U-2010 Spectrophotometer Operating Instructions (Rev A) A. Start-Up 1. Log in 2. Turn on computer and start Windows 95. If printer is turned on before computer, you will get prompt to load drivers. Ignore; click 'Cancel'. 3. Turn on power to spectrophotometer 4. Open "UV Solutions" program; "U-2010 Spectrophotometer on COM 1" window should appear 5. Initialize spec; SPECTROPHOTOMETER INITIALIZE 6. If D2 lamp is not to be used, turn off by clicking on box at right of window 7. Allow 30 minutes to warm-up and equilibrate B. Analysis 1. Develop Method (Photometry, Wavelength Scan, or Time Scan) and Sample Table; see User's Manual for detailed instructions. If these have already been developed and saved as files, skip this step. 2. Load Method onto active analysis window; EDITMETHODLOAD LOOK IN "METHODS" FOLDERHIGHLIGHT FILENAMEOPENOK. 3. Load Sample Table onto active analysis window; similar procedure as above. 4. Zero instrument for Photometry or Time Scan; "0" button. 5. Start analysis; Green Light button. 6. When analysis is completed, run is saved automatically as method-name"001.udq" in the UV Solutions 'Methods' folder. Minimize monitor window and maximize data processing window (.udq). 7. Change data file (.udq) to descriptive name (date of run and type of analysis); FILEOPENMETHODSRIGHT CLICK ON FILE NAMERE-NAMEENTER 8. Move data file to D:/UV-Vis Data folder: Right click on new file nameCUT'Look in: DDouble click UV-Vis Data folderRight click in field of file namesPASTE 9. Record new name on log sheet C. Printing A Report 1. Turn on printer. Make sure cable is connected to computer. 2. Open data file to be printed. 3. FILEPRINT D. Shut-Down 1. Remove cell and clean. 2. Thoroughly clean any spillage from cell compartment. 3. Close "UV Solutions" program. 4. Shut-down computer. 5. Turn off power to spectrophotometer and printer. 6. Complete log sheet. 7. Properly dispose of waste; if hazardous, store in labeled, tagged container in 673 hood and notify Tom. 8. Clean any glassware you have used in your analysis. Miscellaneous Procedures Excluding Data Points From A Standard Curve 1. Open data file. 2. In method window, highlight standard to be deleted. 3. Press DELETE; curve and sample data will automatically be re-calculated. 4. Re-save if you wish to overwrite old data. 2