Chapter 4: “Ancient Egypt and Kush” (pages 82 – 117)

Chapter 4: “Ancient Egypt and Kush” (pages 82 – 117)
Vocabulary to Know and People to Know
Use the Glossary (p. R36), the Gazetteer (p. R14) or the Biographical Dictionary (p. R26), in the back of
the Social Studies text, to find the definitions and descriptions of each word or name below.
Section One:
1. Delta – a triangle-shaped area of land made from soil deposited by a
2. Dynasty – a series of rulers from the same family.
3. Menes – Legendary Egyptian ruler, he unified the kingdoms of Upper
and Lower Egypt and built the new capital city of Memphis.
4. Pharaoh – the title used by the rulers of Egypt, which means great
5. Cataracts – rapids along a river, such as those along the Nile in Egypt.
Section Two:
6. Engineering – The application of scientific knowledge for practical
Egyptian pharaoh and rules during the Old Kingdom and
known for the many monuments built to honor him.
7. Khufu –
8. Nobles – A rich and powerful person.
9. Afterlife – Life after death.
10. Mummies – A specially treated body wrapped in cloth for
11. Social Hierarchy – The division of society by rank or class.
12. Pyramids – A huge triangular tomb built by Egyptians and others.
13. Old Kingdom – The period in Egyptian history from about 2700 to 2200
BC in Egyptian history that began shortly after Egypt was unified.
Section Three:
14. Middle Kingdom – The period of Egyptian history marked by order and
15. New Kingdom – The period in Egyptian history in which Egypt reached
it’s height in glory and power.
16. Queen Hatshepsut – Egyptian pharaoh who worked to increase trade
outside of Egypt and ruled in the New Kingdom.
17. Ramses the Great – Considered one of Egypt’s greatest rulers and was a
great warrior.
Section Four:
18. Hieroglyphics – the ancient Egyptian writing system that used picture
19. Papyrus – a long-lasting, paper-like material made from reeds that the
ancient Egyptians used to write on.
20. Rosetta Stone – a huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and
a later form of Egyptian that allowed historians to understand Egyptian
21. Sphinx – an imaginary creature with a human head and the body of a lion
that was often shown on Egyptian statues.
22. Obelisk – pointed, four-sided pillar in ancient Egypt.