+ Competitive Essay DESCRIBE A CHARACTER YOU CONSIDER TO BE IMPORTANT TO THE TEXT. EXPLAIN WHY THEY 1. PLAN. ARE IMPORTANT. + Write. Introduction What is your text title and author? What is your topic? How are you going to answer it? Use key words from question. Below is a basic outline. Rocco by Sherryl Jordan is a book about….. One of the most important characters is ……He/She is important because …. + Body. 1. Describe 2. Explain 3. Explain (4) Explain + Describe Paragraphs What do you know about the character? What do they look like, their personal circumstances, their relationships, what they are like generally. DO NOT WRITE TOO MUCH AND START ANSWERING THE ‘EXPLAIN’ PART OF THE QUESTION! + Explain paragraphs need to be SEXY! Statement( about importance usually – your topic sentence) Example from the text that supports your S (preferably a quote) eXplanation of the example and how it supports Statement. whY it is important. To the text, to you, to society, WHY????? Link the paragraphs together. See help sheet + Conclusion Sum Put up your ‘Explain’ ideas. in your personal opinion about the text you have read, the character or what you have learned from the text. + Check it! Capital letters & full stops Spelling- e.g.] Title of text, author, Frabjous language – carefully chosen and formal. SEXY Explain paragraphs Evidence That in every paragraph. it makes sense Paragraphs That are linked it answers question – you have addressed both parts. + Wednesday 1. Finish write up of essay. Proof read carefully. 2.Put question at the top and your names at the bottom 3. Static image write up. Complete the questions if you have not done so. 4. Grammar to Go Page 51 – will help as an introduction to creative writing. 5. Read. If you need to go to the library see me. 6. Homework. Read.