A publication of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS VOL. 35, 2013 The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering www.aidic.it/cet Guest Editors: Petar Varbanov, Jiří Klemeš, Panos Seferlis, Athanasios I. Papadopoulos, Spyros Voutetakis Copyright © 2013, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., ISBN 978-88-95608-26-6; ISSN 1974-9791 Water Allocation Network Synthesis Involving Reliability Analysis Jian Du*a, Jing Chena, Ji- Long Lia, Qing- Wei Mengb a Institute of Process System Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116012, China b School of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116012, China dujian @dlut.edu.cn Water has been a severe problem for freshwater reduction and legislation strengthening for many years. The purpose of water allocation network (WAN) synthesis is to reduce the freshwater consumption and the wastewater discharge, while the network reliability is worth considering for the sake of safety and the maintenance cost. The structure of WAN has a significant impact on reliability issues. So the issue discussed in this paper is to integrate the reliability analysis into the WAN synthesis problem. It is desirable to obtain a WAN which satisfies the reliability as well as consuming the minimum freshwater. An example is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed method and demonstrate that this method is effective. 1. Introduction Water is a key element for the normal functioning of the industry and the society, which is now gravely concerned about. Researchers have proceeded a large of studies about water allocation network (WAN) synthesis to reduce freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge in chemical industry and have made a great achievement in the past two decades. Many methods have been presented to settle the water allocation problem. Takama et al. (1980) first described a water allocation network (WAN) in a petroleum refinery with a superstructure of all possible reuse possibilities and proposed a mathematical programming to solve the problem. Wang and Smith (1994) proposed the water pinch method with the creative concepts of water pinch and limiting water profile. Then this graphical method developed fast (Wang & Smith, 1995; Kuo & Smith, 1995; Hallae, 2002; Feng et al., 2007) and widely applied to chemical industry. However, the graphical methods are restricted for large-scale water allocation problem and multi-contaminant problem. Then researchers took their eye on mathematical programming methods again. Doyle and Smith (1997) presented linear programming (LP) and non-linear programming (NLP) methods to minimize freshwater consumption for water networks with multi-contaminant. Alva-Argaez et al. (1999) optimized water using problem by combining water-pinch analysis technics with mathematical programming tools. Gunaratnam et al.(2005) applied non-linear mathematical programing(NLP) methods to minimizing freshwater consumption of water using networks. For the difficulty of calculating and the global optimization of the solution of the problem, Savelski and Bagajewicz (2000) developed necessary conditions for the optimal water allocation problem. Liu et al. (2009) proposed a new concept of concentration potential to deal with multiple contaminants problem. This new method has achieved some progress in recent years. (Liu et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2013) Researches on reliability analysis in chemical industry have begun in1970s and already have some achievements. (Henley & Gandhi, 1975; Goel et al, 2002; Sikos & Klemes, 2010) Reliability analysis of the water allocation network is a new and crucial issue for it closely related to safety production and the maintenance cost. The reliability of the network mainly relates to the reliability of the units and the structure of the network. Therefor this paper integrates the reliability analysis into the WAN synthesis problem. For the complexity of improving reliability of single unit to improve reliability of the network, simplifying the structure of the water allocation network is simple as well as effective. It is desirable to obtain a WAN which satisfies the reliability as well as consuming the minimum freshwater. 2. Problem statement The problem of water allocation network synthesis involving reliability analysis in this paper can be briefly stated as follows. Givens are a set of water-using units fixed mass loads ciin,k,max and M i ,k i P in which some contaminants k K with require to be removed and the maximum permissible inlet concentrations out,max the maximum outlet concentrations ci ,k for each unit are specified; only freshwater is supplied as external water source; reliability of each water-using unit Ri is specified and the reliability of the network only relates to the reliability of the units and the structure of the network. There is neither water loss nor reactions among contaminants or phase change. This problem targets the optimal network configuration which determines the minimum freshwater consumption and the resultant network structure that satisfies the reliability issues. 3. Mathematical model 3.1 Superstructure Figure 1 describes Water utilization network superstructure model of a single process. This superstructure model includes all possibilities of water reuse. F j ,i F ,c ,c out j ,k i ,l j out i ,k l ciin,k ciout ,k unit i 用 水 Pro 3.2 Nonlinear programming model cess F =min F i单 ) (F F ( F c元 i Fi Wi Figure 1 Water utilization network superstructure model of a single operation unit A non-linear programming mathematical model is established to determine the minimum freshwater requirement and the initial network structure. Objective function (1) i i Mass balance of contaminants of the inlet mixing point of unit i: j ,i i ,jP i j out j ,k i i ,jP i j j ,i )ciin,k (2) Mass balance of contaminants of the out splitting point of unit i: ( Fi Fj ,i )ciin,k +M i ,k =(Wi Fi ,l )ciout ,k (3) Fi Fj ,i Wi Fi ,l (4) i ,jP i j Water balance of unit i: iP i j i ,jP i j lP i l Limit of inlet concentrations of contaminant of unit i: 0 ciin,k ciin,k,max (5) Limit of outlet concentrations of contaminant of unit i: out ,max 0 ciout , k ci ,k Nonnegative restriction of flow: (6) 0 Fi ,0 Fj ,i (7) 4. Reliability analysis Reliability issue in water allocation network is worth considering for the sake of safety production. The problems here are how to calculate the reliability of a water network already existed and how to improve the reliability of the network that can’t meet the process specification. After obtaining the minimum freshwater consumption and the initial network structure, evaluate the reliability of the obtained initial WAN. Recognize subsystems of the network from the incidence matrix based on the initial network. The overall reliability of WAN is evaluated in terms of the network subsystems. For the subsystem whose reliability fails to meet the process specification, its structure simplification is imperative. Reliability of subsystem: Rss = Ri Reliability of the whole system: (8) i Rs = min Rss (9) In this paper, the reliability is improved by breaking the water-reuse stream of the related water-use unit. Each breaking to the water-reuse stream in a subsystem is theoretically allowed if the subsystem reliability is substandard. The mass transfer mission of the broken stream is taken place by the fresh water. Reoptimize the initial WAN with breaking the specified stream, aiming at minimizing fresh water consumption. Thus, a different breaking will generate a different new simplified WAN. To ensure the new obtained WAN can feature the eligible reliability and simplified the calculation, two breaking conditions should be observed: the breaking is feasible only if it can promote the network reliability; break the one which has a higher concentration and lower flow rate if there are options. 5. Case study This example taken from literature Wang et al (2003) is a multi-contaminant system with seven water-using units and its limiting data is given in table1. Table 1: Limiting data of example Water-using unit Ciin,k,max (ppm) A 0 0 20 50 20 500 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 0 0 50 110 100 300 700 C 0 0 50 200 200 600 800 Ciout,max ,k (ppm) A B 50 100 100 300 150 400 600 450 500 650 1100 3500 900 4500 C 50 600 800 700 400 2500 3000 Fi max (t/h) 25 70 35 40 8 50 30 Apply the mathematical model mentioned before in this paper to solve the problem above. The minimizing freshwater consumption of the system is 140.93 (t·h-1) and the initial water network is as Figure 2. 140.93t/ h t/h)t/h) 25t/h t/h)t/ unit 1 h) 4.8t/h t/h)t/ 16.9t/h h) t/h)t/h) 70t/h t/h)t/ h) unit 2 24.23t/h t/h)t/h) 9.15t/h t3.2t/h /h)t/h) unit 3 t/h)t/h ) unit 5 12.65t/ h 10.45t/ t/h)t/ h h) 50t/h t/h)t/h t/h)t/h unit 4 3.38t/h t/h)t/h) 30t/h t/h)t/h Unit 7 ) 8t/h t/h)t/ 30t/h t/h)t /h) h) 40t/h t/h)t/ h) Unit 6 ) ) Figure 2: the initial water network of the example 50t/h t/h)t/ 9.55t/h h) t/h)t/h) 140.93t/h t/h)t/h) The incidence matrix of the initial network is as follow: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 In this incidence matrix, numbers 1~7 in first line and row represent water-using units; elements 1, 0 denote connections of the units or not. Here, diagonal element means connection of water-using unit with itself and it is commanded to be 1. Then, recognize subsystems of the network from the incidence matrix based on the initial network. It is obvious from Fig.3, that there is only a subsystem which contains all the seven water-using units. Assume reliability of each unit is 0.98, which means that the failure rate is 0.02 and reliability asked for the system is 0.90. For this case, Rs =Rss = Ri =0.987 =0.87<0.90 7 i Reliability of the system fails to meet the process specification, if not considering about improving 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 reliability of single unit, structure simplification of the system is imperative. Here, the reliability can be 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 improved by breaking any water-reuse stream in the system. Each breaking to the water-reuse stream in 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 the system is theoretically allowed which probably 01 adds freshwater consumption. 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 Results of minimizing freshwater consumption and 11 reliability improvement of all possible breakings show 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 in Table 2. It is apparently that the best choice is the 0 breaking of S1-3 which meets the reliability 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 specification 0.90 with the minimum freshwater 1 7 0 0 1 0 0 1 consumption 143.41 t/h. The final structure of the 30 water network corresponding to the breaking of the 3 Figure 3 Procedure of recognizing system is as Figure 4. 1subsystems of the initial network For this example, reliability of the water allocation 01 work is improved to appropriate value (from 0.87 to 0.9) with 1.75% increasing of freshwater consumption 0 (from140.93 t/h to 143.41 t/h) . It is absolutely that improving reliability of single unit to improve reliability 1 is complex. So this method is effective and can be accepted. of the network 0 21 01 0 0 0 0 Freshwater 0 consumption t/h 11 System Reliability44 1 11 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 50 5 1 Table 2: result of all possible breakings for improving reliability of the system Breaking S1-4 Breaking S2-4 Breaking S1-3 Breaking S1-5 Breaking S3-7 Breaking S2-6 147.47 149.05 143.41 141.68 163.55 179.50 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.89 32.81t/h t/h)t/h) 143.41t/ h t/h)t/h) 25t/h t/h)t/ unit 1 h) ) 4.8t/h t/h)t/ 10.8t/h h) t/h)t/h) 70t/h t/h)t/ h) 3.2t/h t/h)t/h unit 2 21.8t/h t/h)t/ 7.4t/h h) t/h)t/h 50t/h ) t/h)t/h unit 3 unit 5 unit 4 2.81t/h t/h)t/h) 30t/h t/h)t/h Unit 7 ) 8t/h t/h)t/ 30t/h t/h)t /h) 143.41t/h t/h)t/h) h) 40t/h t/h)t/ h) Unit 6 Figure 4:) The final network of the example 50t/h t/h)t/ 12.6t/h h) t/h)t/h) 6. Conclusions Reliability issue in water allocation network is worth considering for the sake of safety production. The problems here are how to calculate the reliability of a water network already existed and how to improve the reliability of the network that can’t meet the process specification. It is absolutely that improving reliability of single unit to improve reliability of the network is complex and may difficult to realize. This paper deals with this problem by simplifying the structure of the network which means breaking some reuse stream. Theoretically, any water reuse stream can be broken to improve the reliability of the network. While, for water all0cation network, freshwater consumption is always the target. So the final water allocation network should consume the minimum freshwater with the appropriate reliability. To calculate easily, two breaking conditions should be observed: the breaking is feasible only if it can promote the network reliability; break the one which has a higher concentration and lower flow rate if there are options. 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