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Mary Baldwin College – Master of Education Program
IN629 Leadership in Education
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
August 29-Dec. 4
ONLINE Course using Blackboard
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students to be effective teacher
leaders in their schools and education programs. It will focus on leadership styles, the
skills, attributes, and knowledge of leaders, overcoming organizational and cultural
barriers, as well as the effect of educational and instructional leadership on student
learning and overall improvement.
Adjustments will be made to accommodate students working in the Adult and Higher
Education concentration.
Instructor: Dr. Alice M. Waddell
Assistant Professor of Education
Cottage Farm, 1378 Ross Road
Lexington, Virginia 24450
• Katzenmeyer, M. & Moller, G. (2009) Awakening the Sleeping Giant. 3rd ed.
Corwin:Thousand Oaks. ISBN 978-1-4129-6040-3
♦ IF you are in the MEd program in the Adult/Higher Ed Concentration, purchase the
text below (Reframing Academic Leadership) instead of Awakening the Sleeping
Bolman, L.G. & Gallos, J.V. (2011) Reframing Academic Leadership.1st ed.
Wiley/Jossey-Bass:San Fransico. ISBN978-0-7879-8806-7
• Alvy, H & Robbins, P. (2010) Learning from Lincoln. ASCD: Alexandria.
ISBN 978-1-4166-1023-6 ASCD product # 110036 (All students purchase this
Grading Scale:
95-100 A
Course Requirements: Students are expected to participate on Blackboard weekly and
complete all required course assignments when due. Specific details of assignments and
due dates will be posted on Blackboard prior to the first class meeting.
1. Students will develop a reflective analysis of personal leadership. (15 points)
2 pages Due Sept 10
2. Students will choose five of the ten leadership qualities and skills noted in
Learning from Lincoln and explain why these are important to you as a leader.
5 pages (20 points) Due Sept 24
3. Students will identify 5 renowned educational leaders and briefly discuss
their contribution to educational leadership. Note the characteristics of these
leaders as they relate to the
characteristics you read about in Learning from Lincoln. That is, analyze the
leadership of the leaders rather than
simply noting their leadership characteristics.(10 points)
4 pages Due Oct. 15
4 . Students will select a book on leadership (a list of possibilities provided) and
through an analytical review, apply the principles learned from the assigned
reading to the profession of education, particularly as it may apply to your role
as a practitioner. (20 points) 4 pages Due Nov. 12
5. Students will submit a personal growth development plan that addresses
their potential growth as a school/educational leader. (15 points)
2 pages Due Dec. 1
6. Discussion Board: participate fully by the posted due date. Posts will be graded
according to quality of response. You will post your own response and respond
to at least two classmate’s posts. Topics will be taken from Awakening the
Sleeping Giant, Reframing Academic Leadership and Learning from
Lincoln in most cases. (20 points) The posts will be labeled as: Everyone
responds; Non-Adult/HE (K-12 folks) responds, or Adult/HE responds. Points
will accumulate over the semester up to 20 points.
You are expected to abide by the provisions of the Honor Code of Mary Baldwin
College. You may access a copy at the Mary Baldwin website on in your handbook.
Your signature in your honor pledge.
Please word process your assignments (double-space, 12 pt. font), and submit on the due
date as specified by the instructor. Your name, date, and the assignment title should
appear on all assignments. Assignments should be presented with all grammatical,
spelling, or mechanics/structures issues (such as logical flow, transitions) resolved before
being submitted.