Florida International University: Student Learning Outcome Assessment Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Program goal which relates to graduating student’s competence or abilities. Goals/Outcomes Guidelines for Completion of the Five Column Format Assessment Criteria, Outcome Assessment Standards & Procedures Results What the graduate knows What the graduate can do Competencies (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills) Minimum of three outcomes stated in measurable terms with 1-2 measures each Notes: Goals regarding learning outcomes may be found in program/school mission statements. 5/24/07 Notes: Program discussions in determining outcomes should center on “How critical is the outcome to the field?” “Does this outcome reflect an important concept?” Or finally, when examining the outcome does it pass the test of “So what?” 1) What is being measured? 2) What is the desired level of achievement? for example, 80% of ____ 3) Procedures: How will it be measured? Test, survey, portfolio, jury, using appropriate system Include details of sampling, timeframe, and who will conduct assessment. Notes: The assessment should be feasible and appropriate given the time and resources available within the context of programmatic decisions. In other words, the measures need to make sense. Ordinarily, regular course grades are not appropriate as a measure. Include direct evidence of student learning. This can be supported by student surveys (triangulation of data). The measurement should be systematic and cyclical (at least every year). Findings of measurement: Test results Summary of survey findings Jury findings Portfolio evaluations Use of Results for Program Improvement If results meet criteria what is action? 1. Reaffirm the outcome 2. Increase level of success required to achieve competence 3. Consider establishing more significant (relevant) outcome If results do not meet preestablished criteria, what analysis of results occurred? 1. Was the standard appropriate? a. If the standard is appropriate, describe programmatic changes. For example: Enrich curriculum Notes: Improve instructional Sample size response rate environment important when determining Enhance faculty expertise significance of results. b. If the standard is inappropriate, describe change to standard. Sufficient data must be Notes: provided for outside readers Is information adequate to to understand total assessment effectively critique program? (e.g. results. is the sample significant and relevant, exam results by content Analysis of data must focus area, survey questions relevance on accomplishment of to student outcomes). intended outcome. It is important to note how results were shared and discussed, what recommendations resulted, what follow-up occurred to see if it worked.