Circulation Services Committee Minutes of the meeting on April 15, 2009 at 2:15pm in the Alice Moulton Room, Present: Neil Allen, Chair (Engineering/Computer Science), Anna Oh (Faculty of Information), Mei-Chu Lin (East Asian Library), Chris Crebolder (Emmanuel), Bev Branton (E.J. Pratt), Catherine Devion (UTSC), Anne Rebello (SMC), Susan Bond (Trinity), Mike Hamilton (Media Commons), Inez Rost (Baycrest), Thomas Chan (ITS), Renata Holder (Gerstein), Lari Langford (Access and Information), Lisa Doherty (Architecture), Dorota Swieton (UTM), Kamlesh Sharma (OISE), Jan MacLean (Music ), Maria Buda (Dentistry) Regrets: Liz Glover (Physics), Stephanie Abba (Regis), Bonnie Horne (Gerstein) 1. Minutes of previous meeting – approved 2. Business arising: none 3. Implementing new renewal policy on May 11th – Marketing it/Updating Web, Brochures – a. The following libraries will be implementing the policy change: Math, Earth Sciences, Gerstein, Robarts, Engineering, OISE, Media Commons, UTL Downsview, UTM, Law, Physics, Innis, Music, FIS, ROM, New College, Laidlaw. Three renewals will be allowed on regular books. Dentistry already has 3 renewals and will not be affected by the change. b. Ideas to market the new policy include: Posting it on the “What’s New” section of the UTL website and also the “What’s New” section of participating libraries’ websites. Another suggestion was to have ITS post it under my.account and the FAQ section of the website but to add the note “see individual library for details” or “see selected libraries for details”. Neil and Renata will work on the wording of the message. Publications Committee will also be informed. c. Books signed out prior to May 11th may be problematic as they will be signed out under the old circulation rule (2 renewals), override may be necessary for the third renewal of these items. 4. Implementing new STL fines policy in participating libraries a. To take effect on May 11th. STL fines will accumulate even when the libraries are closed at participating libraries. b. Marketing is also needed of this policy change. Renata will send an 8½ x 11 flyer outlining this change to the CIRCUSERS listservers. Other libraries can create their own flyer if they wish. The change will also be posted on the “What’s New” and the FAQ sections of the websites. The Publication Committee will be informed. 5. New Catalogue Interface Developments that relate to Circulation – a. Neil reported news from the Reference Meeting: due dates will now appear in the Endeca catalogue after 15 minutes of check-out. b. Any other change to the catalogue or item record will take effect overnight. c. Lari mentioned that shadowed records are not shadowed in Endeca, which means that vendor records will appear. Requests for books that are not yet received are possible. 6. Override passwords change – in August, on supervisor passwords and fines. Others as well. 7. Sending of fine notices and a set date yearly for no partial payment – a. Fine notices to undergrads will go out on April 27th, 2009. From now on it will be last Monday in April. b. No partial payment to annually go into effect on March 15th. 8. Maximum fine amount on overdue books a. It is currently $100. Further discussion took place about how different libraries deal with this problem. How this is enforced varies from library to library. b. There is no difference in fees whether the book is paperback or hard copy – this will be discussed further in the future. 9. Other Business a. Catherine Devion from UTSC – STL expiry date, do other libraries use it? Most do not, as it was thought that after the expiry date, the book would no longer be on STL. Mike Hamilton clarified that if an STL goes past expiry date, the status will not automatically switch to ‘Stacks’, but it will make it an INACTIVE rather than ACTIVE. b. Lari reminded us that Circulation Statistics will be due around the 15th of May c. HOLDS items at Robarts are being missed (Lari suggested that the properties in SIRSI need to be changed). At SMC patrons are receiving the notice that their HOLD is available, but actually the item is IN TRANSIT. When the item comes in, they “Check Item Status” it says HOLDS not IN TRANSIT. If this happens, send examples to Thomas Chan d. Some Hospital patrons come in with a barcode and tried to sign out materials. We should not be checking out items to people who do not have a UofT card with them, barcode is not enough. e. Incident at Gerstein: STL book was discharged around 4pm, but the SIRSI discharge time appeared as midnight of the same day. Lari suggested that the opening and closing schedule may have been wrong for that day. This issue has not been reported since. May be ok now. f. Inez Rost reported that she was not able to remove HOLDS in the last couple of weeks. She is using the “Remove User Hold”, but the hold stays in the person’s record. It was suggested to remove the hold using “Remove User Holds”, then “Check Item Status” and remove the HOLD again with the button “Remove holds from shelf”; and finally “Check item Status” again to make sure it is removed. g. Graduates’ borrowing privileges expire around convocation time (last week of June to 1st week of July). Undergrads who are returning as grads in September, will be switched as ‘invited’ and their privilege will show as expiring on September 30, 2009 throughout the summer. They will be switched to Grad in September. h. Graduate students on Maternity Leave will have to do the following so that their privileges continue: contact Heather Kelly at School of Graduate Studies; she will send a form to Perry Hall; he will make a provision for the student. Faculty and staff on Mat Leave are not affected. i. The last two Circulation Meeting Minutes are not up on the intranet yet, but they will be by next week . 10. Next meeting will be May 20th, 2009.