Study Guide for Continental Drift Test

Name _________________________ Date ______________ Period _____
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First Nine Weeks Study Guide
This test will cover the material we have been studying since the beginning of the year. The concepts
on the test include:
Lab Safety
Observations and Inferences
Density, Mass, Volume, and Length
Mixtures and Pure Substances
Different parts of the atom, masses, charges, and where each part is located
Isotopes and how to calculate number of neutrons
Lewis Dot Structures—how many valence electrons elements have
Periodic Table—how to read it, rows (periods), columns (families/groups), special group
names, where metals, nonmetals, and metalloids are located
Lab Safety (Ch. 1)
You need to know basic rules of lab safety—I suggest going over your lab safety quiz and the lab
safety rules.
Observations and Inferences (Ch. 1)
1. You are expected to know the difference between an observation and an inference. Use the
picture below to help you practice:
A: Observations
B: Inferences
Density, Mass, and Volume
You should know the basic metric units of measurement that we covered in class. Questions to guide
your study include:
2. What is mass?
3. What is volume?
4. What are two ways to determine an object’s volume?
5. If an object is denser than the liquid it is in, what does it do?
6. If an object is less dense than the liquid it is in, what does it do?
7. How do you calculate density?
8. What are the metric units for mass? Units for volume?
Units for density?
Name _________________________ Date ______________ Period _____
# _____
Mixtures and Pure Substances (Ch. 18)
9. You should be aware of the properties of pure substances and mixtures. Classify the substances
below as pure substances or mixtures:
10. Define pure substance: all of the particles are the same and cannot be physically separated
11. What are the two types of pure substances?
12. Define mixture: two or more substances that are not chemically combined and can be separated
by their physical properties
13. What are the two types of mixtures?
Atomic Structure (Ch. 19)
14. You need to know and be able to apply the following information about subatomic particles:
Particle Name
Isotopes (Ch. 19)
You should be able to recognize that all atoms of the same element contain the same number of
protons, and that elements with the same number of protons may or may not have the same mass. If
they have different masses, they are called isotopes. You will be given questions to test your
understanding of this concept. (There are two isotope questions on Ch. 19 test.)
15. Practice Problem: How are Hydrogen-1, Hydrogen-2, and Hydrogen-3 similar? How are they
different? How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does each of these isotopes have?
Lewis Dot Structures (Ch. 19)
You should understand how to determine how many valence electrons different elements have and
how to draw the dots around the element symbol.
16. Practice Problems: How many valence electrons do the following elements have?
N, Be, Ra, Al, O?
Periodic Table (Ch. 19)
You will be expected to know that when elements are listed in order according to atomic number, the
repeating patterns of physical and chemical properties identify families of elements. You should know
how to read the periodic table and identify an unknown element when given its period number (AKA
the row) and group number (AKA the column). You should know the four special names given to
groups 1, 2, 7, and 8, and where metals, nonmetals, and metalloids are located on the periodic table.
You will be given a periodic table to use during the test.
17. Practice Problems: What element is located in group 2, period 3? Group 7, period 4?
Is Rb a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid? What about S? Si? Kr? Be? Ge?