers for classes/workshops.
Organize classes/workshops.
Recommend policies. Committee
appointed by President.
Table Decorations/Flowers –
For receptions, etc.
Gallery Committee - Jury artists for the
Spotlight Gallery. Recommend policies.
Committee appointed by President.
Photographer - Take photographs for
use in press releases and/or scrapbook.
Hang Gallery Shows-Hang artwork prior
to shows.
Bulk Mailings - Fold letters, stuff
envelopes, attach labels, etc.
Building Maintenance - Do minor
repairs, painting, windows, etc.
Web page/Computer Work - Assist
webmaster in modifying/adding item to
the website. Provide technical expertise
on computer techniques, perform
specialty work.
Gardening, Plants - Obtain plants for
window boxes, plant, water, prune
periodically, etc.
Newsletter - Assist in layout, writing
articles, obtaining information from
people, etc.
Studio Sitter – Be present in an artists
studio during open hours when the
artist is unable to be there. Discuss and
sell the artists work. Also, you can
demonstrate and sell your work while
acting as a sitter.
Fundraising – Help to organize, make
personal calls, visits, promote newsletter
advertising to local businesses etc.
Elegant Elephant Sale - Price and sell
donated rummage sale items, work day
of sale or haul away leftovers at this
annual fundraising event