جامعة الملك فيصل كلية العلوم مكتب توكيد الجودة و الاعتماد الأكاديمي


ةدوجلا ديكوت بتكم

يميداكلأا دامتعلاا و

لصيف كلملا ةعماج

مولعلا ةيلك

_______________________________ __________________________________________________

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Achievements Table

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Course name: Introduction to Computer Course No.: Math180

Course Coordinator: Mohamed Nour Ismail

List of course learning outcomes

1 Define, and illustrate where appropriate, a range of Computer Concepts which underpin the principles of Computer


2 List different approaches to web design



Identify and Select appropriate office application software which supports the tasks performed by basic uses of

Computer Systems.

Use a range of software tools to access and manipulate data accurately and present data in different formats and solve mathematical problems.

List of methods of assessments

Summary of analysis of assessment results



Bb Quizzes

Participation level in class room discussions .



Teamwork assignments

Project assignment

Two Mid-term tests

Final Exam

Based on the assessment results: the students gained the knowledge skills perfectly


Bb Quizzes

Participation level in class room discussions .



Based on the assessment results the students gained the cognitive skills perfectly


ةدوجلا ديكوت بتكم

يميداكلأا دامتعلاا و

لصيف كلملا ةعماج

مولعلا ةيلك

_______________________________ __________________________________________________

Teamwork assignments

Project assignment

Two Mid-term tests

Final Exam

1 Write a program segment to perform a given task and

Demonstrate the solution of mathematical problems

, either individually or as part of a team, in a timely manner

Individual and group assessment during lectures and lab sessions, also evaluation through practical assignments, two med-term tests, final exam, participation level in classroom discussions,

Bb Quizzes, Teamwork assignments, and

Project assignment

Reasonable 87

1 Practice interaction skills through peer group activity to achieve basic

Communication skills.

2 Demonstrate the use of IT and Numerical skills using online materials

1 NA

Evaluation through practical assignments , two med-term tests, final exam, Bb Quizzes,

Teamwork assignments, and

Project assignment.

Evaluation through practical assignments , two med-term tests, final exam, Bb Quizzes,

Teamwork ssignments, and

Project assignment.

Based on the assessment results the students gained the communication and IT and numerical skills perfectly

