Algebra 1A syllabus 2 - Tulpehocken Area School District

Homework, Grading Procedures and Class Rules
Algebra 1A – Mrs. Schweigert
The following information is provided so that both students and their
parents are aware of what is expected in Mrs. Schweigert’s Algebra 1A class.
Units of Study and approximate time spent on each unit:
 Pre Course Practice and Review Handbook (Aug. - Sept.)
 Connections to Algebra (order of operations, vocabulary, translating) (Oct. –
1/2 of Dec.)
 Properties of Real Numbers (directed numbers, vocabulary) (1/2 of Dec. –
 Solving Linear Equations (vocabulary) (Mar. – Apr.)
 Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities (vocabulary) (May)
 The Coordinate Plane/Translations/Reflections (vocabulary) (June)
 PSSA Preparation (throughout the year)
 Approximately 25 written assignments will be given each quarter of these 18
assignments will be spot checked at the discretion of the teacher. I will drop
the 3 lowest homework grades for each student. Therefore if a student had
trouble with a particular assignment or there was a family emergency and
they were unable to complete an assignment this will not harm their grade.
However if a student misses no assignments they will end up with bonus
 Homework is spot checked for completion, not graded for correctness, since
this is the student’s time to practice what they learned in the classroom.
Homework is generally reviewed the next class period. Students are expected
to attempt all assigned problems showing their work. A homework assignment
with all problems attempted and numbered with the work provided but
incorrect is given full credit. A student’s completion of homework is vital for
their success in Algebra 1A, since it serves to reinforce, supplement and
complement learning taking place in the classroom. Plus math builds on what
you already know, so if you choose not to do the homework, you are choosing
not to learn a concept you could very well need and depend on in the future. If
you need extra practice problems see me.
 Homework will be evaluated as follows:
1. Less than 50% complete – 0 points
2. 50% or more complete but not fully complete – 2 points
3. 100% of work completed – 4 points
 Late homework not accompanied by a legal excuse, is not accepted and
receives an automatic zero point value.
 We will do Guided Practice exercises in class. Homework will mostly be the
Practice and Applications exercises. Occasionally they will do some Guided
Practice exercises for homework when we need more time to cover a topic.
I will use the Study Guides, Quiz reviews, Chapter Summary and Reviews,
Chapter Tests, Chapter Standardized Tests, Maintaining Skills, Cumulative
Practice Questions to review for quizzes and tests. I will take time in class to
review for all quizzes and tests.
Each student will also receive a Basic Skills Workbook, Practice Workbook
with Examples, and Standardized Test Workbook that may be graded for
completion as well – homework policy will apply here.
We will also on occasion do PSSA problems that reflect what we are learning
in class, which will be graded.
Whenever possible, and preferably, time will be given in class to begin
working on the homework assignment. Students are encouraged to ask
questions by raising their hand if they do not understand. That includes while
taking quizzes and tests. I will be glad to clarify what I expect on a test or quiz
for any student.
If a student finishes their homework before the period is over they may review
the previous sections in order to prepare for a quiz or test or they may read
over the lesson for the next day. Students may not talk with a neighbor or
waste time by just waiting for the bell to ring. Students should not pack up
until given permission to do so.
Grading Procedures
 A student’s grade is determined from points received on homework, quizzes,
chapter tests, their notebook, midterm and final exams. Students will have a
test for every chapter and several quizzes per chapter. Quizzes will generally
cover from 1-4 sections. Quizzes and tests will be given on the material I
cover in class and the homework assignments given to reinforce the lesson.
All tests are announced well in advance and a “format” review will be given.
 Duo-Tang folders will be used to keep all math notes labeled by section,
worksheets, and examples given on the board, reviews, quizzes, tests and
homework in one place. Homework, worksheets, quizzes and tests should be
corrected as we go over them in class. This will help students keep their work
organized and make it easy for students to review their notes, examples and
problems for quizzes and tests. It is highly recommended that students keep
a complete notebook since they may be allowed to use it occasionally for a
quiz. No loose papers will be permitted.
 Each student will receive a Notetaking Guide workbook that will be graded for
completion. The Notetaking Guide will be collected at the end of each quarter
for a grade. A rubric will be provided for what sections need to be completed.
All notes and exercises must be completed and corrected. Exercises need to
have work shown for full credit.
 Tests and quizzes must be taken using a pencil. Points will be deducted if a
pencil is not used.
 Cheating on quizzes or tests is unacceptable. Anyone caught cheating will
receive a zero and appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken.
Tests and quizzes will be returned after everyone has taken it; a review of
common errors will be given. You may come in to review your test or quiz
any time that I am available.
Each graded homework assignment, quiz and test, as well as the notebook is
awarded points. Tallying up the total number of points a student earned and
dividing that amount by the total possible amount arrives at your cumulative
grade. Do everything you can to earn as many points as you can.
Student Assistance:
 If you need help you may come in during homeroom (or anytime during the
day that I am available). Come in for help when you need it – don’t wait!!! Do
not be afraid to ask for help. Math can be difficult. I cannot read your mind, so
if you have a question or problem you must ask. I am here to help you do the
best that you can. If you cannot meet with me, see me to make arrangements
for a tutor.
Make-up Work:
 Any test or quiz missed should be made up as soon as possible. Any test or
quiz not made up within double the days you are out of class will be graded
as a zero unless other arrangements were made by me.
 It is the student’s responsibility to come to me, confirm what they need to
make up, and complete the work.
 If you are absent, unless special arrangements are made with me, you are to
complete assignments within a time period not to exceed double that of the
absence. If you are absent from school when an assignment is collected, it is
due the day you return.
Class Expectations
The following our expectations of behavior in my classroom and apply to your
conduct while in Algebra 1A class:
 Be on time - if you are late you need a pass.
 Lavatory access is restricted to the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes of
the class period as long as this is “work time” (not when homework is being
gone over or notes are being given). Do not interrupt class to ask to go to the
lavatory at any other time unless it is an emergency. Ask permission to leave
the room for any reason and sign out.
 Come to class prepared and be seated immediately. Sit up in your chair and
face forward.
 Be ready to begin when I am ready to begin - have a sharpened pencil, your
notebook opened to your homework and your book opened to the page of
your last assignment or if it is the day of a quiz or test have your desk cleared
and pencil sharpened.
 Leave your seat only when given permission. This includes at the end of
class; I dismiss you not the bell.
 Keep your homework organized in a notebook or binder.
Keep your work neat so I can read it. For me to answer a question about your
work or grade a problem on a quiz or test I need to be able to read and follow
your work.
Keep your handouts, worksheets, quizzes and tests in a folder to use to study
for upcoming tests. Do not store papers in your textbook.
Use class time to begin homework - having a study hall is no excuse for not
using provided class time.
Raise your hand to be recognized. Be courteous to your classmates.
Everyone will be given a chance to participate.
Tell the truth and be polite. Only appropriate language is acceptable.
Be respectful at all times of your teacher, the classroom, your classmates and
their property (don’t touch if it doesn’t belong to you).
No note writing.
Be courteous and cooperative with my substitutes. I will review the material
the next day if there are any questions concerning the material I wanted
Don’t quit!
Set a goal.
You must return the same textbook you were issued.
Calculator use rules: You may supply your own calculator whenever
calculator use is appropriate and allowed. You may use one of my set of
calculators just ask me at the beginning of the period and return it directly to
me at the end of the period. Use only fingertips to press the buttons on the
calculator. Use of district-supplied calculators is a privilege. Students caught
defacing or ruining a calculator will face disciplinary action.
The following I consider behavior offenses:
 Disruptive behavior:
 Annoying a class member.
 Choosing to disregard teacher’s directions, getting off task.
 Choosing to disobey class rules.
 Academic sloth:
 Coming to class without the required materials (text, notebook, pencil,
and homework).
 Failing to take notes and copy examples from the board into your
 To succeed in class – attend regularly, start your work promptly, use
self-control, and set a goal that addresses the progression of your
skills. Practice concepts by doing homework, learn the “hows” and
“whys” of math, and discover that math can be fun!
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Mrs. Schweigert
Student signature
Parent Signature