Letter Written by: __________________ Letter Edited by: _____________________ Business Letter Peer-editing Checklist Instructions: Read through your partner’s letter completely, then go back and check for what is listed below. Make marks and comments on his or her letter as well. Format: Yes/No Are all paragraphs left-aligned with NO indentations? ________ Is there a return address & a business address? ________ Is there a greeting/salutation that is punctuated correctly & with either “Sir or Madam” or a courtesy title and the person’s name. _________ Are there at least three paragraphs? _________ Audience/Tone/Content: Does the author use formal language? (No contractions, slang, conversation) _________ Do you know why he/she is writing to this person? Highlight/underline one Reason you see. _________ Do they tell you how this person has helped him/her and affected his or her life? __________ Grammar/Spelling: Are there any words misspelled or Mis-used? Mark them in the letter. ___________ Are there any grammatical mistakes? Mark them in the letter. ____________ *WRITE ANY OTHER COMMENTS ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE.