Grade 7 Science: Pure Substances & Mixtures Learning Goals

Grade 7 Science Unit 2: Pure Substances and Mixtures
Learning Goals
Understanding Basic Concepts
1. I can distinguish between pure substances and mixtures.
2. I can explain the particle theory of matter.
3. I can use the particle theory to describe the difference between pure substances and
4. I can distinguish between solutions and mechanical mixtures.
5. I can describe the processes used to separate mixtures or solutions into their
components and identify some industry applications of these processes.
6. I can identify components of a solution.
7. I can identify solutes and solvents in various kinds of solutions.
8. I can describe the concentration of a solution in qualitative and quantitative terms.
9. I can describe the difference between saturated and unsaturated solutions.
10. I can explain why water is referred to as the universal solvent.
Relating Science and Technology to Society and the Environment
1. I can assess positive and negative environmental impacts related to the disposal of pure
substances and mixtures.
2. I can assess the impact on society and the environment of different industrial methods
of separating mixtures and solutions.
Developing Investigation and Communication Skills
1. I can follow established safety procedures for handling chemicals and apparatus.
2. I can use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills to investigate the properties of
mixtures and solutions and the factors that affect the solubility of a substance and the
rate at which substances dissolve.
3. I can investigate processes used for separating different mixtures.
4. I can use appropriate science vocabulary (mechanical mixture, solution, solute, insoluble,
saturated, unsaturated, dilute, etc.) in oral and written communication.
5. I can communicate my knowledge in a variety of forms (oral, written, graphing, multimedia).