Genetics Review Questions
1. DNA is found in the ______________.
2. DNA is in the shape of______________.
3. What are the three parts if a nucleotide?
4. What does Adenine pair with?
5. What does Uracil pair with?
6. If a DNA strand reads AUGCCATGA what would the following be?
7. What happens in transcription? Where does it take place?
8. What happens in translation? Where does it take place?
9. An allele is a form of a __________.
10. Traits can be only homozygous. True or False What is homozygous?
11. Traits can be both dominant and recessive. True or False
What is dominant?
12. Incomplete dominance is when neither allele has dominant
True or False
13. How is sex-linked inheritance passed on?
14. The physical appearance of an individual is it’s (phenotype / genotype). Circle one.
15. A punnett square is the (possible offspring / actual offspring). Circle one.
16. If a parent has 10 daughters, the chance of having a daughter on their 11th child is:
(50%, 25%, 75%). Circle one.
17. Polygenic traits include examples such as (height, hair color, hitchhiker’s thumb).
Circle all that are polygenic.
18. Differentiate between the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent
19. What is a pedigree?
20. What is a karyotype?
21. In humans, brown eyes (B) are dominant over blue (b). A brown-eyed man marries a
blue-eyed woman and they have three children, two of whom are brown-eyed and one of
whom is blue-eyed. What is the man’s genotype? What are the genotypes of the children?
22. In humans, the genes for colorblindness are located on the X chromosome with no
corresponding gene on the Y. Colorblindness is a recessive allele. If a man and a woman,
both with normal vision, marry and have a colorblind son, draw the Punnett square that
illustrates this.
23 . In four o'clock flowers, red plants are homozygous for the allele (R) of the gene for
flower color. Plants with white flowers are homozygous for the (r) allele of the same
gene. Plants with pink flowers are heterozygous for these two alleles. Complete a Punnett
square to show genotypes and phenotypes that are expected when plants with pink
flowers are crossed. What type of inheritance is shown in this problem?
24. In humans, wavy hair (Ww) results by the incomplete dominance situation of curly
hair (WW) and straight hair (ww). What are the possible results if a curly-haired man
and wavy-haired woman have children? What type of inheritance is shown in this
25. In cattle, black (B) is dominant over white (b) hides. What are the possible results if
a white male cow mates with a heterozygous female? This is not a co-dominant problem
or an incomplete dominance problem.