Design for Instruction Task Describe how you will design your series

Design for Instruction
Describe how you will design your series of lessons as related to objectives, children’
characteristics and needs, and the specific learning context.
• Results of pre-assessment. After administering the pre-assessment (or getting the data), analyze
student performance relative to the learning objectives. Depict the results of the pre-assessment
in a format that allows you to find patterns of student performance relative to each learning
objective. You may use a table, graph, or chart. Describe the pattern you find that will guide your
instruction or modification of the learning objectives.
• Provide an overview of your series of 2 lessons.
 Integrated Web - Create an integrated curriculum web using a graphic organizer to
represent the connections and links to various content areas. You must include subject
areas such as math, art, music, literacy, movement, health, and science even though you
are not teaching lessons in all of those areas. This web will provide a visual
representation of ideas within your topic of inquiry.
 Highlight the 2 lessons you will teach in order to show how they relate to other lessons
that could be taught in the unit of study.
 2 Lesson Plans. In addition to your lesson plans, describe:
- how the content relates to your instructional objective,
- how the activity stems from your pre-assessment information and contextual
• Technology. Describe how you will use technology in your planning and/or instruction. If you
do not plan to use any form of technology, provide your clear rationale for its omission.
Suggested Page Length: 2 + visual organizer
Teaching Process: Design for Instruction
Indicator Not Met
Indicator Partially Met
Indicator Met
Few lessons are explicitly
linked to learning objectives.
Few learning activities,
assignments and resources are
aligned with learning
objectives. Not all learning
objectives are covered in the
Most lessons are explicitly
linked to learning objectives.
Most learning activities,
assignments and resources are
aligned with learning
objectives. Most learning
objectives are covered in the
All lessons are explicitly
linked to learning objectives.
All learning activities,
assignments and resources are
aligned with learning
objectives. All learning
objectives are covered in the
Early childhood educator’s
use of content appears to
contain numerous
inaccuracies. Content seems
to be viewed more as isolated
skills and facts rather than as
part of a larger conceptual
Early childhood educator’s
use of content appears to be
mainly accurate. Shows
awareness of the big ideas or
structure of the discipline.
Early childhood educator’s
use of content appears to be
accurate. Focus of the content
is congruent with the big ideas
or structure of the discipline.
Where appropriate, early
childhood educator makes
connections from the content
to other parts of the content or
to other content areas.
The series of lessons and
lessons have little
recognizable structure.
The series of lessons and
lessons have structure. Most
lessons, activities, and
assignments are coherent parts
of this structure and appear to
be useful in moving the
student towards achieving the
learning objectives.
The series of lessons and
lessons have a clearly defined
structure. All lessons,
activities, and assignments are
coherent parts of this structure
and appear to be useful in
moving the student towards
achieving the learning
Use of a Variety of
Assignments and
There is little focus on variety
of instruction, activities,
assignments, and resources.
Heavy reliance on textbook or
single resource.
Some variety in instruction,
activities, assignments, or
Design includes variety across
instruction, activities,
assignments, and resources
Use of Contextual
Information and
Data to Select
Appropriate and
Relevant Activities,
Assignments and
Instruction has not been
designed with reference to
contextual factors and preassessment data. Activities
and assignments do not appear
productive and appropriate for
each student.
Some instruction has been
designed with reference to
contextual factors and preassessment data. Some
activities and assignments
appear productive and
appropriate for each student.
Most instruction has been
designed with reference to
contextual factors and preassessment data. Most
activities and assignments
appear productive and
appropriate for each student.
Early childhood educator does
not use technology in
instructional delivery and
does not provide opportunities
for children to use technology
OR technology is
inappropriately used.
Early childhood educator uses
technology appropriately in
instructional delivery but does
not integrate technology into
student learning activities.
Technology does not make a
significant contribution to
teaching and learning.
Early childhood educator
integrates appropriate
technology for teaching and
Alignment with
Learning Objectives
Representation of
Lesson and Series of
lessons Structure
Use of Technology