FORM 6. FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY Students are required to complete a language course if they plan to work in a country (or region) where English is not the native or primary language. Students conducting international research should discuss their language study with their advisor. Your research project may require reading or spoken competence, or both. The specific language requirement is determined by the student’s advisor, in consultation with the student and members of the advisory committee. This form must be signed by the graduate studies director and filed with the grad secretary. Spoken language competence may be acquired through coursework at LSU or intensive language immersion programs in-country. Reading competence may be measured in one of four ways: (1) achieving a grade of 500 on the Educational Testing Service (ETS) examination administered by the University Testing Service; (2) passing course 1020 in French or Russian, 4002 in Spanish, or 4005 in German; (3) for languages other than those included in the ETS offerings, passing a test administered by a faculty member at LSU in the language in question, or (4) passing with a grade of A or B an upper-division foreign literature course in that language approved by the graduate director. Student Name: ______________________________ Research location(s): ____________________________________________________ List required language(s) :_________________, ___________________ Spoken or Reading competence (circle one) Method for establishing competence: ____________________________ Signature of Advisor: ___________________________ Date: __________ Committee Members: ___________________________ Date: __________ ___________________________ Date: __________ ___________________________ Date: __________ Graduate Studies Director: _________________________________ Date: __________ Received by the Graduate Studies Office: ______________________ Date: __________ Date Language requirement completed: ____________________________