Curriculum map

Curriculum map
Year: 2
Autumn term:
Science/Personal Social Health Education (PSHE): Healthy Humans- Looking at what makes a
healthy lifestyle and how we grow.
Grouping and changing materials- Exploring different materials and what happens when they
Geography: The Seaside- How is the seaside different from our locality?
St Lucia- Exploring St Lucia as an island home.
Information Communication Technology (ICT): Creating pictures- Using colour and shapes to
create pictures on the computer.
Writing Stories- Communicating information using text.
Art: Painting the Seaside- Using different techniques to create sea paintings and observational
Design Technology (DT): Making Puppets- Designing and sewing our own puppets.
Religious Education (RE): Special Places and things- What makes something special and why?
Different places of worship.
Physical Education (PE): Gymnastics- To use different parts of our bodies to travel.
Games- Throwing and catching using different equipment.
Music: High and Low- Looking and high and low sounds, controlling and developing the pitch of
our voices.
Literacy: We will continue to develop children’s understanding, knowledge and skills in speaking,
listening, reading, spelling and writing, as set out in the Primary Framework.
Numeracy: We will continue to develop children’s understanding, knowledge and skills in number,
place value, computation, shape, weight, space and time, as set out in the Primary Framework.
Spring term:
Science: Electricity- Design, make, test and demonstrate a circuit.
Forces- Look at the effect of different surfaces on how fast a car can travel.
History: Children in the war years- Looking at WW2 and learning about evacuees.
Information Communication Technology (ICT): Controlling a floor turtle- Following instructions to
move a Beebot.
Finding Information- Carrying out research on the computer using an encyclopaedia.
Art: Creating a Collage- Using natural materials and paint to create a collage.
Design Technology (DT): Vehicles- Design, make and evaluate their own vehicles.
Religious Education (RE): - Learning to understand that other people might hold different beliefs
to my own.
Celebrations- Learning about different festivals and why festivals are special to people.
Personal Social Health Education (PSHE): Citizenship and Cooperation- To understand and work
together when solving problems.
Physical Education (PE): Games- Kicking- Looking at the different ways of being able to move a
ball using your feet.
Gymnastics- Travelling to practise jumping, rolling and curling one’s body.
Dance- Learning how to move rhythmically and imaginatively while responding to music.
Music: Exploring instruments- Learning how to respond and change sounds using a range of
Writing a score - Learning about pitch and those changes in pitch can be represented visually.
Literacy: We will continue to develop children’s understanding, knowledge and skills in speaking,
listening, reading, spelling and writing, as set out in the Primary Framework.
Numeracy: We will continue to develop children’s understanding, knowledge and skills in number,
place value, computation, shape, weight, space and time, as set out in the Primary Framework.
Summer term:
Science: Plants and Animals- Looking at life cycles and exploring plants and animals in our local
Variation- Sorting animals and plants into groups using a variety of criteria.
History: Castles- Looking at Motte and Bailey castles and characteristics of their features. Learning
about life in the castle and how it was protected from invaders.
Geography: Our Local Area- Developing skills in using a map of our local area - Northolt. Visiting
our local area and observing the different surroundings.
Information Communication Technology (ICT): Questions and Answers- Using a computer to
create a branching database to sort information.
Art: Patterns in our Environment- Creating a group mural of the school building and investigating
different textures.
Printing- Printing symmetrical patterns and exploring absorbent materials.
Design Technology (DT): Winding up Mechanisms- To design and make a winding mechanism.
Religious Education (RE): Bible Stories- Learning about the stories that Jesus told and finding out
about their meanings.
Personal Social Health Education (PSHE): Personal Development and Relationships- Learning
about how we develop over time and what relationships are.
Physical Education (PE): Gymnastics- Creating a sequence using a beginning, middle and an end.
Athletics- Exploring the different athletic games and learning the skills and techniques involved.
Games- Tennis and Cricket skills.
Music: Keeping the Beat- To keep in time to a regular pulse and internalise sound.
Learning how to combine sounds carefully to create layers of music.
Literacy: We will continue to develop children’s understanding, knowledge and skills in speaking,
listening, reading, spelling and writing, as set out in the Primary Framework.
Numeracy: We will continue to develop children’s understanding, knowledge and skills in number,
place value, computation, shape, weight, space and time, as set out in the Primary Framework.