__________________________________________________________________________________ Columbia University Libraries. Rare Book and Manuscript Library records 1917-2006 145 linear feet (293 boxes and 54 ledgers) __________________________________________________________________________________ Administrative History A gift of the DeWitt Clinton papers in 1902 marked the beginning of active acquisition of collections of original manuscripts by the Columbia University library. In 1928, the Friends of the Columbia Libraries was founded (re-activated in 1951). The following year, 1929, marked the first major acquisition by Columbia University when it purchased the Professor Edwin R. A. Seligman collection. The Rare Book Department was officially established on July 1, 1930. In 1931, Professor David Eugene Smith, a teacher of mathematics, presented more than thirteen thousand volumes comprehensively covering the history of mathematics and astronomy from the eleventh century to the early decades of the twentieth century. Samuel S. Dale donated his library on weights and measures in 1930, which comprised one thousand books, pamphlets and manuscripts documenting the development of standard measures in all countries, beginning with works published in the fifteenth century. George A. Plimpton formally presented his library to the Rare Book Department in 1936. These three collections were at first housed and administered together as the Plimpton, Smith and Dale Libraries. In 1930, Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt was appointed curator of rare books. That same year also saw the establishment of the Book Arts collection. The Rare Book Department was originally located in Room 504 of Schermerhorn Hall (1930-1933). In September 1934 the Rare Book Department and other special collections moved to new quarters in Low Memorial Library. In 1937 a fire-proof vault was constructed in Room 209 of Low Library to house the Plimpton and Smith rarities. In 1938, the department was operating under the name “Special Collections” and operated two reading rooms (manuscript and rare book). The Department of Special Collections was reorganized July 1, 1944, combining three major departments (ie. Plimpton, Dale and Smith Libraries, Typographic Library and Special Collections of the West Wing of Low Memorial Library). Service was given from three reading rooms – Room 205 Low Memorial Library (Special Collections), Room 210 Low Memorial Library (Plimpton, Dale and Smith) and Room 654 South Hall (Typographic Library). The Plimpton, Dale and Smith Library was transferred to Butler in 1950. In1946, when Roland O. Baughman was appointed the head of Special Collections, succeeding Charles Adams. The name of the Department was changed in 1975 to the Rare Book and Manuscript Library (RBML), and in 1984 the RBML space on sixth floor of Butler was redesigned and renovated. Heads or Directors of the department have been: Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt (1930-1939); Charles Adams (1939-1945); Roland Baughman (1946-1967); Kenneth Lohf (1967-1992); Bernie Crystal, Acting Director (1993); and Jean Ashton (1994-2005). Systems used in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library: CUL RBML Files 2 Began in 1930 with a temporary classification system for the Seligman Library of Economics, and the Brander Matthews letters locked in a special finding case. Later, letters were arranged alphabetically, bound or filed in drawers, and listed. During 1933-1934 the card catalog was revised and subject headings changed, a system evolved to deal with what was considered a “highly specialized collection.” In1937, incunabula were arranged on the shelves chronologically. Rare books were generally classified using a “B” before a Dewey Decimal number. Occasionally archival material was pasted into ledgers, and were given an “X” classification. Records of acquisitions started being kept, and a system for gift records developed, in 1940. That same year, one reading room, Room 205, was in use, to provide improved service and better supervision in the use of Special Collections. Room 203 was used as an exhibition room. Books were often used in the stacks In 1942, the autograph letter file and a small catalog containing an alphabetic list of cataloged manuscripts were moved to the Low Memorial Library, the basis for the development of the manuscript collection. That year, all the cataloging of books for Special Collections was concentrated in the Catalog Department of South Hall, while for manuscripts the department did most of the cataloging themselves. For most of the Special Collections books acquired before 1938, there were no catalog records in the Department, but in 1942 shelf lists were being prepared. Autograph letters were being listed and filed in the Special Collection Department’s own manuscript catalog. In 1948 the Seligman collection was arranged chronologically by dates of imprint. Other important dates in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library timeline: On September 1, 1946, Special Collections became one of the departmental libraries in the Reader Services, under the general direction of the Assistant Director, Reader Services, with a new Head of Special Collections, Roland Baughman. The collections were moved to the 13th level of Butler Library, and the Department reading room was also moved, to Room 202 Butler. When the transfer to Butler was completed in 1947, the Department occupied Room 801, the cage in the north-east corner of level 14, all of level 13, Special Collections Rooms 653, 654, 655 and 656, the cage adjoining Room 653 on level 12, and rooms 201-202 (reading room and office). The Plimpton, Smith and Dale collections remained at Low. Bertha Frick left as curator of the Plimpton, Smith and Dale library on July 1, 1946. On August 1, 1947, Columbiana was placed under Special Collections. The Near East collection also reports under the Special Collections department. In 1948, a published statement of readers’ rules and privileges is approved and printed for distribution among readers and students. Responsibility for the newspaper microfilms were removed from the responsibility of the Special Collections department in 1949. The Bancroft Oral History Project was launched in May 1948 to obtain for permanent preservation the memoirs of living men and women who had been prominent in public affairs. In 1948, the Oral History Project was located in Room 103 Butler Library. The Director was Professor Allan Nevins, and the interviewer Dean Albertson. The first year of operation of the Archives of Russian and East European History and Culture was 1951-1952. On July 1, 1953, the School of Library Service Library was attached administratively to Special Collections. Scope and Content CUL RBML Files 3 Records consist of ten series: (I) Correspondence, day files and general office files; (II) Annual reports; (III) Exhibitions, projects, catalogs, publications & Columns; (IV) Renovations; (V) Acquisitions; (VI) Security; (VII) Reading room registers; (VIII) Charge cards; (IX) Statistics; (X) Permission and registration forms. Finding Aid: Contents list, 27 pages. Processing History: BRC 6/14/76; rev. BRC 2/14/78; rev. BRC 5/22/78; rev. BRC 7/9/84; rev. BRC 12/888; rev. BRC5/91; rev. BRC 10/91; rev. CL 2005. CUL RBML Files 4 ORGANIZATION OF THE FILES I: Correspondence, day files and general office files series 1917-2005 48 linear feet (123 boxes) Series consists of the general correspondence, incoming and outgoing; daily files of reference and retrieval activities of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library; financial files and general office files. Includes records for deposits; insurance for collections; correspondence regarding the Seligman collection; correspondence and subject files created by the Plimpton, Smith and Dale Libraries; and special collections correspondence and day files. Also includes general office files, arranged chronologically, and in some cases, alphabetically. Administrative files covering 1993-2005 were added to this series when the Director of RBML, Jean Ashton, retired in 2005. II: Annual reports series 1931-1984 1.25 linear feet (3 boxes) Series consists of annual reports produced by the Department of Special Collections, and after 1975 the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The annual reports contained lists of donations for the year and reports on the work of the department. III: Exhibitions, projects, catalogs, publications & Columns series Ca. 1950-1993 9.75 linear feet (9 boxes and 4 r.s.c.) Series consists of background material, invoices, galley proofs, photographs and catalog files related to Rare Book and Manuscript Library exhibitions and projects, including the Lohf Years exhibit, the Spewack exhibit and the “Collections and Treasures” exhibit. Also includes correspondence, images, press releases and catalog proofs related to an exhibit on the centenary of the birth of John Masefield. The series also contains material related to the publishing of catalogs and introductions written by Alfred C. Berol, an avid collector of rare books and manuscripts, and president of the Eagle Pencil Company (Berol Corp). Introductions written by Berol include the Solton Engel catalog, the Lewis and Clark catalog, and “A Letter from Henry Laurens to his son John Laurens”. Berol was a donor to the Columbia collection, and established the Arthur Rackham collection. IV: Renovations series 1947-1967, 1980-1985 2 linear feet (5 boxes) Series consists of correspondence, photographs, planning and construction files; blue prints; financial records for fundraising; auction records for sales of duplicates; construction memos and other records that resulted from renovations made to the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. CUL RBML Files 5 V: Acquisitions series 1997-1998 2 linear feet (5 boxes) Series consists of budgets, notes, invoices and dealer correspondence related to the acquisition of rare books and archival materials for the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. VI: Security series 1971-1976, 1994-2001 1 linear foot (2 boxes) Series consists of records related to Rare Book and Manuscript Library security. The series also includes the Collections Security Committee, which consists of meeting minutes, reports, surveys, policies and guidelines created in the process of writing a Collections Security Policy. VII: Reading room registers series 1931-2003 8 linear feet (4 boxes and 55 ledgers) The Reading room registers series consists of ledgers and pages of registration (sign-in registers) containing information about users of manuscripts and rare books in the Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library. From the fall of 1971 the Manuscript reading room maintained a separate register. A new joint reading room was created in 1985 for manuscript and rare book readers, which resulted in a joint ledger/register of researchers. This series also contains the microfilm reading machine book (1947-1949), and the guest book of the Rare Book department (1931-1937). The series includes the guest book/register for the Plimpton Library, the David Eugene Smith Library, and the Dale Library; the register of the Library of the American Type Founder’s Company (1937-1947); and the Seligman Library register (1938-1955). VIII: Charge card series 1972-2005 41 linear feet (73 boxes) Series consists of charge cards that detail material used by researchers from the Manuscripts collections, Oral History, Rare books and the Bakhmeteff Archives. The charge cards, prior to the 1980s, were blue for manuscript requests and brown for rare books. Oral history charge cards, when inactive, were boxes separately from the other collections, but later, due to space constraints, the inactive charge cards and slips were filed together with the charge cards of other collections. At least since 1985, the forms have been brown for manuscripts and blue for rare books. The form includes the user name and requested item title and location. They are currently filed by academic year (June to July), in two sequences: by shelving date and by collection. When material is requested from one of the Rare Book and Manuscript Libraries collections, a twopart, carbonless call slip is filled out, consisting of the original top half (the flimsy) and the carboncopy bottom half. For manuscript material, the flimsy is brought to the reading room with the paged material. The bottom half of all call slips is used in the reading room to charge and discharge material to readers. For rare books and some manuscript material (such as volumes and folders paged individually), the flimsy is left on the shelf in place of the material paged. Once material is shelved, the flimsy and the CUL RBML Files 6 bottom half of the call slip are brought back together to check that material has been returned by the user. IX: Statistics series 2001-2003 1 linear foot (2 boxes) Series consists of Rare Book Reading Room statistics, recording the number of users researching in the Reading Room. X: Permission and registration forms series ca. 1949-2002 25.4 linear feet (61 boxes) Series consists of permissions and registration forms for the manuscript, rare book and oral history collections, as well as Bakhmeteff registration sheets. The registration sheets are filled out by the researcher when they first arrive and record the researcher ID and address as well as the collections. XI : Addition 17 January 2006 ca. 1999-2005 6 lin ft. (12 boxes) Series consists of charge cards; general correspondence; day files; Jean Ashton’s administrative files. I : CORRESPONDENCE, DAY FILES AND GENERAL OFFICE FILES 1 2 3 Records for deposits kept in vault 1917-1937 Shelf list of books and manuscripts 1922 Office files correspondence – Seligman collection 1931-1939; 1944 Office files -Correspondence: Plimpton, Smith and Dale Libraries, Bertha Frick, Curator 1931-1939 4 Office files -Correspondence: Plimpton, Smith and Dale Libraries, Bertha Frick, Curator 1940-1949 5 Office files -Subject files: A-D Plimpton, Smith and Dale Libraries, Bertha Frick, Curator ca. 1931-1949 6 Office files -Subject files: E-End Plimpton, Smith and Dale Libraries, Bertha Frick, Curator ca. 1931-1949 7 Office files: A-M January 1937-July 6, 1938 CUL RBML Files 7 8 Office files: N-Z January 1937-July 6, 1938 9 Special Collections Correspondence July 1, 1938-July 1, 1939 10 Special Collections Correspondence July 1, 1939-July 1, 1940 11 Office files July 1, 1940-July 1, 1941 12 Office files July 1, 1941-July 1, 1942 13 Office files July 1, 1942-July 1, 1943 14 Office files July 1, 1943-July 1, 1944 15 Office files July 1, 1944-July 1, 1945 16 Office files July 1, 1945-July 1, 1946 17 Office files July 1, 1946-July 1, 1947 18 Office files July 1, 1947-July 1, 1948 19 Office files July 1, 1948-June 30, 1949 20 Office files July 1, 1949-July 1, 1950 21 Office files July 1, 1950-July 1, 1951 22 Office files July 1, 1951-July 1, 1952 23 Office files July 1, 1952-July 1, 1953 24 Office files: A-L July 1, 1953-July 1, 1954 25 Office files: M-Z July 1, 1953-July 1, 1954 26 Office files: A-G July 1, 1954-July 1, 1955 27 Office files: H-Z July 1, 1954-July 1, 1955 28 Office files: A-M 1955-1956 29 Office files: N-Z Office files: A-F 1955-1956 1956-1957 30 Office files: G-Z 1956-1957 31 Office files: A-L 1957-1958 32 Office files: M-Z 1957-1958 33 Office files: A-R 1958-1959 CUL RBML Files 8 34 Office files: S-Z Office files: A-J 1958-1959 1959-1960 35 Office files: K-Z 1959-1960 36 Office files: A-K 1960-1961 37 Office files: L-Z 1960-1961 38 Office files: A-K 1961-1962 39 Office files: L-Z 1961-1962 40 Office files: A-L 1962-1963 41 Office files: M-Z 1962-1963 42 Office files: A-L 1963-1964 43 Office files: M-Z 1963-1964 44 Office files: A-K 1964-1965 45 Office files: L-Z 1964-1965 46 Office files: A-L 1965-1966 47 Office files: M-Z 1965-1966 48 Office files: A-K 1966-1967 49 Office files: L-Z 1966-1967 50 Office files: A-L 1967-1968 51 Office files: M-S 1967-1968 52 Office files: T-Z Office files: A-K 1967-1968 1968-1969 53 Office files: L-Z 1968-1969 54 Office files: A-K 1969-1970 55 Office files: L-Z Office files: A-C 1969-1970 1970-1971 56 Office files: D-Z 1970-1971 57 Office files: A-Z 1971-1972 58 Office files: A-Z 1972-1973 CUL RBML Files 9 59 Office files: A-Z 1973-1974 60 Office files: A-Z 1974-1975 61 Office files: A-Z 1975-1976 62 Office files: A-Z 1976-1977 63 Office files: A-Z 1977-1978 64 Office files: A-Z 1978-1979 65 Office files: A-Z 1979-1980 66 Office files: A-Z 1980-1981 67 Office files: A-Z 1981-1982 68 Office files: A-Z 1982-1983 69 Office files: A-Z 1983-1984 70 Office files: A-Z 1984-1985 71 Office files: A-Z 1985-1986 72 Office files: A-Z 1986-1987 73 Office files: A-Z 1987-1988 74 Office files: A-Z 1988-1989 75 Office files: A-Z 1989-1990 76 Office files: General files 1990-1991 77 Office files: A-Z 1991-1992 78 Office files 1992-1993 79 Office files 1993-1994 80 Office files 1994-1995 81 Office files 1995-1996 82 Office files 1996-1997 83 Office files 1997-1998 84 Office files 1998-1999 85 Correspondence: Day file January 1973 to December 1974 CUL RBML Files 10 86 Correspondence: Day file January 1975 to June 1976 87 Correspondence: Day file July 1976 to December 1977 88 Correspondence: Day file (K.A. Lohf) April 1978 to December 1979 89 Correspondence: Day file (K.A. Lohf) 1980-1981 90 Correspondence: Day file (K.A. Lohf) April 1982 to June 1983 91 Correspondence: Day file (K.A. Lohf) April 1984 to December 1984 92 Correspondence: Day file January 1985 to December 1985 93 Correspondence: Day file (K.A. Lohf) January 1986 to June 1987 94 Correspondence: Day file July 1987 to June 1988 95 Correspondence: Day file July 1988 to June 1989 96 Correspondence: Day file 1989-1990 97 Correspondence: Day file 1990-1991 98 Correspondence: Day file 1991-1992 99 Correspondence: Day file 1992-1993 100 Correspondence: Day file 1993-1994 101 Correspondence: Day file 1994-1995 102 Correspondence: Day file 1995-1996 103 Day files July 1996 to June 1997 104 Day files July 1997 to June 1998 105 Day files July 1998 to June 1999 106 Day files July 1999 to December 1999 107 Day files January 2000 to June 2000 108 Day files July 2000 to December 2000 109 Day files January 2001 to June 2001 110 Duplicates – Fund Deposits July 1968 – June 1980 111 Duplicates – Fund Deposits July 1980 – June 1988 CUL RBML Files 11 112 Duplicates – Fund Deposits July 1988 – June 1994 113 General files -A thru Z 1993-1994 Office files – Insurance for Collections 1947-1948 114 II : ANNUAL REPORTS 115 Annual Reports 1931/1932 to 1957-1958 116 Annual Reports 1958/1959 to 1974/1975 117 Annual Reports 1975/1976 to 1983/1984 III : EXHIBITIONS, PROJECTS, CATALOGS, PUBLICATIONS, COLUMNS 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Manuscript catalog -background material for revised copy for a second edition of the 1959 catalog ca. 1988 Alfred C. Berol publications -Laurens letter -Lewis and Clark Expeditions -Engel -Special collections brochure 1964-1965 1971-1972 1967 1968-1969 Merton Exhibition catalog -invoices, exhibition 1989-1991 John Masefield Centenary -correspondence, invoices, exhibition 1978 Exhibition catalogs -“Collections and Treasures” -orders labels ca. 1988 Exhibition catalog -“Collections and Treasures” -photographs -Manuscript. -galley proofs ca. 1988 Exhibit catalogs -correspondence -general -L. Frank Baum -S. Crane -Rackham ca. 1950-1970 Exhibit catalogs CUL RBML Files 12 -Lohf Years exhibit -catalog files 125 Exhibits -“The World on Paper” 126 Exhibit catalogs -Spewack exhibit catalog files 1992 1993 COLUMBIA LIBRARY COLUMNS 290 November 1972 (Illus.) May 1972 (Illus.) February 1972 (Illus.) November 1971 (Illus.) May 1971 (Illus.) February 1971 (Illus.) November 1970 (Illus.) May 1970 (Illus.) February 1970 (Illus.) November 1969 (Illus.) May 1969 (Illus.) February 1969 (Illus.) Note: (There is no file for Nov. 1968) May 1968 (Illus.) February 1968 (Illus.) November 1967 (Illus.) May 1967 (Illus.) February 1967 (Illus.) November 1966(Illus.) May 1966 (Illus.) February 1966 (Illus.) November 1965(Illus.) 1964-65 (Illus.) 1962-63 (Illus.) 1961-62 (Illus.) 1960-61 (Illus.) 1959-60 (Illus.) 1958-59 (Illus.) 1957-58 (Illus.) 1956-57 (Illus.) 1955-56 (Illus.) 1954-55 (Illus) 1953-54 (Illus) 1952-53 (only 1 page illustration) 1951-52 (Illus.) 291 November 1984 May 1984 February 1984 November 1983 CUL RBML Files 13 291 292 May 1983 February 1983 November 1982 May 1982 February 1982 November 1981 May 1981 (Illus.) February 1981 (Illus.) November 1980 (Illus.) May 1980 (Illus.) February 1980 (Illus.) November 1979 (Illus.) May 1979 (Illus.) February 1979 (Illus.) November 1978(Illus.) May 1978 (Illus.) February 1978 (Illus.) November 1977(Illus.) May 1977 (Illus.) February 1977 (Illus.) November 1976 (Illus.) May 1976 (Illus.) February 1976 (Illus.) November 1975 (Illus.) May 1975 (Illus.) February 1975 (Illus.) November 1974 (Illus.) May 1974 (Illus.) February 1974 (Illus.) November 1973 (Illus.) May 1973 (Illus.) February 1973 (Illus.) November 1990 May 1990 February 1990 November 1989 May 1989 February 1989 November 1988 May 1988 February 1989 November 1987 May 1987 February 1987 November 1986 May 1986 February 1986 November 1985 May 1985 February 1985 CUL RBML Files 14 293 Columns Correspondence – 1980 -1995 Columns Correspondence – 1968-1979 Columns Expiration Claims Subscriptions Subscription Agency Info. May 1994 February 1994 November 1993 May 1993 February 1993 November 1992 May 1992 February 1992 November 1991 May 1991 February 1991 IV : RENOVATIONS 127 128 129 130 131 Renovation files -planning and construction files, including blue prints 1980-1985 Renovation files -financial records for fundraising 1980-1985 New quarters proposals 1947-1967 Renovation files -auction records and catalogs for sales of duplicates 1980-1985 Renovation files -construction memos -exhibit cases -finances -painting of new library -publicity and articles on new library 1980-1985 Renovation files -correspondence -photographs 1980-1985 V : ACQUISITIONS 132 133 Acquisitions -book budget -notes on purchases -invoices -book funds prints-outs Acquisitions 1991-1992/1992-1993 CUL RBML Files 15 134 135 136 -book budget -dealer descriptions -Sotheby’s -dealer correspondence -invoices/fund reports -notes on purchases 1993-1994/1994-1995 Acquisitions -book budget -dealer descriptions -invoices -print outs of funds -correspondence with dealers -SWANN -acquisitions – continuing -IPL - current hardcopy -IPL – microfiche 1995-1996 Acquisitions -book budget -dealers description -dealers quotes -invoices -print outs of funds -correspondence with dealers 1996-1997 Acquisitions -book budget -dealers descriptions -dealers quotes -invoices -print outs of funds 1997-1998 VII : SECURITY 137 RBML Security 1971-1976 138 Collections Security files -Collections Security Committee (meetings, reports, etc.) -Collections Security policy, guidelines -Surveys (CU libraries) -Collections Security documents, articles, etc 1994-2001 VII : READING ROOM REGISTERS Ledger # Description Dates 1 Special Collections daybook 1937-Feb. 1941 2 Special Collections daybook Mar. 1941-May 1947 CUL RBML Files 16 3 Special Collections daybook July 1947-Mar. 1948 4 Special Collections daybook May 1948-Feb 1949 5 Special Collections daybook Mar. 1949-July 1949 6 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1949-1950 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1950-1951 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1951-1952 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1952-1953 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1953-1954 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1954-1955 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1955-1956 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1956-1957 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1957-1958 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1958-1959 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1959-1960 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1960-1961 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1961-1962 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1962-1963 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1963-1964 7 7a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Department of Special collections CUL RBML Files 17 -daily record of use by readers 1964-1965 Department of Special collections -daily record of use by readers 1965-1966 22 Microfilm Reading Machine record book 1947-1948 23 Microfilm Reading Machine record book 1948-1949 24 Guest book of the Rare Book Department Feb. 1931 to Aug. 1937 25 Register of researcher names and addresses 1937-1939 21 26 Plimpton Library, David Eugene Smith Library, Dale Library -Guest book 1938-1950 27 Register of the Library of the American Typefounder’s Company January 1937 to May 1947 28 Seligman Library Register November 1938 to June 1955 29 Special collections register July 1939 to Mar. 1942 30 Special collections register Apr. 1942 to Oct. 1947 31 Special collections register Nov. 1947 to Nov. 1949 32 Special collections register Nov. 1949 to Jan. 1953 33 Special collections register Jan. 1953 to July 1954 34 Special collections register June 1955 to May 1958 35 Special collections register May 1958 to Sept. 1960 36 Special collections register Sept. 1960 to July 1962 37 Special collections register July 1962 to Feb. 1964 38 Special collections register Feb. 1964 to May 1965 39 Special collections register May 1965 to Oct. 1966 40 Special collections register Oct. 1966 to Mar. 1968 41 Special collections register Mar. 1968 to Dec. 1969 42 Special collections register Dec. 1969 to Sept. 1971 43 Special collections register Sept. 1971 to Mar. 1973 44 Special collections register Mar. 1973 to Aug. 1975 CUL RBML Files 18 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 139 140 141 142 Special collections Manuscript collections register (first separate manuscript reading room register) Oct. 1971 to Sept. 1975 Special collections Manuscript collections register Sept. 1975 to Oct. 1980 RBML Manuscript Reading Room register Nov. 1980 to July 1985 RBML Manuscript Reading Room register July 1985 to June 1991 RBML (LOOSE!) Rare Book Reading Room register Aug. to Nov. 1975 RBML Rare Book Reading Room register Nov. 1975 to April 1978 RBML Rare Book Reading Room register Apr. 1978 to Feb. 1981 RBML Rare Book Reading Room register Feb. 1981 to Aug 1984 RBML Rare Book Reading Room register Aug. 1984 to Dec. 1987 RBML Rare Book Reading Room register Dec. 1987 to Jan. 1990 Rare Book Reading Room -register Jan. 1990 – June 1994 Manuscript Reading Room -register -register of readers for RBML June 1991 to June 1994 June 1994 to July 1997 Reading Room -register of readers July 1997 to July 2003 Sign-in register for readers July 2003 – VIII : CHARGE CARDS Charge cards are filed chronologically, white flimsies are filed by call number order. 143 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1972-1973 CUL RBML Files 19 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1974-1975 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1975-1976/1976-1977 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1977-1978 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1978-1979 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1979-1980/1980-1981 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1981-1984 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1984-1987 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1987-1990 RBML Charge cards -Oral History -BAR 1992-1993 RBML Charge cards -Oral History -BAR 1993-1994 RBML Charge cards -Oral History 1994-1995 *see box 223 for Oral History charge cards 1995-1997 (boxes with flimsies) 155 156 157 158 159 Charge cards -Oral History -BAR 1997-1998 Charge cards and flimsies -Oral History 1998-1999 Charge cards and flimsies -Oral History 1999-2000 Charge cards and flimsies -Oral History 2000-2001 Charge cards and flimsies CUL RBML Files 20 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 -Oral History 2001-2002 RBML Charge cards, chronological file -Oral History 2002-2003 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1971-1972 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1972-1973 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1973-1974 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1974-1975 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1975-1976 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1976-1977 RBML Charge cards -Manuscripts -Rare books July 1972-June 1979+ some 1980 July 1977-June 1981+ some to -Papyrus 1975-1976 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1977-1978 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1978-1979 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1979-1980 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1980-1981 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1981-1982 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1982-1983 1984 168 169 170 171 172 173 CUL RBML Files 21 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1983-1984 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1984-1985 Charge slips -Manuscript -BAR 1985-1986 Charge slips -Manuscript -BAR 1986-1987 Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1987-1988 Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1988-1989 Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1989-1990 Charge cards -Manuscript -Oral History -BAR July 1990-June 1991 Charge cards -Manuscript -Oral History -BAR July 1991-June 1992 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1992-1993 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript 1993-1994 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1994-1995 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1995-1996 CUL RBML Files 22 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 RBML Charge cards -Manuscript -BAR 1996-1997 RBML Charge cards -Manuscripts July 1985-June 1993 RBML Charge cards -Rare books 1981-Nov. 1982 RBML Charge cards -Rare books Dec. 1982-Nov. 1983 RBML Charge cards -Rare books Dec. 1983-March 1985 RBML Charge cards -Rare books April 1985-Aug. 1986 RBML Charge cards -Rare books Sept. 1986-Feb. 1988 RBML Charge cards -Rare books Mar. 1988-Aug. 1989 RBML Charge cards -Rare books Aug. 1989-Dec. 1990 RBML Charge cards -Rare books Jan. 1991-June 1992 RBML Charge cards -Rare books June 1992-Jan. 1994 RBML Charge cards -Rare books Feb. 1994-Aug. 1995 RBML Charge cards -Manuscripts -Rare books July 1993-June 1995 August 1995 RBML Charge cards -Manuscripts -Rare books July 1995-June 1996 Oct. 1995-June 1996 RBML Charge cards -Rare books July 1995-Feb. 1997 RBML Charge cards -Manuscripts -Rare books July 1996-June 1997 March-June 1997 CUL RBML Files 23 203 RBML Charge cards -Manuscripts -Rare books July 1997-June 1998 Charge cards and flimsies -Manuscript 1995-1997 Charge cards and flimsies -Manuscript 1997-1998 Charge cards and flimsies -Manuscript 1998-1999 Charge cards and flimsies -Manuscript 1999-2000 Charge cards and flimsies -Manuscript 2000-2001 Charge cards and flimsies -Manuscript 2001-2002 210 Book Manuscript charge cards July 1998 to June 2001 211 Rare Book charge cards July 1998 to June 1999 212 Rare Book charge cards July 1999 to June 2000 213 Rare Book charge cards July 2000 to June 2001 214 RBML Charge cards -Rare books July 2003-June 2004 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file -Manuscript -Oral History -BAR Dec. 10, 1984 to June 30, 1986 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file -Manuscript -BAR -Oral History July 1, 1986 to June 30, 1987 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file -Manuscript -Oral History -BAR July 1, 1987 -June 30, 1988 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file -Manuscript -Oral History -BAR July 1988-June 30, 1990 204 205 206 207 208 209 215 216 217 218 CUL RBML Files 24 219 220 221 222 223 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file -Manuscript -Oral History -BAR July 1990-June 1992 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file 1992-1993 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file -Manuscript and Oral History 1993-1994 Charge slips (white flimsy), chronological file -Manuscript 1995-1996 Oral History charge cards 1995-1997 Oral History flimsies 1995-1997 Manuscript flimsies 1996-1997 BAR flimsies 1996-1997 IX : STATISTICS 224 225 Rare Book Reading Room -statistics July 2001-June 2002 Rare Book Reading Room -statistics July 2002-June 2003 X : PERMISSION/REGISTRATION FORMS 226 Manuscript permission forms, A-M ca. 1949-1966 227 Manuscript permission forms, N-Z ca. 1949-1966 228 Manuscript permission forms, A-K 1967-1970 229 Manuscript permission forms, L-Z 1967-1970 230 Manuscript permission forms, A-L 1970-1974 231 Manuscript permission forms, M-Z 1970-1974 232 Manuscript permission forms, A-G 1975-1979 233 Manuscript permission forms, H-N 1975-1979 234 Manuscript permission forms, O-Z 1975-1979 235 Manuscript registration forms, A-L 1980-June 1982 CUL RBML Files 25 236 Manuscript registration forms, M-Z 1980-June 1982 237 Manuscript registration forms, A-L July 1982-1985 238 Manuscript registration forms, M-Z July 1982-1985 239 Manuscript registration forms, A-Z 1986-1988 240 Manuscript registration forms, A-O 1991-1994 241 Manuscript registration forms, P-Z 1991-1994 242 Manuscript registration forms, A-Mo 1995-1996 243 Manuscript registration forms, Mu-Z 1995-1996 244 Manuscript registration forms, A-M July 1996-Dec. 1998 245 Manuscript registration forms, N-Z July 1996-Dec. 1998 246 Manuscript registration forms Jan. 1997-July 1999 247 Manuscript registration forms 1999-2000 248 Manuscript registration forms, A-HJ 2001-2002 249 Manuscript registration forms, Ho-N 2001-2002 250 Manuscript registration forms, O-Z 2001-2002 251 Oral History permission forms, A-Z 1949-1965 252 Oral History permission forms, A-M 1965-1970 253 Oral History permission forms, N-Z 1965-1970 254 Oral History registration forms, A-L 1969-1974 255 Oral History registration forms, M-Z 1969-1974 256 Oral History permission forms, A-G 1975-June 1982 257 Oral History permission forms, H-O 1975-June 1982 258 Oral History permission forms, P-Z 1975-June 1982 259 Oral History permission forms, A-J 1982-1988 260 Oral History permission forms, K-T 1982-1988 261 Oral History permission forms, U-Z 1982-1988 262 Oral History registration forms, A-K 1991-1995 CUL RBML Files 26 263 Oral History registration forms, L-Z 1991-1995 264 Oral History registration forms 1996-June 1998 265 Oral History registration forms 2001-2002 266 BAR registration sheets 1978-1980 267 BAR registration sheets, A-I 1991-1994 268 BAR registration sheets, I-Z 1991-1994 269 BAR registration sheets, A-Z 1995-1999 270 Rare book registration, A-Z ca. 1996 to June 1998 271 Rare book registration 1998-1999 272 Rare book registration 1999-2000 273 Rare book registration 2001-2002 274 Reader registration, A-G 1985-1987 275 Reader registration, P-Z 1985-1987 276 Reader registration, A-H 1987-1991 277 Reader registration, I-Z 1987-1991 278 Reader registration 1991-1992 XI : Addition 17 January 2006 279 Book and Manuscript charge cards Jul 2004-Jun 2005 280 Office files: General Correspondence, A-Z 1999-2001 281 Day Files Jul 2001-Dec 2001 282 Day Files Jan 2002-Jun 2002 283 Day Files Jul 2002-Dec 2002 284 Day Files Jan 2003-Jun 2003 285 Day Files Jul 2003-Jun 2004 286 Day Files Jul 2004-Dec 2004 287 Day Files Jan 2005-Jun 2005 CUL RBML Files 27 288 Jean Ashton's Administrative Files, A-O 1993-2005 289 Jean Ashton's Administrative Files, P-W 1993-2005