Abstract & Extended Abstract Guidelines for Wild Cats of South Asia

Guidelines and Template for Abstracts and Extended Abstracts
Wild Cats of South Asia
Title of the Paper
First A. Author1#, Second B. Author2, and Third C. Author3
1Address of Author 1, Country
2Address of Author 2, Country
Address of Author 3, Country
correspondence; <correspondingauthor@second.com>
Abstract -This document gives formatting instructions for preparation of abstracts for SA wildcats
conference. Authors can use this document as a template into which you can directly type your
abstract. Word limit for the abstract is 300 words. The abstract should be one column fitting into A4
size paper comprising of one page maximum, in 11pt, Calibri font. Top, Bottom and Right margins
should be set to 1 inch, and the left margin should be 1.25 inches. The fonts, sizes and styles for the
title, names of authors, affiliations, should be as shown in the header of the paper. The name of the
presenting author should be underlined. The corresponding author should be identified with a <#>
sign above the author’s name and his/her e-mail address should be provided to follow the affiliation
section as indicated above. Abstracts should be submitted in Word 97-2003 format.
The abstract should briefly point out the research problem, objectives, methodology/ experimental
design, results and discussion, and conclusion. Do not include section headings in the abstract.
Citations/references, Figures and Tables and further work should not be included in the abstract.
Keywords: Please add a maximum of three key words after the abstract.
Extended Abstract -The extended abstract is a more elaborate version of the abstract that describes
the research work being carried out and the research outcomes. The extended abstract should be
typed in this same document, starting from the second page, following the abstract. The body of the
extended abstract should be organized into sections;
The introduction should present a brief background of the study, research problem and the
Methodology/Experimental Design,
The methodology should be at minimal, enough to understand the study design. Data should be
displayed using not more than two tables/figures, except in situations where data need be described
in figures and tables rather than in text format.
Results and Discussion,
Results should be combined with the discussion and be limited to discussing the study’s main
Not more than 10 references should be cited in Harvard style
The page limit is two (without title, author names, abstract, key words and references) in Calibri font,
11pt and single spaced..