Supplemental material Manuscript: The functional -1019C/G HTR1A polymorphism and mechanisms of fear Supplementary Figure 1. Flow chart -2- Supplementary Figure 2. The conditioning paradigm The time course of the fMRI paradigm consisted of three phases: familiarisation (F), acquisition (A) and extinction (E) 30, each subdivided into an early and a late phase 27. Different neutral stimuli (yellow/blue spheres and violet/green squares) were used in parallel versions to account for repeated exposure to the experiment in the pre-post-design (t1, t2). Each sphere/square was visually presented for 2000 ms with a variable inter-stimulus interval (ISI) of 4.785 to 7.250 sec. An unpleasant white noise was used as the US and presented for 100 ms. The volume of the US was individually adapted (between 70 and 110 dB) to be unpleasant for the participant. The same individual adapted volume level of this first measurement was also used for the second measurement (t2). During the acquisition phase, one sphere/square was paired pseudorandomly with the US (thus becoming CS+), while the other sphere was not (thus becoming CS-). We used a partial reinforcement strategy in which 50% of the CS+ were paired with the US and 50% were not. Only those trials without US were analysed during acquisition to avoid overlap with neuronal activation directly related to the presentation of the US. The presentation of the US occurred 1900 ms after the onset of the CS+. Thus, both stimuli were coterminated. The US was not presented during the extinction phase. -3- Control fMRI analysis As control analysis, we tested whether changes in activation (t1 vs. t2) could also be observed in a healthy subjects group (n=42, for a more detailed group description, see27), which obtained no CBT. In the healthy subjects group, we found no significant activation changes in relevant regions such as the SMA, Insula and IFG, as supported by ROI analyses with the activation map illustrated in Fig. 4 (see also Tab. 2). By contrast, whole brain analyses revealed that activation changes are restricted to regions of the parietal lobe and the fusiform gyrus (see Supplementary Fig. 3, top). Therefore, the only overlap between activation changes in healthy subjects and the results of the gene by CBT interaction were found in the bilateral parietal lobe (right MNIxyz=26, -30, 72, t=3.43, 197 voxels; left MNIxyz=-26, -30, 72, t=3.35, 308 voxels; Supplementary Fig. 3, bottom). These data support the assumption that activation changes in relevant regions such as the SMA, Insula and IFG observed for the CC group are not based on general changes due to repeated exposure to the task and scanning environment. Thus, activation change in the SMA, Insula and IFG might represent specific CBT effects. -4- Supplementary Fig. 3. Activation change in the healthy control group Supplementary Fig. 3 illustrates activation change (t1>t2) for the conditioned response (CS+>CS-) during early acquisition in the healthy control group 27. Whereas the upper panel (Fig. 3A) displays the whole brain effect in healthy subjects, the panel below (Fig. 3B) reflects its overlap with the gene (CC vs. GG) by intervention (t1 vs. t2) interaction in the patient groups. Supplementary Fig. 4. Activation change in the late acquisition phase Supplementary Figure 4 illustrates activation changes (t1 vs. t2) in the late acquisition phase, in predominantly bilateral parietal and temporal brain regions. -5Behavioural avoidance test: Supplementary results Since CC and CG genotype carrier did not differ in any of the performed analyses below, BAT results for the comparison between the G allele homozygotes and C allele carriers (CC and CG) were comparable to the results of the comparison between GG and CC. Effect of HTR1A: Risk genotype was significantly associated with acute flight behaviour before therapy (t1): GG genotype carriers compared to C allele carriers escaped more often during exposure to the test chamber (χ² = 4.05, P=0.04; see Fig. 2A). Univariate analysis of variance with genotype (GG carriers vs. C carriers) and behaviour (escapers vs. non-escapers) as between-subjects variables revealed significant interaction effects between genotype and behaviour on reported anxiety during anticipation period (F(1,241)=7.69, p<.01) and exposure period (F(1,241)=9.88, p<.01). Post hoc analysis revealed that C allele carriers who showed escaping behaviour during the exposure period already reported significant more anticipatory anxiety compared to non-escaping patients at the anticipation period (Behaviour F(1,178)=25.54, p<.001;) while anticipatory anxiety between escaping and non-escaping G allele homozygotes was comparable (Behaviour F(1,63)=0.11, p=.75; see Fig. 2B). This suggests that pronounced self-reported anticipatory anxiety preceded escape behaviour only in the C allele group. During exposure reported anxiety was significantly increased in escaping patients as compared to non-escaping patients in both, C allele carriers (Behaviour F(1,178)=104.83, p<.001) and G allele homozygotes (Behaviour F(1,63)=12.88, p<.01). However, escaping C allele carriers reported significantly higher anxiety than G allele homozygous escapers (Genotype F(1,55)=12.50, p<.01) while no significant difference between genotypes was observed in nonescaping patients (Genotype F(1,186)=.92, p=.34; see Fig. 2B). -6References (numbers refer to the main text) 30. Reinhardt I, Jansen A, Kellermann T, Schüppen A, Kohn N, Gerlach AL, et al. Neural correlates of aversive conditioning: development of a functional imaging paradigm for the investigation of anxiety disorders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2010; 260(6): 443-453. 27. Kircher T, Arolt V, Jansen A, Pyka M, Reinhardt I, Kellermann T, et al. Effect of cognitivebehavioral therapy on neural correlates of fear conditioning in panic disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2013; 73(1): 93-101.