Numeracy and ICT Numeracy: Block C Unit 1 – Handling Data and Measures. Block D Unit 1 – Calculating, measuring and understanding shape. Problem Solving. Literacy Science Rocks and Soil: The children will be examining, exploring, comparing and categorising different types of rocks and soil. They will develop their understanding of the effects that weather and erosion have on rocks and soil. Times tables. Myths and Legends: We will be exploring the key features of myths and legends. The children will create their own characters based on a ‘weather’ theme and write their own myth or legend. Adventure and Mystery: We will be focusing on a moral dilemma and conflict ICT: We will be exploring databases. Creating a branching database using What’s the Weather? resolution. The children will then adapt their ‘myth’ story to fit this genre. weather information. Hook: Children to plan, research and present a weather forecast for a country. Hist/Geog The children will be exploring weather around the world, focusing on the various types of weather and different climates, developing their understanding of the relationship between weather and tourism PE Hockey PSHE Friendship- We will be Gymnastics: They will be developing our creating and developing a understanding of what characteristics/ gymnastic sequence to qualities make a friend, reflect different forms changing friendships of/reactions to the and keeping good weather. friends. Outcome: Portfolio of work RE We will be developing our knowledge of Judaism. We will explore Christmas focusing on Advent and the Epiphany. French Art/DT Art: We will be exploring how we can convey the atmosphere and story of a dream. We will be using weather as a stimulus. DT: To design and create a container, incorporating the theme of weather, to keep their topic work in. Christmas in France – To learn Christmas greetings and to appreciate that Christmas in France is celebrated in different ways. Music We will be exploring rhythmic patterns. Class 3 Homework – Term 1 2012 Below are details of homework set this term for Class 3, together with hand in dates. Subject area DT/Art English/ICT Science French Task To create a container to store all of their topic work in. This needs to be able to fit several sheets of A4 paper in. It can, for example, be a box or a bag. It should be decorated so that it depicts our topic of weather around the world. To write an acrostic poem about weather around the world. This could, for example, use topic words such as: weather, climate, snow, sunshine, lightening or thunder. This may be either hand written or completed on the computer. It may also be suitably decorated again this can be hand drawn or may incorporate graphics. To create a fact file about a rock. Children are to pick a rock and find out as much information about the rock as they can. This can include what type of rock it is - sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic. What its texture and appearance is like. What the rock can be used for in daily life. These can be either hand written or typed on a plain piece of A4 paper as we would like to create a class book about rocks. Please can you find as many different French Christmas greetings as you can. Please only note them down as we will be using them in class. Hand in date 19.11.12 26.11.12 03.12.12 10.12.12 In addition to this homework children will be expected to do the following on a weekly basis: Mental Maths books – 1 page only per week, given out on a Thursday and handed in on a Tuesday. Spellings – These will be given out on a Thursday and tested on a Tuesday. Reading – Children should be reading regularly and recording this in their reading records. Reading records will be collected and checked every Monday morning. Times tables – Children will be regularly tested on their times tables during numeracy lessons and should practice those that they find challenging at home. Show and tell – Children are welcome to bring in things from home that they would like to show to the rest of the class on a Friday. It would be fantastic if the children could share their personal successes such as achievements and awards obtained for sports, clubs and hobbies. Please ensure that all items have their names clearly marked on them. Useful weblinks: Topic General