Board Job Descriptions

Houston Family Arts Center (HAFC)
Board Job Descriptions
Supervise and control the business and affairs of the Corporation
Oversee board and executive committee meetings
Serve as ex-officio member of all committees
Serve as primary liaison to Culture Shapers and LRC
Make sure board resolutions are carried out
Call special meetings if necessary
Collaborate with the board in appointing chairs
Prepare agenda for board meetings
Conduct new board member orientation
Work with the nominating committee to recruit new board members
Act as the primary spokesperson for the organization
Periodically consult with board members on their roles and help them assess
their performance
Vice President
Attend all board meetings
Serve on the executive committee
Carry out special assignments as requested by the President
Oversee the nominating committee
Understand the responsibilities of the President and be able to perform these
duties in the President’s absence
Participate as a vital part of the board’s leadership
Attend all board meetings
Serve on the executive committee
Maintain all board records and ensure their accuracy and safety
Review board minutes
Assume responsibilities of the chair in the absence of the president, presidentelect, and vice president
Provide notice of meetings of the board and/or of a committee when such notice
is required
Attend all board meetings
Serve on the executive committee
Responsible for all funds and securities of the corporation
Understand financial accounting for nonprofit organizations
Serve as financial officer of the organization and as chairperson of the finance
Oversee the house committee
Manage, with the finance committee, the board's review of and action related to
the board's financial responsibilities
Prepare and present a monthly financial report to the board
Assist the President in preparing the annual budget and presenting the budget to
the board for approval
Present a yearly report to the General Membership
Review the annual audit and answers board members' questions about the audit.
Artistic Director
Attend all board meetings
Serve on the executive committee
Responsible for setting the artistic vision for HFAC performing programs
Work with the HFAC board to help achieve its mission and program objectives
Conceptualize and deliver performances that fulfill HFAC’s mission
Oversee the artistic committee
Oversee the costume committee
Oversee the backstage committee
Oversee the tech committee
Oversee the education and outreach committee
Oversee the Kid’s Interactive Theatre committee
Operate within the financial parameters, as advised by the board
Develop and present an annual performance schedule to the board for approval
Director of Marketing
Attend all board meetings
Ensure all programs have the necessary marketing materials and press outreach
to succeed
Oversee the public relations and community action committee
Schedule the development, design, printing and distribution of all HFAC
Oversee the design, development and maintenance of the HFAC website
Design and schedule the media campaign each year to most effectively promote
HFAC in Houston, Texas
Network with local, state, and national theater organizations
Director of Development
Attend all board meetings
Oversee the development committee
Develop and maintain relationships with colleagues, foundations and other
organizations strategic to the artistic and financial health of HFAC
Oversee Major Gifts, Special Events, Annual Membership, Corporate and
Foundation fundraising
Lead and manage the annual fundraising activities to meet the full range of
HFAC’s resource needs.
Lead the HFAC effort to develop and implement strategies to ensure successful
identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of individuals, corporations
and foundations for the annual campaign
Manage the effective stewardship and solicitation of major donors, including
mailings (topic selection, scheduling, and production), events, recognition
opportunities, benefits and other tools
Ensure income goals are met, proactively identifying potential shortfalls and
strategizing creative options that will lead to fulfillment
Director of Education and Outreach
Attend all board meetings
Oversee the education and outreach committee
Manage and facilitate HFAC performing arts classes, camps and workshops
Recruit, hire, supervise, and maintain a diverse roster of teachers for classes,
camps and workshops
Coordinate with Treasurer in managing contracts, invoices, and income for
classes, camps and workshops
Communicate with local teachers, neighborhood leaders, after-school enrichment
coordinators, and other school staff to market our performing arts classes, camps
and workshops
Coordinate with the Director of Marketing to publicize our classes, camps, and
workshops to youth and their parents/guardians
Operate within the financial parameters, as advised by the board
Design and implement new classes and programs
Create, distribute, and collect student, teacher, and parent evaluations
Recruit, train and manage interns for classes, camps and workshops
Represent HFAC as an arts-in-education consultant
Director of Concessions
Attend all board meetings
Oversee the concessions committee
Determine what products and items should be sold
Determine pricing structure
Maintain adequate inventory levels for all sold items