Historic Cherry Hill Research Policy

On-Site Collections Research Policy
All researchers who wish to study any of the collections at Historic Cherry Hill must
completely fill out this form. Access to the collections will be allowed only if this form
is completed and signed by the researcher. A new form must be completed with each
new project undertaken (multiple visits on one project do not require a new form).
Affiliation (University, Organizations, etc.)_____________________________________
Daytime Phone Number__________________________
Topic of Research (please be specific):
Reason for Research (publication, college course requirement, self-interest, genealogy):
1. All researchers must leave coats, bags and other materials in the vestibule upon
arrival. Researchers may use the following to conduct their research: notebook,
personal laptop, digital scanner, digital camera. Only pencil is allowed for
making notes around collections materials. No pens please!
2. No food or drink is allowed around collection materials.
3. All researchers must wash their hands before handling any Historic Cherry Hill
collection materials. In addition, gloves must be used if photographs are to be
4. Museum staff will orient the researcher on how best to handle collections. All
collection materials should be handled as little as possible, and with great care.
Jewelry and pendulous accessories must be removed, covered, or secured before
objects may be handled. The condition of collection materials may be deemed too
poor to be handled by the researcher, in which case the supervising staff person
will handle objects. Museum staff reserves the right to deny access to any
collection materials that are deemed too fragile.
5. Special instructions for the manuscript collection:
a. Have only one file out of a box at a time.
b. Have only one item out of a file at a time.
c. Do not pick up and hold materials when reading.
d. Do not lean on materials or place heavy or sharp objects on top of them.
e. Please obtain permission before removing items from plastic enclosures.
f. Use acid-free paper strips to mark any pages to be photocopied, and note
on each strip which box and folder the item came from.
g. When finished viewing manuscripts, place back in the folder exactly as
they were found and leave folder on top of box.
6. All research conducted at Historic Cherry Hill and subsequently used in a paper,
article, thesis, or publication must be cited as follows:
Historic Cherry Hill Collections
Albany, NY
Abbreviation: HCHC, Albany, NY
The researcher is to notify Historic Cherry Hill of the impending publication of
any paper/article/book that includes research information obtained from use of the
museum’s collection materials.
I agree to adhere to the stipulations regarding the collections objects and manuscripts as
described within the body of this form.
Signature of Researcher
Signature of HCH Staff
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Be Completed by Staff Only
Research Material(s) Used:
Number of Photocopies_________
Amount Paid_________________
Number of Digital Scans__________
Amount Paid___________________