the abstract template

Title of abstract, Calibri, 14 pt, bold, left aligned
Author, A.B.1, Author, C.2 and Author, D.E.3 Calibri, 12pt. (Surname, INITIALS, presenter underlined)
Affiliation, short address and email of principal or corresponding author, Calibri, 10pt.
Affiliation and short address
Affiliation and short address
All abstracts are to be submitted in camera-ready format, as outlined on this template. The main
body of text is to be written in Calibri, 11pt font, single line spacing and justified, with margins of
25mm on each side, and 15mm at the top and bottom. Use this template to ensure that fonts and
formatting are correct. Abstracts that are not submitted in the correct format will be returned to
authors, who will be asked to resubmit only if time permits.
Use two hard returns for a new paragraph and do not use indents. The maximum length of abstracts
is one page (A4). This includes the title and affiliations, all text and references and occasional
figures/photos/tables. Abstracts that exceed the one-page limit will be returned to authors.
If you wish to use them, figures, photos and
tables may be inserted into the text of the
abstract, preferably using the ‘Tight’ option in
the ‘Text Wrapping’ pull-down menu (in
Spell out all acronyms in full in the first instance,
with the acronym in parentheses. After this, the
acronym can be used. Use SI units.
Figure 1: Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa
(captions in Calibri 11pt, italics)
References should be referred to by numbers in square parentheses, for example [1]. If the reference
is used in context in the text, then it should be referred to as Smith et al. [3]. References should be
listed in an abbreviated form in Calibri 10pt text as indicated below.
Abstracts should be prepared using a word-processor and then uploaded via the appropriate channel
on the 35IGC website ( Please complete all the contact information required
before submitting your abstract. Once your abstract has been formally submitted into the database it
cannot be edited. The deadline for abstract submissions is 31st January 2016. Acceptances of papers
will be sent out by 31st March 2016.
[1] Smith R (2011) Nature 47(3): 303-322
[2] Smith R and Jones P (2010) Econ Geol 105:443-798
[3] Smith R et al. (2012) In: The Art of Writing an Abstract: XYZ Publishers, 12-24