Pupil premium grant expenditure: Report to Parents: Academic Year 2013/14 Overview of the school Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received Total number of pupils on roll (November 2013) 203 Total number of pupils eligible for PPG (For Academic Year 2013/14) 44 pupils, from reception through to Year 6 Amount of PPG received per pupil (based on January 2013 FSM pupil numbers) £953 Total amount of PPG received (Financial Year 2013/14) £41826 Nature of support 2013/14 We funded a “Plus 1” teacher from the existing school staff, who worked primarily as an intervention teacher for Maths (particularly in the areas of greatest need – Year 6 and Year 2). He also took smaller intervention groups for Reading and Writing, supporting the needs of particular pupils who were entitled to Pupil Premium funding. He was also able to release class teachers so that they were able to work with small groups or individuals who were entitled to Pupil Premium, making sure that those pupils made accelerated progress over the course of the year. With this approach, all pupils benefited from Pupil Premium funding, as identified year groups were able to be taught in smaller sets, with additional support. Other pupils, whose progress was also of concern, were identified to work in pairs or small groups alongside the pupils entitled to Pupil Premium. As a result of the intervention strategies put in place this year, we have seen a considerable increase in the progress and attainment figures for identified pupils across the school. This has been noted during monitoring visits, from HMI and our Cambridge Education adviser, as well as the Headteacher from St Mary’s, Barnet (as part of our London Leadership Strategy support this year). Other projects and initiatives which have been put in place through the additional funding from Pupil Premium include: Booster groups / 1:1 intervention for specific pupils in the lead up to SATs (Year 6) Teaching Assistants supporting each class within school Subsidising transport for school visits and extracurricular activities Curriculum enrichment – Year 5 pupils were all able to access the Study Centre at Norwich City Football ground for a half term’s literacy focussed project. This promoted self-confidence and gave pupils the chance to write for real purposes using the stadium and the world of football as a starting point Subsidised music tuition for specific pupils Lunchtime supervision and support for individuals and groups Project X reading scheme partly funded by Pupil Premium Pupil Asset tracking system, enabling sharper focus on progress and attainment of vulnerable groups within the school Time For You counselling service for specific pupils, including those entitled to Pupil Premium Measuring the impact of Pupil Premium Grant spending Impact is measured in a number of ways, including: Individual pupil progress in the core subjects, through on going assessment and formal testing, screening for reading and spelling, and entry and finish levels following intervention programmes. Discussion with staff members at half termly pupil progress meetings. Impact is monitored by the Senior Management Team and subject leaders for the core subjects. Pupil progress reports are shared regularly with School Governors and with the designated governor for Pupil Premium. The impact is further monitored by the Headteacher and forms part of the school’s self-evaluation form (SEF). In this way the school can determine the value of its interventions and can ensure that the Pupil Premium funding is distributed to maximum effect. Priorities for Pupil Premium Grant spending in the academic year 2014 - 15 Maintaining a “Plus 1” teacher, though this will be reduced to 0.6 this year – a continued focus on Maths progress in Years 5 and 6, and literacy support for Years 3 and 4 Developing a “nurture based” classroom to support the learning needs of specific pupils in KS1 and Year 3, some of whom are entitled to Pupil Premium Targeted support for specific pupils in Maths, Reading and Writing with experienced intervention staff who are well known to the school and who have shown proven success working with individuals and small groups Case Study 1 – 2013 / 14 Maths Year 6 Pupil Premium children made excellent progress as a group, from the end of Year 5 to the end of Year 6, when they took their SATs tests. In their last year of school, 6 out of 8 pupils made a whole level’s progress in Maths, benefiting from the individual and group tuition and the additional teaching support put in place. This significantly increased their overall attainment and helped narrow gaps which had been identified through our tracking system (Pupil Asset). The overall progress of this group, from KS1 to KS2, was reduced by the poor attendance levels of 2 pupils. This issue had, however, been addressed as far as possible by the school. Case Study 2 – 2013 / 14 Writing All Year 6 pupils entitled to Pupil Premium made 2 levels progress, from KS1 to KS2. Within this group, 3 pupils made 3 levels progress from KS1, and showed accelerated progress in Year 6, following targeted Writing sessions and additional booster programmes. One pupil from this group moved from 2a at the end of Year 5 to 4b by the end of Year 6. A focus on boy friendly and classis texts and the support and advice of outstanding practitioners from our London link school helped achieve this level of progress and narrowing of gaps in the last year.