I think the Egyptian mystery school and healing

Egyptian Healing Rods – Used by Pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt
Scientific Evidence from Energy Medicine Leader, Russia
There is an ancient Egyptian healing tool that Russian scientific research suggests will help
individuals or clients to boost their life force energy, moving more quickly toward wellness. They
were used by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, and re-created by Russian scientists to boost life
force energy, promoting wellness for individuals at home or in an office by a wellness
Background: Most people have seen pictures and statues from Egypt showing
Pharaohs, Priestesses or Neters (deities) holding cylinders in their hands. These
cylinders were used by the Ancient Egyptians for healing, manifesting and
“communing with the Gods/Goddesses”. In 1500 B.C., they disappeared from all
Egyptian statuary, tomb paintings and carvings but archaeologists didn’t know
why. Later it became clear that these sacred tools and technology went into the
Mystery Schools to protect them from misuse by low vibration human beings. The
secret of the rods did not emerge from these schools until the 20th century.
How these Egyptian Healing Rods came to America: They were re-created by a group of
Russian scientists based on a text from a Zoroastrian Yoga Mystery School in the Caucasus
Mountains during the 1920s. The initiate, Polish Count Stefan Colonna Walewski, was taught
how to fabricate and use one set of rods. After he died in 1955, his document was studied by a
number of people in America, but eventually came to a Russian physics teacher, Kovtun, who
translated Walewski’s manual in the early 1990s. Two other Russian scientists banded together
with him to produce the first set of rods in 1995 and continued making improvements. A number
of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences studied these tools during the next 10 years.
In 2002, the Russians approached an American company owned by a Medical Intuitive, Sri Ram
Kaa, married to an Archangelic Oracle, Kira Raa. They agreed to be the exclusive distributors
in the U.S., selling the rods at Metaphysical trade shows and fairs and through a network of
distributors. There are now 10 different sets of Egyptian Healing Rods available for different
purposes: physical balancing, manifesting and ascension.
Effectiveness: The Russian claims of physical, mental and emotional healing with these
healing rods aren’t just testimonials, although there are hundreds of those, but are based on
scientific studies conducted by members of the Russian Scientific Academy, world leaders in
Energy Medicine. The cylindrical Rods can be recommended for people with:
 cardio-vascular diseases (heart, blood vessels – arteries and veins);
 arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
 early phase hypertension (high blood pressure);
 neurotrophic disorders (nerve growth and function);
 excretory system diseases (irritable bowel, kidney failure, bladder infections);
 insomnia,
 stress
 depression
Russian Research suggests caution in situations of: venereal diseases in the acute phase,
alcohol or drug intoxication, schizophrenia and severe psychological disorders, pregnant women
(especially during the initial and final trimesters), during menstruation, hypotonia (pathologically
low blood pressure), heavy or unpleasant thoughts, gall-stone and bladder-stone diseases,
cerebral thrombosis (blood clot in brain).
Copyright by Margie M. Mulligan, Ph.D., July 2008, revised March 2009
Egyptian Healing Rods – Used by Pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt
Scientific Evidence from Energy Medicine Leader, Russia
How to Use the Egyptian Healing Rods:
There are 10 different Egyptian rods, each with a different vibration or
frequency to align with energy system capacity of different people. Each set
of rods includes a Sun rod of copper/gold and a Moon rod of zinc/silver.
The Sun rod is held in the right hand to balance the bodies’ masculine
(yang) energies and the Moon rod is held in the left hand to balance
feminine (yin) energies. When these two rods are held together for 5
minutes, Russian scientific research suggests that they open the chakras
and balance the meridians, two major energy medicine systems in the
body, equivalent to a 30 minute acupuncture treatment.
For physical balancing, the rods are held parallel to the earth while standing, sitting or lying
down. For manifesting, mental, emotional or spiritual sessions, the tips of the rods are pointed
up to the sky.
They are easy to use by individuals who can be taught quickly and easily to hold the rods and
do energetic balancing at home/office. Trained practitioners of any type (energy, massage,
physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, MDs, psychotherapists, coaches, homeopaths,
naturopaths, etc.) can integrate their use into their current session either by using one set of
rods directed toward the client or having several sets available to be held by clients during a
session with another modality.
Margie M. Mulligan, Ph.D., developed Heal Like an Egyptian ™ using ancient energetic tools
and methods from Egypt to boost life force energy. She is an Initiate of a Pre-Dynastic Egyptian
Mystery School, a Stocking Dealer with the Egyptian Healing Rods, Ltd., and uses Egyptian
Healing Rods in energy balancing sessions, leads tele-seminars, healing circles and
practitioner’s/user’s workshops teaching their use. www.heal-with-energy.com,
engyheal@earthlink.net, 970-214-3397
Copyright by Margie M. Mulligan, Ph.D., July 2008, revised March 2009